Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Hopefully a staff could read the first few lines of the topic and understand it’s a very kind hearted topic which has nothing offensive.

From my understanding they could restore topics if they want to. And ban those false reporters.


Looks like, they don’t care.

Why am I NOT suprised? smh


The weird thing about it that, if you don’t care you wouldn’t change anything, but let all possible happen that means they actually do care, but how they handle things it’s worse than they wouldn’t care. :joy:

They probably get small pop-up information about flagging and just act blindly, because there is sth., but it would be better they would just ignore it.

He has already been banned 6 times now the past year so what stops him from comming back again. To me he strikes me as some 14 year old kid that never got any attention from his parents and now he found a perfect place to get it.

Banning him is just a banaid until he in 2-3 months comes back again and do it again. I really dont know what satisfation a human would get from trolling this hard evrytime on 6 accounts so far.

Its the same again and again. He makes a new account and hell breaks over. With all those reports we give him each time he comes again i wonder why forum mods just cant hardware/IP ban this kid.

Also he said last time he is a grown up man with a job as engineer.
I can in no world belive this lol. It has to be some 14 year old kid with mental problems that just hardcore troll this forum.

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“Some people just want to see the world burn”
the Joker


I don’t think they have the functionality.

But I don’t mind banning him as many times as it takes.

God, I love the matchmaking in this game.

Yeah, Brightwing, Uther, Abathur, and Varian is a totally reasonable comp.

edit: this wasn’t supposed to be a reply, oh well lol

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Im gona be honest here. You saw that in pre game screen and didnt exit HOTS…that one is on you :rofl:

Hypercarry Varian. (Though he was probably taunt or CS)

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LI-MIng with 1400+ games played cant even get a single kill for 18min and had terrible orb/missile aim. Did not even hit a single hero.

I have seen eveything now.

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Hey I’ve seen a lvl 400 Raynor go “Ace in the hole” on BoE, and the only slow we had was Imperius.

(Then again, I’ve also seen a Lvl 500 Tracer pick “Focus FIre”)


Do you believe in greater powers?
Gods, AI?

Ana 22.2%, 2:7.
Begin with a few matches with overstuttering people. When healing half as much as Uther is actually an achievement.
Next day: get a win, sandwitched between issues leading to hard stomps.
Next day: a win, then an odd throw and another with critical disconnects.

It’s like said greater power indeed wants me to go full ego and play heroes like Orphea, Jaina, Tassadar. Alright, Rehgar winrate is also nice. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s as if the game assigned me to the throw bucket again, losing too much.
Typical textbook “forced 50% exists shalala” experience as I’m still 51.3% in QM, 52.5% overall this season.

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Although it’s not recommended to go Ace in the Hole on BoE, the passives gives a maximum proc upkeep of 78% of the time and 100% while using Inpire. That’s not even including his base line Q slow.

Other slows from team mates are not needed.

My duo has a rule where we dont tank AND heal. We will always do one unless our team really wants both, but having one with cc to call shots and a dmg player to followup is how we win our games. We say this in draft snd pick tank/assassin. Last guy refuses to heal and we get 3 assassins. Starts complaining that im getting boosted bc my friend is low ranked (doesn’t even check to see that he’s got a 51-54% wr and few games played). So i just instantly report him for being toxic and we play the game out. The rest of the team follows my shotcalls and we win easily.

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Why is it that people who tank on my team like to play Stitches so much? (And why do they think he’s good on Hanamura?)

I have the same with Diablo. People just keep going on him, relentlessly, until they die, even 1vN. With him, there is only forward.

Maybe you just have ptsd from Stiches and Nazeebo, so you think that most players in your team pick them? Humans tend to remember bad things more than good ones, u know. :joy:


Are this the matches are you talking about, Frog?

It’s SL gold league and I don’t see the difference between all heroes free or not. Our Valla trash talks the whole time against Diablo and Qhira, but also complains, if Tyrande is using an aim bot for her owl, because Valla isn’t able to dodge it… :joy:

Sidenote: Ures is my alt account I use for streaming.

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I’m not Minky I’m Frogsaron. You are talking to the wrong BW.

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Thanks. I fixed it, but still are those matches you mentioned? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Guess the bad games can still pop up in ranked. But in my qm games i have already seen a few better games now were people actually dont play like a zombie and know what to do.

Apart from the late night game i had were i was matched with a duo team with Aba and Kerri which played both badly and Aba did not place a single mine on the map and only hatted his friend.

So i guess it still depends how lucky you are even without free to play event.