Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Did that Raynor just stand next to walls and let the Diablo slam him the whole game?

Not sure. But he told me that he died because he was better at taking merc camps than me…


How bizarre… I must admit that is a novel excuse for dying, never heard that one before.


Well, if he is such a high quality Raynor as I am (read: subpar), he might look at Varian and Zul’jin (and Aba) and auto acknowledge the loss. Mei has a lot of blinds which is hopeful. But with Uther, for me this match is lost at draft.

Being Ming I’d have gone Q/AA to try and wear down the enemies relentlessly, although Anduin might be able to patch them up just fine.

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Oh boy, oh dear, yes that’s a bad draft. My eyes are bad, I had thought Uther had died 2 times, but it’s 9 with less healing than the enemy Abathur. :frowning:

I will totally admit to having terrible games as a healer, but never yet have I suffered the humiliation of being out healed by any enemy support. Yikes!


This doesn’t really belong in the Salt Mines, but there exists no Irony Mines, (not a play on words for your BTag Ironymus, trust me!). I had a super weird QM where I was matched with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 silenced players! Even more strange was none of them were grouped!

Before then, I think maybe I’ve been matched with 2 silenced players in the same team, maybe, I really think only 1. Well it’s not salty, our (mostly) silenced team played like pros, no ping spam (that was a shock) total domination of the enemy team and very good teamwork. Maybe some people really should mute their chat. I had the feeling these people played more efficiently when they couldn’t type anything.

Really 4 silenced?! :boom:


Indeed this is painful and I remember a game yesterday on ToSq, where we had an Raynor, who blamed me as a tank not doing my job, but on the other hand he always runs solo into 3-4 enemys and died. It was horrible to watch…

Toxicity level during covid is increasing? :thinking:


Maybe the most obvious answer to my question is probably true! It was really weird and I was very careful not to say one word or even ping being grouped with 4 silenced players.

*I forgot to say, I got a end game survey question. “How well did you team communicate during the game?” (Whatever it says)

That made me really laugh out loud! Blizzard must be familiar with irony.


I know it’s automated and random, when those surveys comes or not, but when this appears in situations like that it feels quite ironic. :smiley:


I dont even take those surveys serious anymore cause i have no clue if the info is used to something properly or its just Blizz trolling us now.

I also would say this surveys aren’t important as we would like it to, but I wouldn’t dismiss them, because it’s still a tool, where the company get your opinion.

i think you broke the record for having most silenced players on the team LOL :smiley:


I’ve seen so much weird stuff in my games that I’m not even surprised anymore. I just muted him and moved on. Though our Uther died more than he did.

The enemy team really wasn’t very good, but with that many suicides…

Well it’s not his fault. After all, you can’t heal if you’re dead. And he died about every minute and a half. (He was actually the first death, and the second…and the third. Then Raynor joined in)

Damn, you found the hack!


Meh. I’m clearly not supposed to play healer to win, like ever.
0:1, 0:2, 1:3
Sure, making room for that 12:0 Li-Ming session afterwards, but still.
The win was carried by a Bronze 4 Qhira against three Plats.
My Lucio MMR is so bad, I lose 30 MMR and gain 150 per match. :smiley: Bouncing back from Bronze 22ish.

I realized yesterday that Overwatch is my crappiest universe by far. My best hero is Ana 49% (this season 15% though), and overall around 25-30%.

Also healing became my worst role this season by a margin. This is a first, as it was always my best, unless just very close. Well, times change.


Switch to Tank?

(Or Medhiv)


I can’t believe it Aphandra… sure not everyone is able being Chad Lucio, but everyone can play Healbot Lucio to be successful. What’s your build with him? Just avoid Wallride talents (too situational and need experience) and pick all the other talents and you will do fine!

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I will switch. Ranged AA is by far the best this season. Either luck or improved.
Tanking is my lifetime worst role.
Just steaming off a bit. Not particularly salty. My rank is invisible, everyone will see me as Silver 1, and I’ve internalized that every loss will come back. The 50% winrate rule.
Sitting at 52-53% winrate this season, just bleeding off some of the wins.

I did 0:3 with the meta build and today I decided to opt for the historical padding build.
Back when I still had chat a couple months ago, I’ve been called the world’s worst Brightwing. You’d think these heroes are easy, but actually, not.

Anyway, I’m sure not great but either Lucio is pretty much all about booping and jumping around and abusing the wall (the mana is great to be frank), or my teams are throw prone. This last match I was consistently 50% above enemy Brightwing, but lost anyway.

It’s fine, I was just curious, how it would go, I also expected it to be a bit easier, and I got quests. So yeah, just blame the quests. :wink:

(And there is a point during these 12 streaks where I lose my motivation to focus, so I just finish them to have the score on my profile, 1:11, see, don’t make me flex with this hero. Sometimes I end up 6xL + 6xW.)

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What is the meta build?

My easy build is: quest on 1, quest on 4, reverse amp on 7, sound barrier, speed E on 13, % healing or cdr for E on 16 and upgraded heroic or more healing.

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Build 1: [T3322322,Lucio] <- Suggested by virtually everyone and also best according to HP
Build 2: [T1121111,Lucio] <- Your easy build
If you check my match history on HP you can see them.

Anyway, got a nice progressive house radio show lined up, will have a nice evening, whatever happens. Well, kinda. Feeling a tiny bit sad. But, who knows, might win all the rest!

Who am I to complain, leading up to this, I had 8:4 Ming and 9:3 Malf before that.


I recommend you to try it out, because I still believe everyone can Lucio. My overall liftetime winrate with Lucio is around 58%.