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I once had a 0% winrate Valeera on my team last time i played SL. She was so bad.

Tomb of spider queen:


Hanzo, deckard, alarak, tyrael


Johanna, ming, rag, lucio, falstad

Last pick: morales

Ngl i was mad. They never communicated and made it look like a panic lock. I asked team to let them just end. They refused so i of course played it out. We ended up winning bc alarak hard carried. I don’t really care and am still mad about draft. Communication would have resolved everything. This is a team game just talk or indicate your intentions.




6th loss in a row for the exact same reason.


Huh, you had Kiyeberries on your team. I am mildly surprised she went along with bad macro decisions, as she has been on teams with good players before, like Mochrie, and should know better by now.

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Hadn’t even noticed. But our tank kind of had a merc camp obsession, and didn’t realize that his beetles can act as minion when we want to destroy a fort with 40% hp.

Though he did make one good play to gank a Nazeebo that was pushing alone, called it, and cocooned him, but the rest of the team went to clear minions top.
I still followed the team when they made those calls, but it did not work out.


Only so much you can do as a healer. I’ve tried 1v1ing the core as Anduin before. I almost managed to keep the catapults alive long enough to win while my 3 living teammates grabbed a camp on the other side of the map. Got core down to 7%. Then we lost.

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On the bright side, you’re Hogger the master of mercs himself, especially on Alterac, where he can get his brothers to aid him.

There are still too many idiots, who try to kill Mag when he uses “Blind as Bat”. All 4 stupid teammates surrounded that Mag and got stunned to death.

Tried SL again.

One player had an interesting walk into enemies strategy. The other just left the team, and started trolling and suiciding after 10.

I just…EVERY game. I’m just friggin tirerd of this. How can ALL my games be like this? WTF?
I feel like crying.


Hard matchup for BW though against all that burst with her puny trait.

I do not like to firstpick BW and Malfurion for this reason, although they are otherwise nice healers.

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Where’s your squad? And where’s zenasprime

Seeing Mei dying 5 times… I instantly know how you feel.

And still Hogger as the frontliner died once? BW’s heal isn’t bad, but if people eats all skillshots, don’t know when to retreat, even the best healer can’t heal them.

What’s your build?

The Mei wasn’t actually that bad. But it’s hard for a tank to survive 4 vs 5s. A lot of time Xul wouldn’t show up, and the team insisted on fighting.

Hard for tanks to survive getting pummeled by 5 people :frowning: Give hots sustain tanks that punish enemies attacking them

Two gams in a raw and two Aba that dont put a single mine on the ground and just afk with monster ult insteed of helping his team with hat.

Both games they end up hiding in spawn and doing nothing.

Edit: Now i get matched with an Aba that dont even place mines vs a team who has Valeera so ofc i gets ganked cause i have no vision were she is and LILI were just boosting her own stats whole game by going 4v1 whole game.

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Hey, if your seven-year-old wants to play HOTS with you, that’s cool - but maybe play versus AI with him, because random strangers don’t find it adorable being stuck in a game for 17 minutes with a 10k damage Zul’jin.

Starting a SL game. Reserving this spot now.
Edit: Two sub 200 players who didn’t know how to play. Each of them lvl 5 or less on their heroes. Oh well. One more loss.


They literally need to take out MM groups vs solo players…

its getting stupid now

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You seem to attract this :slight_smile:

I have a funny suggestion. It appears to me that the matchmaker might, for one reason or another, put you in a positive feedback loop - or just long waves of up and down.

I was playing Mei, 2nd best hero overall, but I couldn’t win, because reasons. Soon enough I found myself with absolute crap teammates, with two exceptions, a full-plat match and a full bronze match, each won in their own way. Still, scored 4:8.

So I switch to Tassadar only to score 4 losses in a row. Y’know, the hero I’ve been boasting about, how good I am. Anyway, turns around slowly, 6:6.

I switch to Orphea only to end up 8:4. Could be 10:2 if I didn’t need to unrust myself. By the end I’m playing with very nice Plats, even some Diamonds. Heck, 11:1 as one of the losses involved a team of 3 just disconnecting. Leading to a couple post-21 teamwipes.

I switch to DVa and start with 2:1. I certainly have a lot to practice about her, but my teams were good, or almost, or somesuch.

Play some hard carry to unjinx yourself. I usually see you Raynor. Does he work so well for you? I’d go on a Malthael / Ragnaros / Tracer streak. Heck, your Rexxar and Orphea seem to be sleeper opportunities.

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