Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

I’ve been doing so, that’s why I’m playing so few games, wishing for new content. I’m holding out for a hero!

If I had been matched with you I would have said hi! You have a lovely and memorable BTag, I don’t see I would have overlooked you.

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Salt mines also needs its yearly clean up. So much salt has been added the mine can barely contain much more :smiley:

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Isn’t this the most posted to thread behind only the downvote thread?

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Not matched, just played a few with Harb and there was a name.
Was just wondering.

Are you on EU server? If so then that wasn’t me. :slight_smile:

Mostly is just the Thralls who will go Echo and not even finish the quest, or go a full melee build into a Garrosh, blinds and just feed. Or don’t go Ancestral Wrath at 7 against a beefy team.
Just crash lightening and Thunderstorm at 16 are just way more fun and I end up usually with top damage by the end of the game.

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1-15 feeder Guldan with only 13k dmg and a 1-8 feeder Falstad with 20k dmg was the best matchmaker could give me this game.

And more and more qm games goes into extended que all of the sudden even late afternoon.

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How is that possible is your mmr so low or sth.? I mean I also remember feeding moments, but tbh. I see such extreme cases rather rare. 1 in 100…

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It’s QM, it’s not an MMR issue, but rather an MMR averaging issue. In QM (unlike ranked) it can match Bronze 5 with GM/Master on the same team and the matchmaker tries to average the MMR for both teams.

So Froggy could have the highest MMR on his team and is playing let’s say Brightwing and in essence be expected to “carry” his team. As a Plat player I’ve been matched in QM with Masters and Bronze, this is even more likely to happen if you see QM “expanding” when searching for a game.


I’ve had games where my teammates are silver/gold while my opponents got Plat/diamond players. QM matchmaking is legit horrendous at times.

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Whatver your label in SL is does not, and should not, matter in QM.

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I know, but still I face those extremes only in 1 of 100 games. Does it mean, if you’re higher you’re game quality is lower on average than with low mmr?

No real idea TBH. There are many factors. What region you play on, what time of day, new/low level heroes are supposed to get MMR advantage. There is a limited new player queue, but the wait time is limited, so you get many low and high level accounts mixed. No, I’m not suggesting high accounts are more skilled than a new account, but the MMR for an established account is more certain.

Qm and SL has thier own mmr so if someone who only play ranked suddenly joins qm then he would get paired with low mmr players casue his QM mmr is so low.

I never got to check that Guldans rank if he had any but he was the worst really. He always got ganked 2v1 and would run around low on hp insteed of hs back to base.

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People can just have bad days, that or they could have a high rank but that rank is based around a small pool of heroes. As we’re talking QM, same goes, so if they are on a new hero or one that isn’t their main, they could have high MMR, but technically not when they are playing a tank.

As you have also pointed out, there are many boosted accounts now too. You might get matched with someone who mostly is carried by their group of friends, but is solo in your game and plays at their real skill level. Oh, and let’s not forget smurfs. :boom:

I’m not saying MM is great in any respect, but when you consider how many variables there are, it’s a wonder it works as well as it does, especially as the playerbase declines.

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I see why people hate tanking in this game. Zero follow up on my hammers and Junkrat that seems to like playing with minions more then helping his team and Genji that just 1v1 Hanzo whole game and leave me to protect Alex all alone againts Varian and Uther.

Guess im back to my others games again casue i cant be bothered to waste time with people in this game doing nothing.


I’m completely with Tooton on this one.
It’s not just hating, it’s not fun enough for the majority. People pick their 50% winrate assassin instead of playing with their often 100% winrate warrior roles. If it’s not even fun for those succeeding with it, what about those who don’t?

Make it fun, lower the skill floor by a mile, or stop asking people to flex.

People pick their 50% assassin for fun despite 100% warrior and communication.
Well, you are in my match. I am hard scarred, I don’t try, I throw. No fun for you. Not sorry.

Since the community is in disagreement about role preferences, I just become the epitome of all the cancer that is SL: I either hard bully or hard fail, no middle ground.

I absolutely recommend anyone to watch these two matches to get a grasp:
Muradin fail as tank.
I tried at first, then figured we’re behind. I don’t even remember the second half of the match.
Varian fail as bruiser.
I had one encounter with Chen, I figured that he is superior, and I was just fiddling. Why did Auriel crown me all game? I had half of her damage. My brain was online for grand total 35 seconds during this match. I had two kills and one fun chase. Unfortunately ranged runs faster than melee plus escape moves, so yeah. Why try.

(With enforced role preferences, even if random / rotated, I could have role-specific MMR, play these roles in Bronze, and have fun, learn and improve. But since I’m forced to suffer, I won’t learn and improve.)

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As a tank, you need to be more aggressive, constantly rotating and flanking. You’re first rotation to other lanes than mid and obj was at 5:30.
On this draft, you need to babysit Azmodan with Skullcracker as he’s an easy Q target and will get the most value if left alone.
You can also tell Lunara + BW to take mercs. Imperius soloing it is not optimal at all.
You don’t need to clear waves in the middle of a lane. Catching a crashing wave into your towers is fine.
Save your stun for more impactful follow ups around your team.

Watch this one:

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I hate humans.


Edit: Yep, loss… Every game with an Azmodan on my team has been a loss. Only 188 points this time though. At least the game still knows i’m supposed to lose.


Have been busy, so playing less (a bit of a relief, I guess :stuck_out_tongue: ), so only played like 6 QM games with 1-3 friends…

4 games out of the 6 there was a random Nova on our side… WHY? Am I cursed? And they’re all the same cheese build, but they’re all different name-tags.

The last 2 games I decided to Nova because this was nuts. We lost with a Murky who barely pushed and had most deaths (5.25 I think) . 24k exp on murky on a 30 min game is sad to say the least.

We won when I finally tanked and a friend went Nova.

Sheesh :frowning: