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I am so tired of Vikings and Abathur in QM.

So, so, so, tired.

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Still salty for two [main] reasons:

1) Still no new Ragnaros skins (or even just color variations of existing skins)
2) No Sarah Kerrigan announcer (seriously… what the…)

It could be worse. Abathur on both teams. For 4 games straight. And they are never the active type, they just stay in base all game without even placing Toxic nests. :weary:

I need a QM break.


Those are bad Aba players that have no clue how he is meant to be played. They are easy to bully back to spawn if he gets caught sleeping the same play too many times and most of them just hope they gets carried by the 4 others while he hides in spawn and never pull his own weight in the game. Those Aba players deserve to lose.

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Apparently you can be silenced for 4 days for saying the reporting system is being abused.

If you mean on the forum, probably. I’ve been banned for calling the forum goers (as a collective whole. NOT an individual very often) crazy, soft, etc.

Extended que in a nutshell. Enemy gets A Cho’gall and a Mei on the team and my team only has one frontliner not counting myself as Malth.

Game start. Naz on my team walks out and feed instantly. Does it again 1 min later and again twice the next 2 min. 5 deaths in 5 min. Impressive. And on top he takes Vile Infection talent at lvl 20 when he only have 90 stacks. Even Butcher and Falstad agreed he was just trollin at this point.

At some point he even tried to trap me in his zombie wall but i managed to dodge it in time or els i would have died to Cho’Gall that was right infront of me.

From this day i would just exit the que when it goes extended cause i dont have time for this really.

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Patch idea:

  • Win 3 Games quest replaced with Lose 15 Games.

I’m angry that I’m not better at Zagara, I try so hard, and I still can’t win.

I must be missing something fundamental about Zagara, I’ve tried splitpush build, team fight build, mixtures, all the talents and different ways to use Nydus or Maw.

Very sad.

My team gets solo tank Mura and team full of squicy mages and heroes with zero mobility or sustain. Enemy teams gets two tanks and Zera that just waits for all to be low hp so he can just walk in and get free kills.

And matchmaker did not even go into exstended que. only 10 sec wait time and it places two fat cc heavy tanks into a team that stand no chance. MM again prove me right about why i only play this game 1-2 times a day now.

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QM can be cruel sometimes indeed.
Lost all 3 with Nazeebo now.
First, I get to play against a good Sonya (low Silver), obviously I shall never leave my towers, which I kinda can’t do, so I feed.
Second, I get to play against a good Artanis (low Silver), I try to be more careful but I get swapped and I need stacks, so I feed.
Third, I get to play against Tracer and Illidan. Maybe with Vile Infection as a level 1 option. Wasn’t entirely unwinnable, but it was crazy. Also, I literally didn’t deal damage the first five minutes to avoid getting rotated by said Tracer, Illidan and Butcher trio. Made it to VI anyway by level 22 or so, was good, but it wasn’t.

On that note, bruiser mirror in QM is absolute failure. Playing Artanis is a win condition in itself. Plus, given the setup, one bruiser wins the solo lane against a struggling ranged, and the 4-man ranged obliterates the team playing with the “tank”.

I’ve noticed if you play a healer in QM, you will be put on a real team.

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Towers of doom shouldn’t be in there.

Your teams only fall apart mentally? I wish I was you :slight_smile:

You will also suffer. It’s a package deal.


You’re free to contest stats with gut feeling, but it will get you only so far.

Give us s F******* Forfeit button for QM when you get stuck with bots for people bailing. And yes sometimes the bot is better than the human that left, but rarely.

Game 1: former mid master player who decayed to diamond 5. Was super toxic and played by themselves the entire game. They were kinda good but it didn’t matter bc they weren’t playing with the 4 teammates they had. Loss

Game 2: got the snot beat out of us by a hanzo smurf. We even had a smurf as well but it didn’t matter. He was amazing. Felt good and bad to be in this game.


1 game: enemy is a 5 stack and my team all feeders ofc. I ping Sonya for help cause i cant take hard camp alone as Stukov. What does she do ??? Just walk staight past me and force me to hs back and we ofc lose object.

I try to ping my team again a 2 time to come and help me. No one reacts. Just mindless brawling and KT picks Conviction and lose all his stacks everytime. Again no help so i try to take a camp again since both Naz and Sonya are more busy doing nothing and ofc Gaz shows up and steals the camp right when i clear it -.- Again no help and Sonya runs mindless around with less dmg done then me.

We lose the game cause no one does what they are suppose to do. People who ques up as bruisers or Naz and dont even take camps and force his healer to do it deserves to get reported.

2 game: Same dumb stuff again. Enemy is a 4 man premade and i get a silenced Jaina that just feeds again and again and an Ophera that walk in 1vs4 and dies and then complains about we lose meanwhile Hogger is the only reasonable player on the team who know why we are losing.

And if that is not enough. Gaz on the enemy team could just walk in and combo both of those with his ult. LIke you are playing a range hero man. Why you need to facecheck Gaz lol.

Gonna take a break from this game seroiusly. I had enough. Dumb players everywere that keep being dumb and trolls in every game.

Edit: Tried one last time before bedtime and the game gives me a useless Illidan with 1600+ games played on him that dont even help his team when object spawn. Nah taking merc camps and useing his hunt ult on minion waves was much more inportant LOL.

And when you try and ping him to try and ask him to help his team what does he do. He rush core and dies and then mutes me. And now when weekend is over us dumb/troll factor will increase so im off to play other games now. You should expect a player that has 1600+ games on him to be at least good with him but no.

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Duos only mode. Game has to do it or die

I hate Towers of Doom so much.

Please help!

I just started a SL game and my team mate picked a 25% WR Ragnaros :frowning: