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A small rant about Quickmatch comps and why I think it’s broken.

How can that be possible?:

4 assassines 1x healer vs 2 assassines, 1 healer, 1x bruiser and 1x support on ToD. How is that possible? Broken matchmaking. And on top of that enemys were also 4 premates, but that’s not a problem for me.

Aba gets paired with your healer casue both teams have a healer. Thrall gets paired againts greymane casue meele dmg Jaina and Prob againts Nova and Qhira vs Genji. But comp is still unfair yea. Since enemy team has a Aba that can soak/have map vision with mines and boost Thrall and Qhira to heaven with broken talents.

Aba can even go for mine build and blow half your team up with zero effort.
But since both teams has a healer Aba ofc breaks MM and get paired with your team.

Also enemy is a 4 man premade againts your 2 man and 3 randoms so yet again enemy team got favered big time here. No doubt.
And enemy team also gets 3 strong frontliners with sustain so that just proves even more enemy team got favored.

But hey lets put a team with tons of sustain and dmg up againts a team full of mages just like MM sometimes like to do.
Having Uther on your team againts a team with no cc just rules out everything and makes it 10 times more easy for thier team againts your who has zero frontline.

So yea. Just another free win for the cc heavy/frontline heavy team.


That’s not even the problem for me, but major thing that makes me pissed that they get a freaking heavy frontline with Thrall and Uther. Abathur is just the top of an ice mountain.

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Simple said, Premade.

You played with a friend they where in a four man premade.
It’s worth the discussion why a two man premade and three solo gets lined up with a four man premade, but I think it’s the diminishing player base, that is leading to such games


If that’s the reason why don’t make QM what it was before roles were considered. I mean I would prefer completely random over this what we have now. Bruiser heroes were known as ‘warrior’ for a reason that’s why I am annoyed, when one team gets a bruiser and the other dont. It’s basically like one team get a tank and the other team don’t.

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Why would you go Taunt Varian when you have a Garrosh on your team?

Just blame humans and their stupidity. #darkside

There are always people that don’t maliciously do dumb things. They’re just dumb. And then when you call them out for sucking you get banned as it’s unconstructive.

Eh, double tank can work, depending on your DPS and map. If the Garrosh throws someone, and the Varian is there to follow up, that person just dies. I played a double tank match last night with CaiusCain on Taunt Varian (yes, he still plays every now and then), and I was on Beetle Build Anub on ToD. Since ToD isn’t a map that requires heavy push in all lanes, Cain just held top and soaked, since they couldn’t kill him, while the 4 man rotated mid and bot as well as taking camps.

It can be harder to pull off if your team isn’t coordinated, and the map requires the solo laner to have some pushing power. What map was it?


On paper it might not sound like a good idea due to the fact you’re missing out on the damage of Colossus Smash or Twinblades. In practice, the ability to basically guarantee CC chains (such as throw>stun>taunt>slow>taunt) means that, if you’re even remotely using your brain, you can guarantee kills almost whenever you want. It can also take a lot of pressure off your top and bot laners by forcing the enemy team to go wherever Garrosh/Varian are.

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The Varian didn’t solo, so our Lunara hads to… So when I threw someone, he taunted, Raynor got 4 auto attacks, and then the target walked away.

Spider Queen. We had a Morales Lunara and Raynor. Lunara was soloing, and Raynor could not solo kill the targets I threw.

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28 min into a game, 3 of the enemy is dead, we are all up. Go to core to end that is at 58% to begin with. 3 teammates don’t hit the core and core survives at 4% and we all die and lose the game. How are these people platinum.


I’m salty that Blizzard has some troglodytes working for them that think its okay to put a solo que player against a 3-5 man stack now 19 games in a row.

What role do you main? we could team up against stupid people

Was on cursed towers.
zaretule on the enemy team carried so freaking hard.
murdered everyone on our team. not a issue for me tbh, little salt.
So angry at that disrespect.

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Had to take a 15min break after a truly intense warmup game on dshire.

It was a very tough game that went to lvl 25 enemy lost 1 fort, we were down all but 2 keeps with mid open. at 40v53 (our kills to theirs) they were eeking out an advantage (btw hats off to the enemy tracer, they played really well) overall. I die for top shrine and we get a DK. Our imperius stays long enough for the DK to pop while on bot shrine and gets jumped by AA leoric who, with the help of a minion wave, wreck imp. DK gets shredded since it has no back up, and mephisto gets to press R and finish off 2 more friendlies, and I have respawned at this point.

All enemy are up with falstad and leo low health. they move mid to shove a minion wave to core while falstad backs (watching the replay i assume he had mount or was afraid of giving me resets (oh im Q build Kerrigan btw!). So only 4, tracer decides to step up to the core and i nail her with my ultralisk, but miss the combo due to recall. I Q to leo just in range and take him out. Now imp has respawned and the enemy decides to retreat! HAZAAW! Except imp put on his beer goggles instead of his normal glasses and chase’s them into (you guessed it!) a minion wave, promptly misses all of his abilities and die’s…

The enemy naturally turns back to core ,and as tracer and I have an epic duel under the core, it crumbles and the game is finished… it was one of the most fun games i’ve had in a long time. So why post it here? well im just slightly salty that all imp had to do was nothing but stand there and look like the angel of valour for 15 damn seconds and the rest of the team could have respawned, giving us, however slight, hope for a victory, but hey, i guess if we aren’t rolling our face’s on the keyboard then we aren’t really playing right?


Meh. My Lucio matches are funny.
It’s one thing that the MM either expects me to ultra carry (lots of recent wins) or intentionally throw (playing a low winrate hero, 3:13 lifetime), or just bad luck, either way I get free losses.

But :smiley: My team is fine, until I show up. Then they start to die, reliably. I go away, they stop. Aphandra the anti-healer :smiley:

My last 7 KT QM games.

I have had best damage in the game in all 7.
I have had least deaths on the team in all 7.
I have had MVP on 4 of them.
I have won 0 of them.



I played as Alarak, and our Lucio kept following me, pushed enemy away everytime I pulled them in. How do I report this troll?

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Lost so many games that way. People obsess over hitting enemy heroes.

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