Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Liming with 2500+ games cant even get a single kill and ends up with less dmg then me as Anub.

Extended que in a nutshell. Just gonna exit the que from now on since extended que so far have resulted in team full of trolls or players like that Liming that cant even get a single kill and only feeds.

And Aba ofc dont even place mines so enemy Nova was free to roam around with nothing to stop her.

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My solo laner was bot. That’s where he’s supposed to be isn’t it?

I don’t expect a Varian to double soak. Why was it a bad idea for me to clear mid?

This situation feels like a Catch 22 in those Silver-Gold threshold games.
About once in every three matches, when I’m playing a tank or a healer, there is at least one lane unattended. Sometimes it’s symmetric but usually we get a slight level deficit. Despite a ping or two, said lanes aren’t handled.

If I go, I stop being a tank. And it takes time indeed.
If I don’t go, we stay behind and very likely lose the match.
At this point the glass is half empty and it’s a loss.
Going to do it anyway occasionally sorts it out, though. Sometimes the team comes. Sometimes other players realize the mistake and start soaking. Sometimes the rest of my team is just fine, quality QM material, and they can win with my xp support.

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Pay attention to your positioning and where your squishy team is.
For 1 minute straight, you’re not near your assassins.
You pinged once at 1:32, but it was already too late and you stayed until the mid wave in bot lane was cleared. Then, proceed to clear mid alone, again.
This happened way too often for a tank player in that game to consider it as a cherry pick.
replay link

Ok, but why do you say I should have been near my assassins instead of soaking those lanes?

This is exactly why I don’t like to repeat myself.

You’re telling me to do it, you’re not telling me why. There’s no repeat involved.

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I can’t speak for lucifer, but when I am tanking, if an enemy is in the lane, especially if it is their tank, or even better, two of them, my presence in that lane means we aren’t losing XP to the enemy. If no one is there, any XP gains I may be getting is drastically offset by the chance that we will lose heroes, and that the enemy will gain more with a hard push where I am not, then we will gain where I am.

Of course, a lot of this will depend on the map and comps, but if I have a very fragile backline, it is my duty to keep them protected, regardless of if we lose some XP in the process. We will lose even more if they all die.


Maybe that means his garbage teammates refused to soak and would cause a game loss anyway

This could be a sign him and I should team up. Only if he goes to the dark side of liking LoL’s carry potential system

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Isn’t that the failure of his solo laner and team to not soak? The tank shouldn’t be soaking and if they have to, the team other than the tank failed

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I suspect lucifer is a fairly better player and he doesn’t encounter it.

Like right now, I’m coming off a match where it was a tossup between my Nova and our Brightwing to soak. The rest was mid. Enemy was 5 and we were still 3. Most of the match I had more siege than hero damage… And we had Thrall on our team.

From the outside perspective our best player was the Bronze 2 Anub’arak. Who was also silenced.

Well, I guess the Diamond 5 Brightwing could have potential but she was our healer.

And that’s 2nd match of the day. The 1st had a DC and then two mental AFK.

Point is, it just creates that mindset. If you peel away the salt from my posts, you can see how I’m already there. I can’t imagine playing two heroes for the rest of my life, so I do stuff, but I firmly know that I either do stuff myself, or it won’t get done.

Whoever says there are no nice skins, take a look at Novazon.

Yesterday I found all roots of toxicity.
On the Cursed Hollow loading screen, there is a hint: Curse Your Enemies!
Well, it’s competitive, and my teammates are also my enemies on the ladder.


And this is why I hate Nazeebo in my team. We played on ToD and he literally never joined the team, when objective was up and we fought 4v5. His reason: “You have to push lanes on this map”, so he stayed always on the same lane, but never achieved to get a tower, but got killed instead by ganks. :joy:


Its more fun to watch him use Iceblock when he is already surrouded by heroes ready to kill him when he gets out.

Most Naz players just pick that talent but dont even know how to use it properly hese why i want it removed so genetic Iceblock talents can finally get removed.

