Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

It was Hanamura. Nova doesn’t pick Bribe or Precision Strike.

Li Ming goes orb build, picks Lazier AND Glasscannon into a “The Hunt” Illidan. Doesn’t GC make Li Ming base health to around 1000hp? Anyways, Li Ming cries out: “I’m just gonna siege”, but they never did. Then they cry out: “Protect me from the Illidan! / Just kill him!” Bruh! you picked the worst build/talents/heroic into that guy! no amount of “protection” will save you.

End of match, they spam out “bad” like 12 times… I really thought it was for themselves, y’know when people selfdiscipline/harm after doing something bad.

Whenever Novas play it’s an uphill battle for whichever team gets her. I get Nova, it’s a hard game; they get Nova, it’s an easy game. And rare good Novas out there are almost never on my team.

Edit: And why is it that about 50% of my QM games there are Novas? Why do some people do that to themselves?


I did, that was today’s 1:3.

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Uff… why do you play QM and not ranked? QM doesn’t proof, if you suck or are good with one hero (at least not for such small sample size of games), because the random aspect with team comps is a factor as well.

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I used to believe that. In the animated clip I posted on the “GG thanks for good game” thread, I had a Lucio who accounted for 40% of the team’s deaths: Most of those were from eating every Chromie hits (no time loop).

I don’t believe Aphandra is those people so… “fighting!” :fist: : :v:


I saw my group being online and 1 spot free came to join them. And a 5th player joined
Im salty

I achieved what I could this season. I also don’t really enjoy drafting: slow and samey.

I don’t play enough to be a flex, and that cripples my SL experience. After reviewing my flexing today, I figured I didn’t play Rehgar since February and I only play Varian one match a month. Of course I was bad. Worse yet, I wasn’t even conscious about that.

Also, reviewing another thing I figured I have 61 / 67% winrate as D Tassadar (lifetime / seasonal) while 47 / 33% as Q. But it can cause conflict inside the team. SL (and parties) are a bit more social and … when alone I trust myself now, but when social I respect others and often fail. Occasionally I get the same teammates twice in SL and once or twice they did comment about my stupid build in the previous game. (It’s not that others are stupid. They just don’t know my limits and habits.)

Once you climb enough in QM, it’s really nice, too. A different kind of nice. Gets difficult. Faster. Scarier. My habit of playing streaks is also practical because it removes some randomness and adds versatility: a couple matches without a healer, about a half without a tank. So I might get a little upset about opening with a loss streak, but then it usually evens out, or almost. Unless the hero doesn’t click.

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i only had one close game tonight. the others were either completly trashcan, because of toxic behaviour/players (or i should call them authors ?because they write so much ), completly overrun by probably some twinks and you still lose like 220 or you are part of the fire nation attack and change everything.
to sum it up: either you lose hard or you smash your opponent like the john cena punisher which doesnt feel satisfying at all.
sometimes i might see that golden horizon again and maybe its gonna be the day that saves meee … *singing

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Does anyone like Overwatch heroes, for real?
Either they are mastered and they are utterly OP, 10-20 kills, impossible to attack, capable of deleting a hero in half a second, taken to eleven by everyone’s favorite slug…
… or they are completely useless, either because the composition doesn’t suit them, or the player doesn’t know them.

Came across multiple Genji + Abathur today, that combo is CANCER. 1000+ dps and triple immunity (deflect, shield, and the risk of deflect). Both of them were low bronze.

Overwatch should be erased from history.

Also, need to be able to unequip mastery ring.
Just a callout for Kill me. Bad decision to pick up.

Play Zarya, equip the mastery ring so they attack you, free energy!

And you get to play one of the more balanced Overwatch heroes. Win win.


Such mind games! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes. D.Va is my most played hero, but I also like Genji and Tracer, the mobile most hated heroes. :smiley:

It feels indeed like cheating, if you don’t attack Genji while he is shining (deflect), but you still gets damage from it. :joy: But honestly looks like he was diving you into your towers and activated deflect, when towers shot at him?

