Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

You’re one of those people that leave games after I get call of the Nexus for my DPS heroes. GFY

I had the same too, an Abby with a Kerrigan who never landed her combo once the entire game. Our team managed to win it, simply by begging she stay grouped as I was playing Zarya and could at least keep her alive. It still came down to a core rush though.


2 more losses with Ana, totaling to 2:9. 18.2%.

People just don’t know how to play with her. It’s so much better to eat damage and get massive heals, than dodge everything and play 4v5.

I get that Q range is supposed to be a tradeoff for safety, and Ana should hug the tank and dive the enemy herself.

Second match was really sad. Made up 2 levels, almost caught back the map, but Hanasnowballmura did the job.

Anyway, in my firm opinion Ana needs some kind of hard buffs. Numbers aren’t the problem. She has a 43% winrate in QM, removing the top players. A fairly obvious one could be to widen Q to be about 50% wider. Another one would be to turn it into an AoE heal, so that you can hit. A third one would be merging Nano Boost 10 and 20 into 10 and removing the 20, it suffers from Archonitis. A fourth one would be 50% mana cost cut. I can cast Q forever but a couple W and E and I’m oom.
Overall I think she is the healer Medivh. She is hard squared, as it isn’t just relatively hard to play her, but your team needs to know how she works and play differently. Just like using the portals and baiting for the protective shield.

This morning I had a dream. I was playing against a Genji and I was shouting a nicely lined up variation of the F word about the situation, about a 5 word sentence, over and over.

Yesterday evening I made a point during Think Session that for me HotS is a game of maybe 5 heroes. And as such, it is a pretty bad game.

I shall, from here on out, never encourage threads that talk about influence, personal experience, practice and such. Ana used to be one of my serious heroes so this situation reeks very, very, very hard. Either personal influence is nil, or existing skill has no influence on current skill. Last match was a fair bit of both. But failing ultra hard with level 103 Li Li just like a level 1 newcomer, it’s all moot. All moot. All. Moot.

Games are supposed to be fun, but this is just russian roulette. Exactly as much fun, too.

ps. 1: Of course I have Win 3. I have 2 wins in the last 5 days.
ps. 2: Hoku, you know why, /hug.

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Also, ban my account and kill me irl.

Oh never, please don’t say that even as a joke.


Great job!
You dealt 6524 Hero Damage, 46.5% more than your average of 4452.
Ana in QM

Decided to comply with my compulsion of 12 matches but quickly throw 2 matches to make it 2:10 (+1, the SL loss). I made 12 people happier in the process and 8 people more miserable, which is also a net win.

One shall not carry over the salt to the next day, week or month.

@Minky - Thanks, but this is the best expression of my relationship as much as the game is considered. Banning me would force me to do other things. I keep thinking what I should do - refund all my heroes and stick to the 3-5 that work - but then I look at some stats and think I should play something different, only to end up here. Mei, DVa, Ana, trash tier craps. Well, obviously, two of them not, but my experience is such. The last 2 weeks have been all but misery.

HotS sucks.

On that note, really, being able to refund heroes would be somewhat helpful to formalize things. Having 5 heroes would also prevent me from SL. It’s like a glass of wine sitting in an alcoholist’s fridge. The question isn’t whether it will happen, but when.

I know, smurf door is over there. But I’d need a new account for that. And I’d randomly earn heroes. I don’t want to.

ps.: I know that it doesn’t help admitting openly to throwing, but here is the thing. It must be put out on the table. There is only so much crap you can swallow, at some point you start regurgitating. Even better if the post is reported, as long as the CM actually reads it and understands.

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Full W build is the worst. Go for E.
Smelling Salt and Active Reload should be the default unless the enemy have more threatening kill potential with root.

You need to deal more hero damage, less siege damage.
Don’t bother hitting summons.


You are in misery as you are playing Ana in Quick Match! If you are doing this solo play, it really is misery, I main Heals/Tank trust me.

When I’m on a miserable run, I try to play a hero that makes me happy, win or lose. Take your Avatar for a spin, she’s really tough now. I was chasing and owning an evil Zeratal with her recently with Water Dragon and trait build.


Thanks for the advice. Right now in a foul mood, but I can say at least that much. And a /hug.

Out of respect and possible feedback for whoever.