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Holy moly.
Just came across a QM Nazeebo OTP. Level 639. Plus a few on other heroes.
Over the 3 years, he scored 2833:1732 with Naz.
He is relentless. This season it’s 565:246.

Crazy thing 1: Heroes Profile barely knows about this guy, showing 49% winrate and an MMR worth of high Bronze.
Crazy thing 2: Apparently the game cannot challenge him enough. And we’re talking EU…

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By looking at his stats, I think you forgot to unckeck matches vs ai.
He’s no better than bronze Nazeebo players.

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No, that’s QM and Drafts only.
He played another 2300 or so AI and ARAM matches. His level 75 Jaina didn’t show up until then.
Dedication is dedication :smiley:

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This is the most common reasoning among players, but it’s incorrect.

I was Lvl 2 when I started soaking. Now, most players should know that chasing kills early game is stupid, because an enemy kill is worth less than a minion wave. But this works both ways.

At lvl 2, a minion wave will be worth 492 xp, with 82 xp per minion. (Xp scales with time, not levels, but between lvl 1 and 4, the value per hero level will usually match) Now, if one of your team mates dies, they will give about 348 xp to the enemy team, not counting underdog bonus. Which puts you at a net loss.

So if you leave your lane to go look after a team mate, you are giving up 492xp, to potentially prevent a 348xp gain for the enemy. And I say potentially because your team mate may very well survive if you don’t go to them, or they might die anyway if you try to save them. But your soak is guaranteed. So in essence, you are giving up on a $500 check that will be handed to you, in order to have a chance at $350 in a slot machine.

Your team mate’s life at lvl 1-5 is worth less than the minion wave you will miss.

In that replay, I soaked about 1488xp (two 492xp waves and one 504 wave). But I’m being told to give that up to prevent my enemy from potentiall gaining 350xp from an ally kill.

Your instincts tell you to try and save your team mate, but the numbers dictate that you let them potentially die. Because leaving the lane to try and save them is a misplay that will cost your team. It doesn’t matter if your team mate die while you soak a lane at lvl 2.

I’ve seen diamond and even master players who don’t understand this. And then wonder why the enemy has an xp lead.

So unless someone finds me a good reason to give up 1488xp in favor of 348 ( or even 504 in some cases) I will keep making that call.

In essense I am asking you to prove that statement.


I think his main (internal) point is that as a tank, you’re too inefficient while soaking.
Ideally you should be able to punt your teammates towards the appropriate lane. Like, you know, Garrosh after eating a little too many eggs for breakfast.

Seriously though, what works for me usually, I ping and team might come. I don’t chat anymore but what I’m actually trying to do is rotating together. Maybe you also have this memory from HGC times past - Johanna forward, uses W, Azmodan finishes the wave off, next lane. Sure, often you miss a minion or two, but these rotations are often great. Plus, you can branch off to take a camp.

I love when it happens. Rare, but I do come across these super HGC mentality Silver 4 teams.


Not as Johanna. I clear faster than our solo, which was Varian. For that matter, I had better clear than most of my team.

You’re lucky. 90% I ping and nothing happens.

I would actually pay to have my team rotate on Spider queen.


I blame quest talents.

Here is how you play D Tassadar. You throw a Q and W at midlane, then branch off to an offlane. You reach full charge, then you keep moving, only dealing a single tick of damage to avoid pushing the lane and risking yourself. If the enemy solo is there, can attack him. After 160 seconds, you win.

Here is how you play E Valla. You throw a Q and W at midlane, then branch off to an offlane. You reach 10 Vengeance, then you keep moving, only shooting a single arrow to keep to avoid pushing the lane and risking yourself. If the enemy solo is there, can attack him but you’re unsafe. After 160 seconds, you win.

Other talents funnel you to try and fight in the middle forever. Sylvanas W, Chromie I guess.

The only hero I’m happy to rotate with is Nazeebo, and ironically it’s not because of the stacks, but because neither pure strategy (soaking / brawling) seems to work for me.