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What i do is let others prepick and i tell team i flex. Flexing like me is bad and not a great way to rank up, but it ensures that i rarely get a “throw draft”.

You say that you’re a bad healer but i dont buy that excuse. Otherwise it could be used by the 4 other people in your draft to avoid picking that role. Having 1-2 healers that you can play decently well is not a bad thing. Especially in a rank where healer is probably the one necessary role.

As for sonya i despise the hero. The moment they become higher than b tier its an instant ban from me. If you think being in solo lane to counter her is the best use of your time go for it. Don’t expect your team to fill for you when you dont do it for them.

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My Internet connection has broken down this morning and I couldn’t make out what the problem is.
Quite likely is my FritzBox dead :weary:

The group I run with on weeknights have discovered a surprising counter to Sonya.

Smash Varian. I was startled at how well it has been working, although you do need a good PvE hero in the 4 man.

I alreedy told you. Most of the time, no one on my team shows or picks anything

Reality doesn’t care what people buy or not. (And exacttly how did you determine that it’s an excuse and not actually true?)

You just complained about people playing low win rate heroes, and at the same time you’re telling me I should play my worse role?

I mean, I’m flattered that you think I’m good at every role. But where did you get that information from? I do play healer when my teamates actually pick something and aren’t all trying to last pick as counterpick (Which happens pretty much all the time, and never ends up in an actual counterpick) Don’t you think if I won most of my games as healer that I’d keep doing it?

When I see a healer main on my team, who almost only plays healer, I will not go and pick a healer based on the assumption that this guy will probably pick something else. The guy who shows healer as his main role can’t logically use the excuse “I don’t play healers”

You didn’t first pick a tank or healer there. So that loss was your fault?

I banned Rexxar and Falstad, I can’t ban everything, and I can’t always be the banner. If I pick something else, and have my solo (if someone decides to pick one) lose the lane to Sonya. People will say that I should have picked her when she was open.

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I think Shadow is Master or Diamond? I’m hanging in Plat and have been in Silver and Gold and I have the same experience as you. Almost nobody will show picks, or communicate. I think it’s different in higher ranks.

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The only healer I can play is Rehgar. And it’s not a great Rehgar. I’m just ok.
But I’ll pick it if everyone wants to pick something else and they all main something else.

But Reghar doesn’t always work against every comp, and nobody wants my 20% WR Deckard or anything else I could pick lol. (I mean, I struggle against Whitemane, but if I pick her I can’t get anything done, so I’m obviously missing something)


I rotate between mid plat and mid diamond. I have also played several games in bronze-gold even recently and will still play whatever.

Problem with phase is that he’s the type of person to instalock dmg and then get frustrated that his team doesn’t fill his comps. This discussion has gone on for years now and he still thinks there’s no way out. Its really not too difficult to learn how to play 1 healer well enough to avoid this scenerio most of the time,

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In draft with randoms, I always check their profile to see which heroes they are good at, which roles they play, and what they have been playing (and winning with) recently. Sometimes I will use that to make a suggestion, and try to frame it appropriately. “Hey, can you play Greymane? He would be awesome here.”

Personally, I have tried to work on the roles I feel are my weak points, such as ranged assassin, not necessarily because it will help me climb, but because it will make me a better player all around, and allow me to assist those who do play those when I am on a tank or healer. If I don’t understand how a role or hero works, it makes me a worse team mate for those.

While I do know that one trick ponies can work, even at the highest ranks, I also know I am not good enough to carry that off myself.

Even though Artanis is my highest win rate hero in ranked this season. Hmm…

Wanders off to rethink her life’s decisions.


^^^ my friend and i do this when we duo and end up in mid gold games. Communication works. Outside of bronze most ppl have enough communication skills that they will work with team if given chance. If all you do is instalock S tier hero and say “healer??” You’re unlikely to get them to talk.

Times do change :slight_smile:
This isn’t the first time I switch, but I am gradually embracing my transformation from a healer main into a mage. Orphea is my best but Tassadar suits the gender.

By the way, my artist (DJ) name is a twisted version “water mage”, too.

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It works for me in waves.
Sometimes I do flex and it allows my teammates to pick their performant heroes, so that being just about adequate with tank or healer is fine. (Although it says something that I have exactly one tank and healer left, Locust Swarm Anub’arak and Bloodlust Rehgar.)

But then I dropped rank continuing it and figured I should go back to my self from last Summer, when I discovered Qhira and Tassadar, I would always prepick them, I would always be told to pick, and I had majestic winrates (84%) until I didn’t. I managed to climb a full rank in a week.

(And then lost a few healing & tanking, and I stopped SL.)

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But the forum goers love casual, accepting players who cheer any team comp as long as everyone is having fun playing who they want. Not me


How do you figure that? How am I instalocking? I’d really like to know what this is based on.

Garrosh is considered damage now?

Johanna’s damage?

Is Diablo damage? ETC?

You’re making these conclusions based on what?
(Also, I don’t consider all solo laners to be “damage”)

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What point are you trying to prove based on a handful of outlier games. Looking at your alt you tank in 13% of games, the other 87% you play ranged or bruiser. That means 1/10 games you’re willing to fill one of the less popular roles.

Even i tank more than you and i play healer 40% of the time. Now im not asking you to flex. Flexxing is bad for rank, but you dont play either tank or healer often enough to complain about teammates who dont fill for you.

I recall that Johanna game of yours. I said that your team didn’t had a tank player because you cared more about soak than anything else.

Post 20, we get a 4 man wipe in bot lane on WHJ, plenty of health and mana. Myself as tyrande and butcher logically move to core while our qira, jaina, valla back off do to who knows what.

Short version is that we get the W just barely and our qira says “Dont throw the ****** game jesus!” after the GG parachute (speaking to butcher and I)

Yeah it was QM and expectations should be low… but even in the face of a sure victory if the team had stayed, and being handed said victory by us, one could only hope a light bulb would switch on somewhere…


I came across a Ming like that once. It was an honour getting my &#$ kicked.

I tried showing healer/ranged dps, but the reality is the only reason I won’t heal is because I get pushed into a frontline role. I almost never see a team wanting for dps mains, even if I can most certainly outperform at least half the mage “mains” I find.

Are you actually surprised that a bruiser main plays most of his games as a bruiser?

How exactly is that out of the ordinary? OF COURSE I have less games in roles that are not my main roles. The majority of my games are in the roles that I am good at. I see nothing wrong with that.

Why my alt?

And I asked you why I shouldn’t go to an empty lane when the other 2 were covered (pre lvl 10) and you never answered.

I don’t like to repeat myself.
I’ve already told you.
It’s okay to cover lanes for dead team mates to catch soak, but there’s a difference between catching a wave and clearing one in the middle of a lane. You didn’t communicated with your solo laner, you just did his job even when he was up.