Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

They’ve removed his level 100 images thread too.

I’m speechless.


Threads can be restored, account actions can be appealed (although sometimes it take a few tries), but at least the trolls were punted. I still have no idea what the attraction is for that sort of behavior.

What Sami said about Gishki just made it clear to me. This person bombed many popular threads, I believe the intention was to make such a mess of threads that the mods just removed them wholesale rather than removing just the offending posts.

It’s probably best for us not to flag anymore, if this is the way things run.

I wish Planar was about, he probably could help with all of this.


It’s weird that GM’s are so lazy, they could just check the name, because it’s were mostly one user (?), who did this mess. And I am sick of it that innocent people got punished for his actions, looks like his mission was complete.


MM puts silvers against plats.
Silly me decided to comply with daily quests and play Ana.
Still showing a positive winrate but I am reliably losing with her. Currently on a 6 loss streak. There is simply too much stutter stepping and these 10 pixel hitboxes don’t help. Virtually impossible to heal tanks. (And the game congratulates me for healing above average.)
@Fan Stop teaching people to side step. Thanks.
At least I can add one more hero to the Stay Away pile. Unfortunate, level 23 and all.
(At least global QM stats show that she is in a bad place. The build I was forced to play has a whopping 40% winrate.)

Several threads survived, with posts only from the spammers removed. Either he was mistakenly removed, or, well. Farewell thread not meeting code of conduct.
Have to flag, though. The raid was real hard, though.


He has been account banned 6 times now but dont care at all like it has become some kind of sport to troll Hots forum for its remaining players. Also a reason why some left already cause he never gets IP or hardware banned. Then he can just make a new account just like trolls ingame does and he cycle of trolling starts again. It has no end.

Like you said maybe its time people should just ignore him cause flagging him wont do anything casue thats what he really wants and it fuels his trolling even more when we flag him.

He take great pleasure in trolling this forum together with his idiot friends who are as dumb as him.

Its the same person who does it again and again. And he take great pleasure doing it. LIke it has become his secret mission to destroy what is left here and then dance on the corpse of the forum when all are gone.

If Blizzad care about thier own forum then they should just hardware/IP banning that troll before he makes more people leave.


Falling to Bronze with the US account isn’t particularly ego boosting, but hey.

But when folks take Kael’thas (37%), denying a Tassadar first pick and giving it to the enemy (64%), it’s, umm, a soft throw.

At least my combined EU and US screens of last 12+12 matches can show a nice 25% winrate, both capable of going to 17% if I lose next - down from the opposite a week ago :slight_smile:

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Did he take convection and pyro?

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I sure hoped he asked first.

The need for attention. These people usually have daddy/mommy issues, or other real life problems having to do with their self esteem. I actually feel bad for them.

I don’ t think that’s a solution. That would be a license for people to troll even more.

Do both. Don’t reply to the topics or replies. Just flag them.

Same person.


Mana Addict, Nether Wind, then full W talents and Pyro.

The problem wasn’t specifically him, rather that our team (Azmo, Xul, Li Li, Anub) had too much macro, but it wasn’t like Xul and Azmo were laning, either. I spent a significant portion of the early match soloing against enemy Twin Blades Varian tank. I have a rather long run of that this season.

(Lost another one and now it’s down to 2:10. Also have someone on my friend list who dropped from Plat 2 to Gold 5 this season. Did like all of Bronze quit in the US, shifting folks?)

ps.: I think yesterday’s trolling was intentionally destructive. Technically speaking I’m trolling, too, as I’m asking for attention (hugs and discussions). But these just spammed stupid things.

ps2.: Looking back at my match history, first pick Tassadar is a soft throw, too. Just pick beef and he’ll be useless. That, and EU-US ping is pretty much unplayable. Takes about 0.3 seconds for my character to change directions or cast a spell. I expect to lose 3rd in a row, achieve Bronze 1 and ignore it for another 3 months. I actually have Win 3 games quest and I’m at 5 SL wins, so I’m bound to keep playing. Wrong!

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Sometimes for me it’s a good thing it’s online because people would be dead.

Its fun as healer when you have a tank that just ignores you whole game and dont care you get dived on. But hey. I ended the game with more kills then him as Ana then that dumb Anub even when i get dived on 3v1 and no one cared to help i still end up with more kills then tank lol.

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I’ve noticed the same. Only a handful of my friends have either risen in ranks or maintained it this season. The rest have fallen. The majority of my friends who used to play ranked for years are just QM players now.

The trouble is, nobody responded to these people, the trolling was extreme in nature, so there was nothing to reply to. This got Gishki’s “Level 100 Club” thread removed and it was years old.


I hate meta slaves.

No your not a good W build sonya on a big open map
1 tank 2 bruisers doesnt work when we arent coordinated

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That guy is gone now. (For now, if he comes back we’ll get him banned again)

6 losses in a row. 5 of them were games with completely AWFUL teammates, people who spend the whole game feeding, afkers or people queueing up just to straight up troll. 1 was a legit game that could have gone either way and only ended in a loss because of some last minute poor decisions.

It feels like I’m playing with weekend players because this is legit awful lmfao.


He has left again a trail of destruction and yet, not everything will be restored.
Gishki’s Level 100 Club was deleted, because of harassment and life threatening

All his amazing artwork is gone!

Blizzard has obviously decided to leave the forum to automated bots that doesn’t look into the threads and is rather willing to delete threads instead of using Man power to investigate furthermore.


Check Discord. And find out that we lost 100 lvl Club.

I start to regret to be a part of this place.


What the heck? That topic was a fun motivator to grind a hero for.

I can’t believe it broke any rules.


It was just false flagged…

Like… In the name of Tassadar, what the heck?!..