I kinda tried at some points to hit things, but then I stop doing Q. Lost one of the matches doing enemy core and hitting stuff. I may have healed less than I should have. I mean, Q has a really short cooldown and must be aimed.

In any event, I tried E build but I never hit E when I try to. So it’s totally not worth talenting for 3 hits per match. Hyperbole, but you get it I guess. W supplements Q misses (and self-healing) rather well. I had some really good matches over the streak, it was just prescribed to lose them.

By the way, unfiltered stuff. I used to be a good Ana healbot once.

I totally feel like an old, 70 year old man sitting in front of an old house, and telling “when I was young” stories. Woah.

Unmake Qhira or massive nerf. please.

A more aggressive playstyle will make your E more likely to hit. Plus, hitting one hero with lvl 4 E has almost the same healing output than hitting 2 heroes with W lvl 1.

I’d suggest you to watch replays from this guy.

XraYY and BananaH are fine, too.

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lack of sleep can do that, if I play with ming at 4am. It follow what you are saying lol.


If you spend the whole game criticizing how others play and haven’t done much yourself and are just sitting in one spot typing away, just don’t play. This game doesn’t need players like you.

If your concern is making people look stupid, go join a debate club instead of unleashing your unwanted toxicity in a game where people have fun.

If you aren’t going to help others be better by giving them advice, don’t be upset when players who (allegedly) aren’t as good as you play bad.

If you are the tank and have damage dealers on your team that aren’t dealing damage or they’re dying a lot, while you aren’t, check to see if you’re the issue before you go and flame them for feeding. Chances are you are the issue because its hard to deal damage when you get focused and blown up without a tank doing their job.

If you see someone stunned, focus them, not the tank that’s trying to peel for them.

If you see I mind controlled a Li Li who is defenseless, focus the Li Li who is being brought to you on a silver platter.

If people aren’t able to focus your Morales you desperately ping at, it might be because they aren’t able to get to them without being wrecked. Keep that in mind when ping firing.

If your healer has a lot of deaths, do better to protect them so they can do their job.

If you see no one on the map, ping where someone is alone. So that if they don’t catch a possible gank they can be warned with your ping. Don’t flame them for dying when you saw it coming.

If you took nothing from this, please take this.

Play as a team and help each other be better. Do things that can help your teammates. Don’t just spit acid out of your mouth when things don’t go your way.



Heyyyyy welcome back!


Stop missing the first objective on Alterac you single-celled organism, this is the most snowbally map in the game

That is false, as It’s Braxis Holdout, then Cursed Hollow, Towers of Doom and Sky Temple. Link. The core mechanic on Alterac makes it really hard to end the game early.

Also, having an Aba comp is most of the time about stalling an objective long enough, but conceding it in the end pre lvl 10 because fighting 4v5 makes it difficult.


Dear Abathur player, you may be level 102 on Abby, but your lifetime winrate is 38%. Please look up a guide, or even you know, put down a single mine even just for vision on Spider Queen map turnover?

This is the kind of Abby that gives Abathur players a bad name.


I was carrying a BoE game pretty hard as Azmodan. All my team needed to do was simply NOT feed and I’d be able to keep carrying: Demonic Invasion+Demon Lieutenant+ Immortal was absolutely devastating enemy structures and at one point, I was able to get the enemy core down to 40% all on my own via backdoor.

My team unfortunately decided to just… start feeding for no reason. 17+ more deaths later, we lose as I managed to drop the shield on the enemy core with my ult and core race the enemy team. If literally ONE person on my team decided not to feed, they might have been able to hold off the enemy team long enough for me to win off the last backdoor. I’m just salty because we were comfortably winning and my team decided they just didn’t want to win anymore.


Those matches are upsetting indeed :frowning:
I have a funny experience with a lot of Azmodan players lately, may want to review the match from the others’ perspective. Usually there is so much emphasis on macro that the match is otherwise 4v5 and the team gets desperate for failing everywhere else. Either side starts forcing teamfights and the Azmo team just falls apart mentally.


The worst thing is that people keep feeding him. The other day he did 3 threads, and two specific people were feeding him for hours. That’s useless, it only makes the troll motivated to stay here because he knows that here he gets the attention he wants.

He doesn’t even play the game, he just comes to harass. And knowing that moderation now removes innocent threads due to their massflag, he knows he can take advantage of that.

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