Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

And yet we’re labeled toxic if we call out dumb teammates for being dumb after we ping to go core

Maybe they were scared you guys would lose the 5 v 3

I agree with totoon here, because 5v3 on hanamura isnt Always easy (depends on their heroes). Tass Idea to do Samurai wasnt bad and push with him. Sadly not enemys Samurai though…

Just got out of a game with an awful Zeratul. He spent all game refusing to dive backline, claiming that I was “face tanking and suicidal” despite me juking the enemy Kerrigan/Genji’s dives consistently throughout the game, talked smack about other players, etc. We end the game and he’s managed to not only smack talk our ENTIRE team, he has virtually no kills, SLIGHTLY more damage than our Ana and almost no assists. He messages me after the game and starts bragging about being Diamond 5 and doesn’t realize his rank is irrelevant when he plays bad. He starts bragging about how good his build is because “I SAW IT IN CCL ONCE” and just… man.

I’ve never seen someone so disconnected from the game just because they watch streamers all the time or something. It was really weird.


This game really just dont give me any reason to log in anymore really.

Somethings never change in this game. One of them is high feed count Tass players and the next is high lvl account players who has 1700+ games as LI-Ming and still gos meme build againts Nova and Illidan lol. And yes she picked the Archon talent aswell just to complete the trolling.

Go in, lose a game with troll Li-Mings and log off again and come back again next week and do it all over again.

But those feeders wont get any punishment right ?

  1. I don’t think soloing the samurai with Tass is a good idea. (He eventually had to let it go to avoid dying)

  2. I don’t see that pushing 5 v 5 with the samurai is better than pushing the core 5v3. The Maiev actually died top, because one of our opponents whent to depush top and wouldn’t have defended his/her core.

Seems to be a lot of that lately.


Makes me think. In the end of WC3, but before all the MHackers there were a lot of “Ally Killers”. They’d enjoy to rush their teammates town halls and lose games over and over again. If you ever engaged chatting with them that was some pretty dark sheet.

I guess some people actively P2L.


Boggles my mind when Thralls in aram don’t go crash lightening, literally one of the only times you should go it.

Doesn’t guarantee a win though. “Rolling Thunder” is a good choice too. Especially vs a heavy frontline.

Not saying it guarantee’s a win, I am expecting way to much from ARAM players here to use their brain, but if they have blinds, blocks, don’t go a heavy melee build. Crash lightening, ancestral wrath at 7 (see Thrall’s countless times not take this verse a beefy team) and Thunderstorm at 16 is just to good in ARAM and the safe bet. But 9 out of 10 times I see Thrall’s go all melee talents, even echo of the elements at 1 and just do no damage.
But, this is ARAM and I feel players just mash their head on the keyboard when picking talents.

I wonder if players who build Ming like this, vs dive comps is the reason why Li-Ming’s winrate is so low? Yes you would see this orb spam build before triumvirate was buffed, but nowhere near as often as now, from my own in game experience that is.


Zagara is Li Li squared. She presses W or E and it automatically follows heroes around, hitting them. No skill needed. She just places D everywhere which most heroes can’t remove, and she has autobuff.

Seriously though, every hero could use a level 4 sustain tier / option. Or level 1, as the early game is about poking and practicing anyway. Maybe enable any talent whenever you want, one per tier or absolutely free. Like items. :wink:

The mega big problem is, as a lot of siege heroes have been readjusted or simply acknowledged as PvP heroes, including Azmodan or Abathur, a good pusher (including Tassadar) has virtually no answer. Zagara has guaranteed double globe every wave, she is always safe under towers due to summons. I mean, when rotations are a myth.

The fun thing is, we had a very good match-deciding lane brawl with enemy Zagara, she won by a small margin, I alone doubled the match duration and she alone ensured a decent win, but neither of us even showed up on the MVP. I kept blocking her spells day in, day out.

Oh, and what business of mine is to solo lane as Ming vs Zagara? Well. I pinged.
(Maybe should have gone E, then again the objective and fat enemies and always taking damage anyway. Tough choice. I had virtually 0 uptime potential on all 3 level 1 options.)

Sure, based on composition and post match inspection we had an exact 0% chance to win. Still! :slight_smile:


So, I’m level 1447. Been playing pretty much since launch. First time in 1000’s of games I’ve seen almost an entire team quit after the first exchange. The game was won in about 5 minutes, could have actually been won a bit earlier if not for wondering WTF was going on.

I’ve been part of toxic match ups but man I would have loved to see their chat logs.

To the Varian and Butch on their team who did not quit - better luck next game.


You sure those were not a 3 man team. I have seen this before with groupes who just leaves.
LIke my last game where it happend.

We had a Sylvanas who writed something in cyrill letters then Imp, Tyreal, Aba who was on the same team suddenly leaved after Imp had said something racist to her.

Game ended quickly with only me as healer and Sylvanas left to watch enemy team take all towers and win within 10 min on TOD.

Those people deserves to get suspended for doing that.
You dont just que up and then leave after only 1 min just because Sylvanas writes in cyril letters.

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Match 1: Tracer is fine:
Considering his 100 win balance in the season, he is somewhere between B1 and D1.
Match 2: Same post about Genji. Also Valla is :poop:
Match 3: Against Genji + Qhira + Aba. More Valla is :poop:
Match 4: Falstad W + Abathur needs more buffs. Not good enough.
Match 5: Ultra easy enemies, including P4 Genji. Nice Auriel. 3 wins completed. (A-ha!)
Match 6: No healer, no tank. Tracer vs Genji. Valla could use baseline Farflight, 13 lifesteal, or some health (Azmo has 80% more). Or a hologram support Tassadar casting shields.

Match 7 - Meme against Muradin + 4 healers. Easy win.
Match 8 - Got ultra hard trolled. Valeera abused the 2nd half so the stats don’t show.

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I find Echo of the Elements fine in a team fight, rolling thunder niche is high health pools, if its not present I don’t think it will ever succeed, I’ve been disfavoring Crash Lightning in ARAM a lot, also Echo has good synergy with Follow Through.

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It can later on get nasty if you pick the lightning talent at 16 for more dmg and increased slow.

Not a necessary really, I prioritize Alpha Wolf because root becomes stronger and % damage is strong, though I pick that if I have to play frontline in a lot of poke which in that case alpha wolf struggles a lot.

For example in games like this:

I am unable to reach my target due Lunara slow and a lot of poke.

I played as KT, my team dived behind enemy keep and got wiped, I retreated. I got blamed for “too focus on minions”.
I have top siege damage, but also top hero damage and 0 death.
They: “barely top damage”. My hero damage was 54k, the 2nd one had 48k.

So, apparently I didn’t carry them hard enough.


I have no real salt to add to the mines and no super GG’s with more importantly good people to add to my GG thread.

Maybe I’m over HOTS… Okay a little salt, playing very little HOTS as I would like some new content.

Time for a break!
Did we play together a few days ago by any chance? I was wondering about a specific name.