Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

So I finally gathered the fortitude to watch the replay, and I don’t want to post a clip here, as it can definitely be construed as a callout for that Garrosh. However, I swallowed my pride and submitted it to the WTF moments site, so if they use it, you can all enjoy my agony. From a neutral perspective, it really was funny.


That’s bigotry.
In all possible dimensions of it.

I had my funny moment today. Warhead Junction. Almost enemy teamwipe, 3-4 of us up. Both bottom nukes spawn, and I’m the only one nearby. I realize that I can only carry one, and there is a smart option: take one, waste it, take the other, escape. Well, I successfully got until the wasting part, then enemy Dehaka burrowed in, I did Mephisto things against him, including dying horribly. Dehaka took the second nuke and later launched it.

Yes, you can download it. Yes, you can submit it. Please don’t! (Yes, do! (No, don’t!!!))

ps. Point is, most of us laugh about these mistakes. Also the other one where I tried to chase a 10% Tassadar. I sure got him down to 1%, but I also did it between a bunch of towers so I managed to get myself 100-0 dead under focus fire. I laughed irl.

Some matches theres just nothing you can do.

Everyone on my team had 8 deaths except for me (2) and i was playing gazlowe lol. Tass went blackhole/w build and had no idea how to use, mei (40% wr with mei) never landed an icewall combo, and rehgar (40 % wr with rehgar) went bloodlust when our only aa was tracer. Tracer wasn’t useless.

Think im done and giving up with solo que. Its just not fun anymore.

Support the movement to turn Hots into LoL🏳️

Cater to the solo player, not the team. Everyone has themselves. Not everyone has 1, 2, 3, … friends to play a game

You mean just you? Lol i wouldn’t call that a movement.

I have enough friends i can permanently duo-trio que.

Sad even as the game continues to decline the people left would rather double down on the current framework (team) rather than think of something else

If it was a mistake I made, I would definitely clip and post it, I have no problems admitting when I done goofed! However, seeing as how this is a criticism of someone else’s play, I don’t feel comfortable posting it on the forum.

A 4 man without a tank is bad enough, but man, those suicides.


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For the love of god!!

I pick Hogger and then…

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I completely respect that. I joked, but I felt bad for the Tyrande player in the last WTF moments video. We all make mistakes big and small, it’s okay in a compilation video, but not clipped specifically for the forums.

I know people are gonna say “you can win with any draft”, but that is almost…my worst nightmare. Eww!


Dont give him sympathy until he is a healer/tank in one of these pics

Anyways i just got carried hard by this 4 man. I fed (5 death tass) and did 0 dmg. Enemies had a 5 man with 3 smurfs (zeratul abathur naturally). Luckily my four man was better and they did all the work for me.

To be fair, first picking Hogger on Infernal Shrines is a good call.

Not if you need a healer

These drafts sometimes happen but they happen alot more to ppl who always lock offlaners/dmg early. Tanking and healing are unpopular roles. People that wont play either have to accept bad comps.

I don’t disagree, I show Flex and mean it, but I can see why people would lock heroes like Hogger and Falstad early on their best maps.

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I guess so? I didn’t really think of it that way as I always have flex or Tank/Healer as my selected roles.

I used to show Tank/Bruiser, but ended up healing so many matches I just switched to Flex to make life easier.


It’s a bit disheartening to understand that so many matches are not decided by skill, but simply DC / AFK.
Out of the 3 losses with Tyrande, 2 can be 100% written off due to DC.
How many of the wins, I wonder?

So for all I know, I might be a goddess Tyrande but as far as stats I concerned, I’m bad. Poor winrate, massive MMR bleed.

The latter is entirely the weakness by the external tools. Matches with a DC should be by and large discarded. Won or lost. They are not representative of your skill.

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Making sense of your own performance and just basic stats with any given hero gets complicated. In part for that reason, I wouldn’t mind the suggestion you made in another thread to have games lost with an AFK recorded in orange.

My salt is why would a Diamond player draft Nova vs a Johanna/Rexxar/Cain/Jaina and Raynor? I mean she was last pick on Cursed Hollow, doesn’t take bribe and Triple Tapped the Sonya and Johanna at almost full health anytime it was off CD. :disappointed_relieved:

*Oh Aphandra, it’s so strange seeing you sport a Tassadar Avatar!

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Yea maybe in 1/10000000 games lol. If enemy is not total zombies then you wont win. Games are many times decided on loading screen. Then its up to you how long you want to suffer from a stomp.


The last time I picked Tank, we still didn’t get a healer. The time before that, someone picked another tank and we ended up with solo assassin Azmodan.

So I chose not to believe in the prediction that first picking a tank or healer somehow prevents this from happening. (Especially considering that I suck at healing, and would end up losing anyway, but this time by my own fault) Is that what you do? Always first pick a tank or healer?

Most of the time my team mates won’t show anything. So either I pick something or go to leavers,

But are you seriously saying I should allow the enemy to lock Sonya on Braxis?