Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

This might make you feel better Phase. I ventured back into SL, I had the same player on my team twice in a row. Both times he took the solo lane and didn’t go to the solo lane, get camps or provide any map pressure and was the second lowest XP on our team.

The first time I tried to make up for this when my team asked me to try to solo top as the main tank. This didn’t work as our actual solo lanner kept getting ganked and didn’t rotate to help the 3 btm or mid.

The next game he takes Gazlowe and didn’t manage to take a single camp on Cursed Hollow in a 20 minute game. He took Robo Goblin, even though we had ETC with Mosh and Jaina with ROF and he seemed to only be trying for team fights, not pushing or camping. So those were both losses.

Next game was a good one, heals at Brightwing, easy win, nice coordinated team. The one after I went against the “not solo lane, solo lane” guy, and just ganked him the entire game, another easy win. Match quality pretty darn awful though.


5 dps vs 5 dps…

Everyone had 35k+ damage…except our falstad who had 7k… ALL GAME


Since it’s in SL, the game can’t match us based on the hero we play since it has no idea what we’re going to pick.

Those two sentences do not match. Picking RoboGob and never taking camps is like buying ice creame cones when you never have ice cream.


Not only that, but it doesn’t make sense at all in general, because Gazlowe is good at mercing, even without Robo Goblin. I never pick it, because Gravi bomb is just too good to miss, except I play QM.

In my qm games i sometimes see Sylvanas players take the first merc camp after 17-20 min into the game lol.

And sometimes they dont even take one. Same goes for everyone who has the dmg to solo camps. None of them bother to take one and just mindless feeds mid.

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When I play Artanis in QM, if I don’t get the headhunter award at the end, I feel bad.

The player did the same the previous game with his bruiser, I’m pretty sure he was just trolling.

The worst part as I mentioned with his Gazlowe pick was we had an ETC and Jaina with Ring of Frost, the combo potential with Gravbomb is amazing. :frowning:


Maybe or overconfident, because he thought we already have so much ‘wombo combo’, I don’t need ma bomb…

No, he was for sure trolling. The first game I had with him he was on Sonya and he wouldn’t take top lane, even though the team kept asking him to. He took I think one camp that game and I had to solo lane as the main tank and he wouldn’t help the other 3 secure the beacons on Dragon Shire.

Well… it surely sounds awful, but I don’t see how he is trolling. I see this behaviour very often, so I would say that this player was just bad or tilted.

I’m going to start reporting people in ARAM who wait til the last second to pick and we end up with a bad comp.

Sue me.

Cause it really looks like when someone doesn’t hover anyone until < 3 seconds and then they dive on something at the last second that they weren’t paying attention and “wanted to be a team player” by picking 2nd healer. Which really means we have no damage and are going to lose a slow war of attrition because we can’t finish any kills.

Hero selection/mini draft is part of the game. Being AFK is nonparticipation.


Daily reminder that playing Hots on a Friday is on your own risk.

Gets matched with a Khara that ends the game with lower healing then Abathur and ofc decides to throw the game and give the enemy team who had lots of 8-10+ feeders a free win.


It’s ARAM. Bad comps are kind of expected. You can’t report someone because you don’t like their picks. There is no comp requirement.


Nerf/remove the Butcher…
I’m so sick of him.

Read the post again. It’s people who are AFK during hero pick phase and pick something without thinking.

It’s like missing bans in full draft. It’s part of the game - you need to be present and be able to communicate with the team.

It’s still not reportable. They likely don’t care about comps or which hero they get.

No it’s completely different. You have no idea what the enemy is playing. So it’s not like you’re counter picking.

I hate to tell you, but in ARAM, that’s where you find the most people who don’t care. You should probably play unranked instead.


Although I think it’s good for new players, I will be so happy that all free hero rotation is over soon.

No other hero has bothered me more than the plague of terrible, woeful, absolutely horrid Abathur QM players. I may have been unlucky, but I haven’t been able to escape them. They were in 16 in my last 20 matches. Many of those matches were also mirror matches.

I had an Abathur game with a Tracer on my team who asked the Abathur to take extra attack speed for her. He told her it was a “trash talent” and took monstrosity vs the enemy Abathur who had mule and took clone to help their team secure objectives.

In that game our Abathur had the lowest siege damage, lowest XP (lower than the Lt. Morales) and third highest hero damage as he went mine build, with a mixture of talents picked at random. He never touched an enemy tower, let alone a fort. The only fort destroyed, I personally took out as Sonya. He never used the Monstrosity even to just depush a lane, he would just run it down until it died :sob:


Shortest game ever. The entire enemy team gave up at 5:30. When I realized it I just went core.
Never seen anything like it.



Phase, please say that’s at least just a QM game? I’ve had some fast ending matches, but I don’t think quite that fast before.

Lucky you :slight_smile:
I had a game last weekend with my entire team disconnecting at once (at level 21!).
The Butcher numbers suggest a DC or just tilted scaredom (considering the matchup) and then they didn’t want the AI thus threw. Your comp is a little too good against Butcher / Illidan. And then Chromie vs Nova, despite the first kill :slight_smile: