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Gazno, etc, Jaina three man can just make jaina’s blizzard hit 5 of them. Unfortunately rexxar might’ve been the weakest link this game. If he went uther or another healer it’d have been optimal

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In theory you’re right your comp isn’t perfect, but don’t forget you’re in silver and skill matters. You’re team has a lot blow up potencial and I wouldn’t be surprised that, if you are dominating. I won way too many matches without key roles like healer or tank.

Personally I tend to say I like your team comp more, because you have better macro and cc with Raynor (Exterminator), Gaz and Rex vs Rag.

Rexxar solo top and the others would rotate mid and bot. Sure they don’t have the sustain for longer battles, but they have enough blow up power, so why would they need it? Don’t forget how strong Rex is on DS or Braxis.


Matchmaking in a nuttshell the past week now:

  1. One team gets two tanks and a squicy as only dmg dealer againts a 4-5 stack with perfect comp

  2. Matching two main tanks up againts a tank/bruiser comp.

  3. Matching solo bruiser team up againts a team with 3 bruisers that cant be killed cause no dmg or sustain my team.

  4. Matching 4 stack up againts 5 solos into endless stomps. Yea i bet you 4-5 stack abusers love getting free wins these days when matchmaker is as terrible as it is now lol.

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The comp is interesting, but I’m looking at the ranks. Your team is all Silver 1 with the best being a Gold 5 (so really silver). The enemy has 2 Golds, one Plat 4, a Silver 5 and 2.

As this is in the Salt Mines I assume your team lost? From the matching portraits it looks as if three on the other team are grouped? At any rate, aside from your team, it’s all a bit rainbow of the other side. I’ve seen much worse extremes, but still, this is why I don’t like Ranked anymore.

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But this is just a result that this game has bad population? So in fact you would never play ranked until game’s state becomes healthy again?

Yes and no. Remember they allow you to group 2 ranks apart, something you once couldn’t do. This is probably though another population issue, there just aren’t that many dedicated ranked players as back in HOTS heyday.

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Exactly. That’s why I am confused why you don’t play ranked, because even if it’s sad, but currently it is rather unlikely that the population will increase to the state like it’s used to be, except Blizzard puts more ads… but we’re talking about blizzard here…

But on the topic I know what it means about this rainbow matches I currently stuck at silver, because of this. Climb is just luck. My last 3 games were just stomps, I won one of it and I couldn’t carry the feed that happend on my team.


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I do play ranked, but nowhere near the frequency or volume I once did. I don’t like that SL allows for a 3 rank spread, essentially players can create their own rainbow matches and then the MM has to attempt to do some heavy MMR averaging for both teams.

When many people glibly say “Ranked is like QM, but with a draft” they aren’t too far off the mark. I want quality games from ranked, I don’t want to see Plat 1 paired with a Silver 5 for example.


On the contrary I saw players in gold or plat, where I thought how could he perform so much worse than me and I see this frequently… so I started to not matter, which rank I am, because it feels like it doesn’t matter and this is why I started my topic about the reset, because I am sick facing players, who are higher than me, but perform worse. My SL matches don’t makes fun in a competitve way, but I troll around with meta picks or weak performing heroes, because it doesn’t matter.

A complete rank reset won’t address this problem at all. There is also a smurf issue and if you keep the current format of allowing people to group 2 ranks apart, you will just get boosted accounts again.

I played HL since launch and even in the last year the match quality was far more consistent than what we have in SL. SL is Team League which was always considered a joke for good reason.

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Gazlowe would not let Rexxar solo. (He was actually the suprise pick that made this comp)

We did win, but mostly on the enemy Valla and Diablo being hyper agressive. BW tried to save Valla, but most of the time she dived so hard that she was dead before phaseshift would trigger.

We couldn’t totally outmacro them because Lava wave. But when they sent Rag bot, I grabbed my siege giants, poked him, out and destroy what was left of their wall and their fountain. Plus some damage on the fort. I knew they’d react by overdefending it for a while, so I rotated top, ganked, and destroyed that fountain too.

Our ETC was pretty good. And the xp I got from them fighting mid for a while helped too. But had their Diablo and Valla not been suicidal, we would have been destroyed.

I’m going to assume the silvers were Valla and Diablo. We came really close to losing.


It would, because smurfing and boosting becomes less incentives. Players, who got higher, but belongs in lower ranks have to play a lot to be in that ranks, that means casual players would stay in lower leagues, except they are extrordianry good. And smurfing isn’t solved yes, but it’s not a problem, because good players have to rank their real account and with it they get bonus boints to easy climb out.

Why would Gaz do that? Rexxar is great on DS and Gaz is flexible and can be skilled for teamfight/ganks with his E build.

As I thought, because your comp is really great, even without healer. Healer in those ranks are usually healbots and you can work well without them, if you know your heroes.

Sure lavawave is great, but you have more and better heroes for camps and ganks, because you have a lot of cc.