But actually, if you’re tassadar and you have Archon, you don’t have to fear Genji, because usually you have more health (shield talent at 4!) than him and can out damage him easily.

Meh. Here is my humility:
I am the crappiest player on HotS.
I don’t deserve the friendship of any of you.
I can’t hit any skill shot.
I didn’t improve. It was 100% luck.
Every post I made the last month is invalid.

Now, life and karma, you happy?


I think part of it is because most Overwatch heroes in the game (sans Zarya and Ana) have at least one very solid movement option, allowing good players to get a lot of value out of them and bad players to put THEMSELVES into awful situations.


This sounds like 90% of my QM games, I get a sinking feeling when I see a Nova or Ming on the load screen. For some reason most of the people playing them want to take meme builds.

Your posts usually make me happy, not so much this one. I understand your above post was only semi serious, but you almost always display modesty in your posts, this time too much.

In so many of your posts here in the salt mines, you may point out the mistakes of your team, but almost always point out your own mistakes too. You are probably unique to doing so in this thread, it’s a very admirable quality.


Well, at that point I was clearly in a mood, partially a lack of sleep. Food delivery at 6.30am desn’t help, and silly me doesn’t (always) adjust by early bedtime. I’m a late night guy for life.

The precursor to this post has been my last month, during which I’ve won more than I’ve lost, culminating in last weekend’s Li-Ming matches. I was genuinely happy, I was thinking I’ve improved a little, as in practice makes perfect. And I shared it merrily!

And then last week happened:

  • slightly worse skill (execution), and it can mean a lot
  • played some matches with Harb, it’s utterly hard mechanically, I’m noticeably slower, I’m scared to do anything, and so I cannot execute my things - meaning, I’m clearly not their level by a mile
  • I was hoping for a slightly positive winrate after the losses, but I had a funny streak: win against diamonds, lose against bronzes, repeat

So, it was humiliating, and I felt like “practicing” self-humiliation, just like saying “I’m sorry” or “my bad” can get extremely hard until one learns. Basically, the kid (?) part was slapping my proud part.

Similar to job interviews. If you think you’re the ace, it’s great, but if you look for the challenge part in it, you might get further.

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Another match against a 70% winrate Tracer who used to be D1/M. 9:10:1.
I’m actually proud of my 14k hero damage by level 21. Could have been worse.

I don’t know what makes Diamond player have an innate 100% damage multiplier, but it’s very noticeable. They just look at me and I’m deleted.

Whatever, my humiliation continues. At least I’m going to win something, someday. When I get to QM bronzelands. Guess if I do 1+1, I shouldn’t play against these, so I need to go on a loss streak to play against people who don’t have innate damage multiplier.

I hate when I try a new hero, I don’t produce a 80% winrate, and then some random difficulties make it even worse. I could theorycraft a malicious matchmakes (you wanna lose, here, lose, you feeder bucket) or simply streaks of luck. Whatever.

On that note, Qhira sucks.
And Tracer needs 50% damage nerf.

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Did you know that in Garden of Terror, there is a message “Are you alright?”

Yes, absolutely. Enjoyed every second of abusing everything out of everything.
17 is my “lucky number” anyway.

Thrown a whole rank in a week.
Became a terribly toxic low bronze gameplay from a strong plat performance.
If I show up before May, send the police and let them chain me away from anything Blizzard.

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It’s sooooooo much better than Dragon Shire “MY HUSBAND IS DEAD”, eww, I hate that so much. Where is Dr. Logan’s cartoon meme about that? That makes me laugh.


Try Uther’s E. I hit that skillshot all the time.


Enemy lost their bot keep. Core’s open, 5 vs 3. Game’s over.

Maiev went top lane because “I could complete 2 quests”, and our Tassadar left to go solo our Samurai.