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Some nail come poops just think that a tank only engages in one direction. The biggest part of being a tank is understanding the feel of players on both teams. If you got teammates getting value by pushing elsewhere you don’t cry out for an aggressive 4v5 engage.

Some people have no brains and should be forced to play a bit of good chess, just to mold that grey mush a bit.

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:Sees favorite DPS hero Call of the Nexus pop up:
Oh, wow. Let’s do this! Clicks Ready
Waits 4 minutes, finds a match
Someone drops.
Loses Call of the Nexus.
Every Single TIME

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Of course it’s QM. You don’t think that I’d win a SL game that easily? :slight_smile:

Actually, I went bot lane, and Nova decided to stay there too. WHen the Illidan backed for health, I grabbed the siege camp then Nova and I ended up destroying that fort. The Illidan was probably pinging for help, and I assume his team gave up after he did. We did destroy the mid fort after that, then took a boss. Either it was the 2nd fort or the boss that sapped away their morale.

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Decided to play melee, ended playing against a Falstad.
Of course he took the busted OP build, why wouldn’t he. Kept B-stepping, too.
I was running around all match like a headless chicken.
Consolation price: I killed him twice. At the expense of my entire team.
Tassadar W should also stick to targets as they walk around, would be only fair. :slight_smile:

Lesson from 2 matches: Falstad is 1st ban material.

First game today against a coordinated 5 man (2 smurfs) who built a zj hypercarry comp. close game but at 20 they steamrolled us.

Yes it’s SL. I picked Falstad, and then this happened.


I damaged my headphones.
(Edit: The Illidan afk’ed at 4 mins.)


OMFG, that illidan is in my game again!
(He’s Nova this time)


Illidan picks in ranked always put the fear of god into me. Most of the time it doesn’t work, or 2% of the time they are Illidan gods. Honestly, I’m less worried to see a Butcher pick over an Illidan pick.


It’s sad that the Ilidan went afk and he should be reported for that, but your draft isn’t bad , because Ilidan just could be the solo laner of your team. Illidan has good wave clear and camp clear. His solo potencial isn’t bad either, people are just too aggressive with that hero and overstimate their own ability.

What are his level progress with Nova or Illidan? But yeah your experience reminds me, when I got the same guy(s) for 4 games and I dodged the draft in the last game.


A team of triple squishies with only Muradin’s Q as peel?


BoE, we had first pick. I show Raynor, then one of my teamates decides to also show Raynor. I told him “My WR on Ray is 61%, you have 40% let me pick him”, He insta locks. Once in game, he goes “Ace in the hole

Then our Thrall picks “Crash Lightning” and refuses to take the solo lane, ever. Despite the entire team asking him.

Then I ask for burst to follow up on my throws as Garrosh. We get Gul Dan.
(Oh, and when I asked the Gul Dan to clear the mer camps pushing, he wouldn’t, so we lost a fort and a keep to a minion push)


Next time I’ll just pick a DPS. There’s no point Tanking for people who have no idea what they’re doing. We were 3 levels behind from a lane being empty almost all game.
One more loss.


No no, you lost because the enemy team had an Artanis. If you had drafted him, easy win! :wink:

Edit: And why the heck did Falstad get through the draft? He is a perma-ban in my matches.


To be honest, the Falstad made little difference in the match.

OMG. My next game the banner banned Raynor, which one player wanted, so he picked Butcher and purposely avoided picking up meat the entire match.

I’m just never gonna win another game. Gods.


I’m sorry you’re having such a rough season Phase. I’ve had players just like you described in Ranked. If someone accidentally has their hero banned or it was done for strategic reasons, some people just throw a tantrum and then well, throw on purpose.

Some ranked games just feel like I’m babysitting. All I can say is you’re due for a good game soon!

Ok that’s it. I’m done. I give up.



Please watch some of my DVa matches and tell me things that I’m terrible at.

No, I currently don’t want to improve, I want a certificate of badness which I can link during every draft. Maybe later when I’m back to emotionless.

Seriously though, am I soft throwing my matches?

Fun fact: my earlier post about some really funny matches have been reported.

Oh my! Yeah that’s really upsetting and you had landed Falstad! I appreciate the optimism of your healer, but ouch.

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Also the last two draft pure dmg and dont care for having a bruiser/tank.
Why so many people in this game think they should all play dmg and have zero frontline.

IKR. I get it’s possible to win with any comp, but taking no frontline at all gives an enemy team a huge advantage. With a comp like that, you have to be sure you’re going to play far better than the enemy team in every respect.