Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!


He sounds so angry or sad and that’s pretty uncharacteristic of him (?)
Too bad for his main hero getting changed


hoomans are emotional creatures, water is wet.

and yes, delete pulse generator and rework her 4 thanks.

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I’d be down for that only if the devs agreed to stop the reworks. More heroes > reworks.

The devs should’ve known the reason why players use heroes isn’t because they like the lore, game the hero is from, etc. It’s because they’re strong for their role. Any hero can be instapick material without a rework. Would they be broken? Yup, because that’s the definition of instapick.

Finished my last streak - Li Li, 4:8.
Seasonal score 18:23.
Sad panda, literally.

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Got out of a QM game where matchmaker assigned us Varian as our tank. He proceeds to build twinblades, types GG after blowing chunks not even 5 minutes in, does no damage for most of the game, feeds for most of the game and keeps typing GG at various intervals at the slightest convenience. The game ends in a crushing defeat as he isn’t able to do anything of value and didn’t intend on putting in effort in the first place. I comment that we might have won if we actually actually had a tank and Varian just types “QQ” in chat. Our Samuro starts laughing at him because Varian was the dude crying all game by typing GG, building bad and not even trying.

Overall a pretty awful experience and just a reminder that one toxic teammate can make an entire ~20 minute game just painful for literally no reason.


Love when you play Unranked, QM, or ARAM, try to give advice/disagreement over playstyle with another player, they get salty and toxic and say you are bad. Then you look at their profile at the end of the game and they are Bronze and Silver after playing this game for 6 years, still being Bronze and Silver. Makes sense why they never go up.

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I always get stomachache when I see a random Varian player show up, when the enemy has a Tank


I know what you mean that’s why I hate Blizzard’s decision that they removed the multiclass role. They shouldn’t remove it, but just add more versatile heroes like Uther on it. I would personally prefer multiclass over support role, because most supports are unique and can fill more roles than one, Medivh is the prime example.

I just wish, they would classify Varian as a bruiser. In this case a real Tank would be placed against the opponents Tank.

This would be horrible, because then you get even more matches, when enemys get Varian while others have only assassines, because there is no rule for bruiser. But if he would be a multiclass and not a bruiser or tank, then this would be a non issue, especially Uther in a heal role (QM) is also a problem, when there is no tank.

But most of the Assassins can compete with Bruisers but it will always be an issue, when one side has a beefy frontline and the other side a dork with two swords

They used to do this for QM, but the problem was that one team would have a Varian who would at least have the option to go Taunt, while the opposite team would have a Ragnaros. Multi-class is problematic because no matter how you group them, it causes issues. It would have been nice if Varian could queue for QM, but would have to pre-select his level 4, so he could be matched appropriately.


This could be a solution to the QM problem. In ranked play Varian is not an issue because most players (on high ELO) will pick him as one of the best tanks we have at this point. Uther is a hidden card until the last pick. He can be played as main Tank and as solo healer but he can also be both

Good they are not working on anymore of those multi classes. It was a failure and has only made games even worse when you have a Varian who can pick whatever ult he wants and then leaves his team with no real tank. And no Twin Blade tank is only good agaits weak teams so dont even mention it.

Agants good teams Twin solo tank gets rect.


I would just like to sarcastically thank the Li-Ming who used Wave of Force constantly to save the enemy heroes from my ULT when playing the Butcher. This was so frustrating!

Not just my ULT, when I had branded the enemy hero and was about to do my AA, she would boop them away so I got no damage or healing and could just be focused. I looked at the replay, she did this 14 times. :frowning:


Sounds like she was a troll.

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I must admit I do wonder about that, it’s often hard to differentiate poor playing from trolling. I mean, this was just QM, or I wouldn’t have been Butchering! It was more annoying as I got 320 meat, but I couldn’t do anything with it most of the time.

That’s crazy, Minky. It sounds too reliable to be intentional.
I certainly see Cocoons saving people regularly, but anyway.
Oh, and Hoggers. They always knock everything away. Seen Grubby totally messing up a Kel’thuzad teammate, preventing every single combo.


It’s funny you mention Hogger, I had one of those too, he was using his knockback when Ming wasn’t using her ULT. lol

I can laugh at it now, but during the game it was very frustrating as that game should have been an easy win.