Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

We need a way to block a player then you never get a game with that player again. I’m always finding the same troll guys in QM. I don’t mind waiting a few more minutes to find a nice match.
Is so frustrating when you check the players name on the loading screen and you see the same guy that trolled the last 10 games.


Our Zarya was chasing a low health Artanis, ignoring 2 waves of enemy minions nearby. Artanis just walked around the minions, until Zarya was chipped away by minions, and killed her.

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Lost Vikings: Our damage isn’t all there

Meanwhile they have a tally of 6.5 deathes on their quarter death Vikings… against a god damn Alarak who gets full sadism per kill
160 he was nuking thorugh even our damn tank before we could do f all, then there’s the KTZ who didn’t even have to aim to hit someone with the chains and the Diablo who filled entire battlefields with apoc
basically Vikings werne’t even good vikings and they picked vikings into a comp that made it even worse.

screw you vikings


It looks like these are the only types of games I can get.


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Looks like a QM. Assume no one can play their hero

Just got out of a QM game on Blackheart’s Bay as Mei where 3/5th of my team had absolutely no interest in soaking for the first 6 minutes. They didn’t take camps, hard push or do objectives either, they just stacked bot and did nothing. We wound up being permanently 2-3 levels behind the enemy team and ultimately lost as a result. The worst part is that both myself and our Uther informed the rest of the team that missing soak so early would screw us over but they just weren’t interested in playing the same game as us apparently.

Not the end of the world but it’s always a bit frustrating being matched with people who aren’t interested in playing HOTS yet queued up anyway.


Make macro less important

Soaking is a core mechanic of basically every Moba out there so this wouldn’t change anything. The issue is people queuing up when they aren’t interested in actually playing the game.


Play Overwatch, problem solved.


Played rehgar against an ana and didnt get my ancestral healing ult interrupted once. Was pretty annoyed. They also went for speed boost and dart quest at 16 so i was banging my head against the table. Next round i played uther against them and i got greymane to dive her with me.

Tried to message them after to give a few ana points but they rejected my friend request :sob:

Sylvanas dies to towers trying to dive a low hp Guldan. Never takes camps either. Yrel max feeder. Falstad never took a single camp and lose bot lane to a Taunt Varian LOL.
Just another game with potatoes that deserve to get reported.


We could team up but if you’re a healer or assassin main it won’t work

To the Genji player on Warhead Junction. You’re wrong, using a nuke where the enemy has both towers, gate, healing fountain and fort is not “useless.”

What is useless (though useful for the enemy) is holding on to that nuke for 6 minutes until you die under our towers and let the enemy get the nuke so they can use it on our core. Please remember, the nuke like coins items and gems is not something you can keep to take home to your wife after the game.


Thank you all hero free rotation, this is a first. Played with an Alarak in a 30 minute game. He didn’t even get one stack on his Q quest, died 14 times and yet we almost carried him to a win.

I must admit to never having seen an Alarak not even make it to at least hitting 5 heroes to get the first part of that quest. :frowning:


People who tunnel vision on a win that they miss the most obvious way in which we will lose.

Example A: Stitches going in 4v5 on BoE when all he needed to do was wait for the boss to swap at 50% for our Nova to be back so we’d have the necessary DPS to make it a fair fight. Instead he blows his bile on 100% boss and dies, meaning we definitely lose instead of having a chance to win the teamfight before they race us down.

Example B: Dragon Shire. Both teams have just respawned after a fight that ended with a 2v1 in our favor (that should have been a 4v1 at least but that’s beside the point). We have both points (5v5) and people go in 3 different directions. A fight happens in the jungle between top and mid with everyone split. Deckard “initiated” by thinking he could 1v5 with 0 info on where the enemy was, thinking he could get to the dragon in time. What’s sad is that we were up 26-9 in kills before this throw.

This is a team game for christ’s sake. Simple math indicates that 1 and 4 are less than 5. You want to play a carry? Play LoL or DotA.

So tired of losing games because of one person’s impatience and idiocy.


Or The Butcher. He’s a hard carry.

Very true. What I didn’t mention about that zero hit Alarak game was at 24 minutes we had a boss we could have pushed with and won, the enemy had no towers and a 60% core, but the team didn’t and went and hit minions mid.

At 27 minutes we got the curse and 3 of them went and got camps…


6 QM in a row: enemy team gets a bruiser and a tank, we get 4 squishies and a Varian. On the bright side, I’m getting real good at Taunt.

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Nightwalker: Hold my beer.

Would have been a lot more ugly (snowbally) if not for Ragnaros clearing up the objectives and said Varian suffering from permanent Slow Blindness.
Unfortunately our deeps didn’t quite deliver, quite possibly because said dysfunctional tank playing The best defense is offense strategy. Still, I’ve been babysitting Hammer and that was barely enough, and our KT, well, qualifies as a random build. Also, my 0 death as tank is more of a tribute of enemy focus, than my stellar excellence.

Regardless, it was fun to play.
Also, the bronzies were playing better than plats, as per usual.

ps.: Kinda funny to have an account name of Audi and playing Hammer.


People in ARAM who don’t communicate. I show DPS because it’s a hero I like. Other person shows Nova with Johanna option. They switch to Johanna. I offer to switch to Arthas if they want to play Nova - no response. I stay on DPS.

They proceed to run around like a headless chicken. No idea how to position. They pick Falling Sword and don’t know how to use it. I eventually kindly explain that they can manoeuvre with it. They end up with 13 deaths.

Admittedly, I wasn’t helpful at the end when I dropped a “3v7” comment (our Deckard was AFK half the match - a different issue). Their first communication of the game “ur bad”.

I can’t help you if you don’t talk with us.