I don’t know HL experience, but the problem with SL for me that I am unable to solo carry, if the level of strength between teams is too great for me, when I see we are behind in kill death like 3 vs 20 it’s already game over for me and this pisses me off. :frowning:

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It’s less a smurf issue and the manner in which SL functions. You don’t have to be a smurf to be boosted. A high level veteran account can boost a less skilled veteran account under the current system. Resetting all ranks just starts the same problem over again.

Well HL was just solo vs solo players (for most of its history) and for the majority of the time people would all be the same rank on both teams. It’s just my opinion but I felt the games were more consistent, less noticeable skill gaps between teams. You’re right though, unless you have skills like a Sami, Dr. Logan, Lucifer, it’s quite hard to carry a team, especially if they are much less skilled than you are.


Because HotS players.


Nailed it, you can’t argue with bad players, because they drag you on their level and beat with you experience… :joy:

And this is why I still play SL, but don’t matter about my rank, because I know I have to improve and I usually can carry my team, unless they feed too hard and I can’t outsoak the feed. :joy:


I’m not worried about rank, I just want games in ranked to be of more consistent quality. The system they have now is designed to produce matches with more variables than HL, so that’s why I enjoy it less and play QM more.


By the love of god I would love to have this too, but I get this instead:

How am I supposed to carry this rainbow match? Guess I am not good enough…

I would just want to get matched with people who actually has basis knowledege of this game just for once and not some troll who only join to force lose you.

Also would be greatly loved if people cared about other peoples retreat/dnager pings just for once.

But but your mmr and Auriels mmr is the highest on your team so matchmaker think its balanced (Changed my mind)

Typical ETC feeder and 2700 mmr Auriel feeds too. Then you ofc ends up losing.
Everytime i have a ETC on my team he is always feeding so i guess that has become standard in ranked now too.


Actually, if you manage to come across a game without parties, it’s reasonably fine. For example, all Silver 1-2. Or even the same, although that’s rare.

I don’t know which queue is more fun. SL is still producing a bit more sensible matches, be it due to composition or less of rainbow. But having to flex so much. Backwards: 8 flex, 1 fun, 3 flex, 1 fun, 2 flex, 1 fun, 2 flex, 1 fun, 9 flex, 2 fun. Arguably I’m not picking aggressively enough - I should have “fun” 40% of the time in that above list, if playing all roles equally. Which isn’t very good to begin with. Whereas it’s 24:6, 80-20. I’m the embodiment of community service, lol.


Just got out of a 29min game on cursed hollow… 5min in our Zuljin says “ggg, its over mre” first of all its qm so maybe chill out, and second since the enemy team was blessed with better waveclear, burst, cc, and push power maybe expect an uphill battle and put that axe your grinding into the enemy?

So at 16min we have no buildings and they have all 3 keeps only. Ilidan and I (as tracer) get an amazing 3v1 invade at the enemy bruisers, getting genji, azmo, and chromie. Illidan while dead makes a silly boss call (kinda this guys MO, always trying to solo/sneak boss, never got it btw) and he and Zuljin start to bicker. it goes without saying, but without buildings its incredibly difficult to make space to get out of the base against their superior waveclear. as a result they start getting a few free medallions.

So times rolls on, we get a few picks, but cant really do anyting but push out lanes over and over, until about min 27 they do their boss. Orphea and I collapse on the boss early as its heading straight to core and 4 enemies right behind it. Illidan, Nova, and Zuljin barely finish our boss as the trib spawns. Illidan hearths, Nova walks back, and Zulin sits in toplane hitting minions and says “nahh let they win” Maiev drops cage right on the boss as it hits core, i guess hoping to catch us in a stun. Orphea drops her ult in the cage forcing them out of safety and i catch a chromie in the backline. BOOM! no more chromie! Maiev decides to leave the cage after losing half health and who does she run into? ME! MWAHAHAHAHA! no more maiev! Junkrat rocketrides onto our illidan forcing him back, but backup has arrived, nova with tripletap finishes off azmo! We get the cleanup and save core at 14%!! Zuljin decides he wants to play now and grabs the trib, starting a curse in our favor. Illidan runs bot lane for our seige giants (if i had any hair i would have pulled it all out by now) and Orphea, Nova and I run up mid clearing those 1hp minions while on the most direct route to top lane to follow our boss. “idiots e.e” says Zuljin… we arrive as he is being dove on by Genji and Junkrat, we quickly dispatch JR and Genji eats a triple tap and the hunt before going down! Chromie and Maiev have respawned as the boss smashes top keep. We are now on core with an Illidan. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge! Friendly team is victorious! “thank me e.e” says Zuljin…yeah buddy, thanks for not running it down mid i guess.

Why post this here? I got a win against impossible odds! I should be happy right? yeah well, between Zuljin being a twit, a suicidal Illidan, and when i watched the replay i learned that the enemy Genji became a bot around the 17min mark… well… i dunno, doesn’t actually feel good to win 5v4.

Bless my Orphea and Nova though, they deserve much better than that crap, and like me they tried like hell and stuck it out. Good on em and good luck to em