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How did it go? :slight_smile:
At some point my Orphea was 0% winrate :wink:

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Team has already one tank and you pick Uther as offtank: “No need to pick second tank, we’re good. Get more damage.”

A player logs in for the first time in two months and picks second tank anyway. Now we have 2 tanks, 1 tank-healer (Uther), 1 bruiser and Abathur.

We didn’t really get many kills. The damage just wasn’t there.

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Nope not this day i was allowed to win. 4 game in a raw with people who just troll and feed.
4-10 Lunara just spends all her time chasing and feeding and another Sonya that dont even take a single camp and got lowest dmg of all.


5 stack or bust. Solos = gg

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Falstad W.

20 characters required

We had a Mei God! Wasn’t a smurf, and he was lvl 12 on her I believe. But those snowballs were game making. I’ll have to make a short video showing it.

But I won two games in a row, the curse may be broken :slight_smile:

The enemy had a Diablo, an Artanis and an Azmodan. So I was kind of sad that Rag didn’t pick “Giant Scorcher”, but he did have “Hand of Ragnaros” (Q cdr)

Thx for asking.

Probably had that Lunara in my last games.


I hate when my sintincts are right
they tell me, Dosen’t matter what the profile looks like a Qhira using the Junker skin is likely bad
and she was holy heck was this one bad, like taking Bleed into a Malfurion and suicidal use of E bad.

urgh and this iw hat ppeople who don’t play qhira see and why they think she’s bad.
CAUTIOUS HUNTRESS PEOPLE it’s not a hard mantra to follow

So we had a nice win condition, doing the boss on Sky Temple, their keep was up but wounded, with a Siege camp firing at it. All 5 of us were up, and the enemy had a Cho’gall and Brightwing alive.

The Cho’gall comes to scout the boss, we had it at just a sliver of health, and our Garrosh throws him…

… onto the cap point. Cho’gall knocks us back, BW teleports in and Winds us further back, the boss stuns three of us, and of course it is a hard throw. Blah.

I will be amazed if that doesn’t show up in the next WTF compilation. :frowning:


I hope so, I kinda wanna see it now.


I mean, I could clip it, but I am still traumatized by just how hard a throw it was. I was even doing really well on Artanis (QM), as that is one of his better maps. :frowning:

What makes it even more painful is that I was in a good mood, having gone 3-1 in SL tonight, and then WHAM!, that happened.


This has the same magnitude like the Tyrande using Shadowstalk while attacking the top boss on Alterac Pass leading to a reset of him


I understand, I honestly don’t get tilted much, but a boss throw, they hurt the soul.

That Tyrande, a disgrace to Elune! JK


Yeah, I had to take a break and cuddle my dog for a bit, as while I don’t normally get tilted and flame a team mate, that was as close as I have come in months. Heartbreaking.

If I have recovered and am back to my mellow self tomorrow, I will clip it. Even though I was on the receiving end of that throw, I can admit it really was epic.


I already got my own wtf moment into the asian vesion of Hots WTF. I also made a thread about it. Gotta love a Illidan that gets bugged of by the core tornados.

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I saw that one, it was hilarious. One of the few times I can honestly say I literally LOL’d.

I have been in one before, but for a mistake made by the enemy Muradin, rather than anything impressive on my part. He managed to kill 3 members of his team by Eing into them with a Living Bomb from our KT.

1050 seconds queue just to get 3 diamonds in my team and lose in 13 minutes -.-

Isn’t that every Qhira though?

Meh. I’m going to land in the throw pit again for losing too much.
My team full of plats got obliterated by a team full of silvers. 13 kills against us by a 33% winrate Qhira.
Mephisto’s level 1 W talent seems to be bugged, it doesn’t seem to deal bonus damage, it does replacement damage. As in, 18 bonus instead of 65 bonus. In any event, he is a low budget Tassadar or Jaina with very gimmicky gameplay and complete inability to fight melee, so I’ll just stick to the advanced versions me thinks.
(For starters, a permanent range indicator for W would help. Gray when inactive.)

Well, 5 more matches of the streak, think I’ll give a serious go at Q build. Wish me luck. :wink:

Bite me


Let all my doom predictions fail just like this one did. Got a really good team. 56:14 :laughing: