Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Personal experience, I guess. 40% winrate is not fun.

By and large the average person in-game is a worse melee than ranged, and then it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. You always get beaten, you are salty, you don’t have an opportunity to learn (see thread about smurfing to learn), so you use melee matches to drop MMR and then dominate with ranged.

I am generally encountering people who are fairly bad, considering their plays. I’m seeing fantastic ranged plays by Bronze 5+0 folks. But melee players are, you know. The Illidan stereotype. The Qhira stereotype. The Diablo that keeps diving to suicide.

Look at my profile to see MMR per hero, and it’s glaring that apart from 1-2 heroes that somehow click, I’m as extreme between two heroes as pretty much the entire ranked league. I can’t even deliver with Mei and DVa, and those heroes are supposedly terribly OP.

Therefore, if you see me pick melee, except Anub and Qhira and maybe Varian, you can report me for throwing. Of course I can kick butt in Silver 5 but that’s salty, too.

Partially because about half of melee matches have no healer, and that experience is just pure trash.

Fix the system, introduce hero-specific MMR in QM, encourage playing wanted roles by getting massive gold (instead of xp, so that you can buy a chest) and progressing all quests. Show MMR in QM. As this will normalize every hero at 50% winrate, compare per-player MMR values.

… And once you learn how to play without a tank and/or healer, you really don’t need it. Arguably a QM player is superior than a SL player in that regard. But also I’ve seen tons of SL matches where the team without a tank has beaten the team with it, badly. Damage adds up beautifully.

But also if you always play dmg and get bad drafts its not surprising. At that point you have to just suck it up and accept what your teammates give you or you fill yourself.

Oh I know, this is how I morphed into a Healer, Tank and Bruiser main. :slight_smile:


Same. Now my assassin winrate is whats dragging me down.

But this is only useful, when you know that your assassines don’t suck, but since you are around plat it’s likely that your teammates are better than mine, so it might make sense. In gold-silver it doesn’t make sense to go healer and I am better without healer, because you’re just a healbot any way most of the time and people still die too much.

Today I won a game without healer or tank at all, we stomped the enemys with their perfect draft and even had Butcher and Nova in our team. :smiley:

Idk i carried myself out of bronze, silver, gold, and plat with healer. Its doable,

I don’t say it’s impossible, but it’s a lot harder to climb as healer and if you know that basically every comp is possible in those ranks, if people just picks heroes they are comfortable with, why not just pick that?

Bc its a team game and expecting ppl to fill draft for you every game isnt going to work.

Then you clearly misunderstood me. I don’t want that people fill the draft for me, they should pick whatever they can play well and remember the basics of the game and then we have a good chance of winning. I won countless matches with weird comps against “good comps”.

And again I don’t know, if this strategy works well in plat, but I know it works well in gold or silver. My smurf account is currently at gold with 60% winrate.

They both trolled/afk’ed during the game.

My personal experience is that people insist on playing assassins even though they’re bad at it. They jump into the enemy team as if they were tanks, then die.

Kinda hard when none of your teamaes will show any picks. But when I tank, I get to watch my assassins run past me and die. (And the comps they take aren’t any better. I’ll just be missing a bruiser or healer instead)

Usually, when people play against a no healer team, instead of using their advantage and backing up from a fight to heal. They insist on fighting without retreating, and since they have less damage they lose the fight.


Can I just deposit my spurm in the mines instead? Just wondering (asking for a friend).

My guess is that they’re even worse at playing other roles. People can’t know that they can do anything unless it’s damage dealt or heroes killed. Saves, peels, good engages, ganks, macro decisions aren’t things people care about (or the core for that matter).

They see deaths but ironically, it has nothing to do with their bad plays.

I feel ya: I tank, others engage past me lvl 12 vs lvl 13 when I ping retreat, then blame me for the fight.
I DPS, and the tank (if any) engage a 4 vs 5.
I heal, and all of the above happens, but I’m left alone to depush after a lost team fight.

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hey man,. nobody will read your posty :smiley:

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Its, ok I read it.

Just kidding.

Locked. Thread resolved.

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There is one good thing in this recent trolling.
It shows what real trolling is.
Most of the stuff reported around here is I don’t agree with it and it hurts my baby soul. Like when you congratulate one of your colleagues and she files for sexual harassment for the smile, while the rest of the team challenges for special treatment.
Without actual stuff, allergy looks like sickness.


At this point, it’s not even trolling, its a raid.


Hey, don’t model your life after mine :slight_smile:

Someone filed harrassment on you again? :slight_smile:

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tl, dr: Smurfs are ruining the game,

the few community that remains is trying to enjoy the game as it is but in the early and late times of season the SL silver-plat is just full of a bunch of as****es who can’t do anything with their lives apart playing an e-sport wannabe moba game and since they are too toxic and bored to play with other lifeless neck-beard autistic sociopaths like them they decide to create a new account and bully on people who try to enjoy competitive games without losing their lives on the screen. It’s such a bad practice that I hate it both when they are on my team but especially when I got match against a full-silver smurf team and lose 200 lp without being able to even play.
yes, I’m bad
no, I have not 6 hours a day to dedicate this s**t to get good

please stay in your fng rank or go fing play another moba you salty a** b**es


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Haha, no.
I keep being reminded by American series, though. The latest, an ER doc checking breast for cancer, being reported for it.

Once I had a female colleague come right next to me, stretch her arms by lifting them all the way up, wearing a top, and casually moving her upper body left and right while stretching. Upon stepping away asking what she is doing, she told me the next time she will report a harassment. Never did. Was a troubled woman, though.


I logged off wanted to get away from the flood of trolling. I just see now they seem to have removed Gishki’s farewell thread? He didn’t say or do anything wrong, the person flooding with obscenities did.

This is really poor form, sorry, this is salty so it fits in this thread.