Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Game was fun. Still was pissed because Aba was sitting on D.Va 24/7 when I was playing vs her as TLV.

At least I learned how to play on BoE - just play Erik and poke :poop: out of enemies with his +75% dmg buff at 1 while other 2 do something else.


APass - got a feeding sonya (10 deaths at 12 mins), became a bot, thank cod. team mates are less than decent, but Uther and I (malganis) provided kills, so meh… they kept on eating hooks, I don’t know how.

Uther and I call shots by creating a win condition so we can potentially win; taking top fort and taking boss #1 then taking keep with it. We’re behind almost all game, but at the end OBJ is bot and enemy goes for it, we call top boss to hopefully end… :fearful: The Li Ming goes back to defend a lone boss on a keep.

The enemy Vandarr had 3k hp, after we tried dumping everything on it… nice loss. Screw you Li Ming… honestly just 3 flippain’ orbs. At end of game, they try to hide their fault by typing: “report sonya.”

Still better than playing 5 games in a row with Triple Tap Nova, not getting any value.

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So yeah, it really doesn’t matter what I pick. Triple assassin, and my team mates would just never defend our structures.

A TRACER, took our fort from 100% to 0. I can ping, I can type, they wouldn’t defend it. Azmodan pushing, no one goes. Minions and mercs pushing, no one goes. They just let our structures be destroyed. And I don’t have the wave clear to do it. There is no point tanking for clueless players.


I thought my bad comps were due to me being bruiser or dps?


I wish structures had thousands of more health and only auto attacks can damage

End the mindless macro spam and cheese

The play of the game would have been when this Hanzo (this actually happened 4 times) stepped into an Abathur mine field and was instantly deleted. I had even warned him they were there.


That’s why I don’t tank or heal for such triple Assasin comps.


This vikings player triggers me. He has good winrate and kda with him, but he played him actually really bad. Imagine having more exp as Falstad than Vikings on infernal shrines. :joy:


Those 3 ranged damage players are completely selfish in my book. Even with Johanna it makes it far more difficult for you to peel vs a Sonya, Tracer and Diablo. To make a bad situation worse, did the Li-Ming go full Orb Glass Cannon build by chance?

I do fill this kind of draft, but I hate it. I don’t mind it so much if it’s 2 ranged assassins and a melee assassin, but 3 ranged is inviting the enemy to take dive and heroes that can easily kite the backline.

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Guess he was not good with them anyway.

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I think it’s because people fall for the winrate meme far too often. The Vikings player likely drafts Vikings mostly in scenarios where they know they are likely going to win anyway, leading to a boosted winrate when you check stats. This actually happens in Masters+ fairly often (or at least it did for the past few years, not sure if it still occurs due to the mass Exodus of players): you’ll see characters with incredibly low pick/banrates (2% or less) with high winrates because the people drafting them only do so against players they know they are going to beat anyway.


Existence of this thread is telling.

Game is super compelling for any Blizzard fan, chock-full of classic characters, and it still has loads of potential.

However these days it is loaded with over-tuned heroes that devs made absolutely sure to be decent (if unsophisticated) to where choosing a character for “style” or “flavor” is just about a death-sentence…I’m sorry “takedown”-sentence…of course it always seems that when you finally bite the bullet and try-hard with your S-tier pick you’re matched with Bro’gall peeps playing for funsies who you were searching for all along. Tragic!

Speaking of matchmaking, devs abandoned all hope of balancing “healer vs. non-healer” long ago, complicating QM queues. We can talk about the fatal flaws of having dedicated healers in a game all about traversing huge distances between critical points, but it boils down to “sustain or bust”. Meanwhile you get heroes like Tyrande who are totally insufficient at healing compared to the likes of Lucio, especially in “deathball” phase that endgame always boils down to (which is fine, I don’t mind that).

“Snowball” effect literally built-in is like if Smash Bros. granted your opponent rage-boost whenever they scored a KO. As if demoralization and losing objectives isn’t enough, your opponents need a numbers-advantage on top? Lose 2 or 3 fights and your winning tactic becomes “bait them, hope they make a mistake” as the rich get richer. In a team-based game this is hate fuel. Don’t tell me that the losing team deserves it “fair and square”; so let them lose the next fight fairly, but in a numbers-game this is “unfair and square”. Paradoxically, going deep with “all-in” high-risk plays for kills is generally not worth the reward except in fringe cases like Murky, but admittedly this speaks to my preference and lack of “patience”.

1 game feeder Ophera/Liming/Tass
2 game afk Aba that dont even place any mines on the map so enemy Valeera could roam around without anything to destealth her making it very hard for me as Illidan to even do anything when she keep stunning me everytime i attack someone.

3 game meele heavy team with blinds, self sustain, stuns againts my team who has no cc at all lol and all our heores are low hp mages.
And then to make it even harder our only frontline aka Leo just walks into fights 1vs5 and feed enemy team as it please him and then midgame he let enemy Liming kill him and then walks up to core in ghost form and stays there for the rest of the game feeding enemy team even more while we lose everything on the map.

Back to my other games again casue this is getting ridiculous. You win a few games and then get paired with trolls just to make sure the status quo is up held what 50% forced winrate goes for pfffff.

What i do on the map wont make a diffrents since i always has at least on or two trolls/feeders that activly tries to make sure i lose and waste my time.

At least one of my games get a new DLC in a few days. Then i can enjoy that instead of wasting my time with people who only join to show how good they are at feeding.

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In your hands or your teammates?
You could take a look at the CDR / heal build I just used recently.
Everybody says Tyrande is all about the Owl, sure if you are good at it, but…
I’ve been historically bad at Tyrande (hence not playing for four years), so I assume this has merit.
The 80% empower is almost equivalent with spending both on the same target, so you can absolutely always heal two different targets. You can become Lilande, overextend a little, and Alt-Q + Q. But you have better damage and forward support in the process.

Example match:


Towers of Doom.

My opponents knew how to play the map. My team mates didn’t. Kept asking (and actually did) to trade our bot lane for the opponent’s top. Just bad luck really. Wish I was on the enemy team.


Aaaand next game I get trolled by our TLV.

I’m never setting foot in a casino.

Your describing my own experience, phase. I read your comments it feels like you’re playing my matches. :joy:

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Or you’re playing mine.

Freaky Monday.

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Then dont since its always the house that wins and never you.

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Gravity kills into buried alive. Hope you weren’t planning on doing anything ever again.

Sounds abit over kill lol.