Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

If you have a reliable stun engine already (e.g. Uther, Rexxar), TB can be better than taunt. One gives you more macro, one gives you a bit more teamfight.

You have to love QM Novas. Who take Triple Tap into a Stitches, Varian, Counterstrike Alarak, and PW:S Anduin.



Did they also do the ‘wait in bush for the perfect moment to strike’ thing? Meanwhile the rest of the team was 4v5 and the Nova may as well have been AFK.

‘Stealth hero’ doesn’t mean ‘only finish off 1hp enemies’. Nova can still do useful DPS during fights, harass backliners or overextenders, or catch people rotating.

Sitting in bush while team is fighting is borderline nonparticipation.


She wasn’t too bad. She was in the team fights, and had the most hero damage on our team. But taking Triple Tap into that was pointless, especially since the map was Tomb of the Spider Queen, where Precision Strike would be so much more useful.

I could complain in detail about my last 3 games but you know what?


That is all.


Most complaints here can get summarised with All heroes free to play
Every time Blizzard comes up with this idea, it back fires hard.
It is just frustrating for everyone.


Actually I like when all heroes are f2p, but I miss hero restriction for SL.

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This was always a huge problem since the introduction of the SL
you don’t get better matches when the mandatory hero level is so low.

Necessary hero level should be 10.
Necessary player level should be 50.

And even this is way too low to know how to play competitively


Where is the good games thread again?
I don’t know, who carried who, but Mei is a great Nazeebo. Or Jaina. Or Tassadar.

Just to be on topic, Tracer got 4 votes, Mei 0.

Technically speaking, this match is an example where damage > tanks.

As far as post-match inspection can tell, it was as fair as it gets. I was even afraid of comps a little. Fortunately Genji didn’t instakill Tracer with deflect a dozen times as I was worried about.
On that thought, Mei roleplaying Nazeebo was probably good. In proper teamfights they had a lot for countering us (mobility).

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I have nightmares about this :frowning:

Yesterday we wiped the enemy team and went for core. Our Sonya went after a keep, and our Tracer…was trying to solo our boss…

Hey, I was in one of those games :slight_smile:


That’s a free win for the squishies, most of my time.

Pls, someone tell me why should a diamond player pick a 2 kda Ana with 27% win rate on SL? I almost forgot that I stopped playing ranked because of these 60 IQ silvers on every dam’ rank.

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I queue for an ARAM this morning. 2 people were afk at draft, no healer. One autopicks to ETC and is mad he’s tanking without a healer. Then the two draft afks were typing and complaining the first 3 minutes of the match, staying still to type as we get wiped. I get blamed because I had a heal choice but others did as well. If I knew 2 people on my team were going to afk, I would’ve swapped.
But I couldn’t stand the complaining and baby BS so I left the match.
I come back to leaver status and my first silence. Feels so wrong.


How is an 27% Ana in dia though? Did you played with low elo premates and you got that ana to equalize your team rank?

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No, I got her in solo queue. Now I’m in draft and we already have a 3 kda Auriel with also 28% win :smiley:

Incredible. I don’t understand how people managed to get both KDA and winrate that low… I am around 49% with a kda of 5 in gold/silver.

Same, me and my 2 others mates, we played with a Feeder Troll in StormLeague, we 3 reported him and we got matched with him 3 games in arrows after that, so we stop to play that day, how could that be possible ?

It is not his overall winrate. They pick heroes with such low win rate on ranked, when it is clear that they are terrible at them.


I, as Zagara with lv20 Nydus upgrade, and my teammates were chasing a low health Zeratul. Then, I thought what if I put a Creep Tumor in front of him, would he stop to kill it, and we could catch up and kill him?

You know what? It worked! It’s an over 9000 IQ plan that happened only once in a millennium.


In other words you are another victim of all heroes being f2p. :joy:

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