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2 afk player games in a row same players on my team says hello then just logs out and enters back near the end of game.

I goto aram eating my lunch, nobody picks tank or healer just 5 mages as I had no choice of tank or healer. This proceeds about 3 games until i gotta do some work.


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Listen, the fundamental problem with the matchmaker is simple. Even assuming aggressive 60% winrates when only within 2k MMR of your correct location, for the matchmaker to be accurate you would need two or three hundred games per player per season. That’s way too many games. Most people don’t have time for that, and thus the matchmaker isn’t reliable.

Ultimately the reality is that MMR as a system was designed for 1v1 games, and designers know it doesn’t really work for team games. The problem is, a better alternative has not yet been conceived.


Been playing QM more recently and having mixed results. My latest game was just… not great. Got into a game with no tank but a Varian. Our Nova and myself (Azmodan) figure he’ll go Taunt because the enemy team has muradin/tracer and I say so in chat just in case. At level 4, he goes twinblades (because of course he does). Not that bad so far except he starts absolutely blowing CHUNKS. He can’t do ANYTHING of use whatsoever. No peel, no tanking, no real useful anything. He just gets blasted in every encounter and he and his 2 buddies decide to basically give up and let the enemy team win. I mention that he should have went taunt and he just starts spewing nonsense in chat as he continues to blow chunks. Game ends in 11 minutes and the Nova and I end the game pretty unhappy as we basically had 11 minutes of our time wasted.

I’m starting to think a lot of premade groups straight up stink and get put into matches they don’t belong in because like 90% of my losses recently have been due to getting partnered up with awful premade stacks.


Our Johanna was chasing a 20% health Rexxar. I was fighting a KTZ, and he managed to escape with less than 5% health.

That KTZ ran by the Johanna. No reaction. I pinged on KTZ.
KTZ passed by Johanna, I freaking spamed all pings on the KTZ.

Oh the amazing joys of all free hero rotation month. If I wasn’t so lazy I’d like to make an epic poem themed around the famous “tears in the rain” monologue from “Bladerunner”.

During all free hero free rotation, I’ve seen Jaina’s tank like Stitches, I’ve seen Stitches Gorge full health Sonya’s and dump them into an almost dead backline only to kill us all, I’ve seen Abathurs with 2k soak in 20 minutes with full locust build, I’ve seen Blaze on fire, not standing on his fire to get healing but rather spreading KT’s bomb to my whole team, I’ve seen KTZ’s with 2 Blight in a 20 minute game, all lost, like tears in the rain.

*Please stop full Orb/Glass Cannon/Disintegrate Li Ming’s vs dive comps like Genji and Illidan. As a healer and tank main you make we weep tears of blood. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Did you have a healer?

In my limited experience there are only good choices with Varian if you do, and only bad ones if you don’t. Although yes, Tracer makes sense, if the Varian can use Parry well.

TB gives you a lot of sustain, and therefore might feel like a sensible choice.
My match history shows I’m doing 50-50 with Second Wind and Shield Wall.
My last Taunt was lost badly, team wanted my Taunt for lockdown although it totally didn’t work. We had no focus, clearly couldn’t coordinate our targets between us, tanks, but at least I had no damage nor survival.
My last tanking was TB, as we had triple bruiser. Unfair, just putting on the table.

… Case in point, it’s not binary.

And then you in a really rare case have a whitemane that b-steps her own minion waves. Yes i had that once. What has those minions done to get b-stepped.


That’s novel, I must admit I’ve never seen that in a game, yet!

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Unless you are on the other team, against my Anub’arak, in which case, go for it. Our Orphea said as soon as they saw the Orb build happening, “I don’t care what else happens, I have to kill that Ming to teach her a lesson.”


I love it when people refuse to force fights on an even talent tier bc enemies are about to level up. They then get caught out of position and die a talent tier down.

Not only did we have a healer, he was PARTIED UP with the healer LOL. He was partied up with two other people total which means he absolutely could have coordinated with taunt. He just didn’t care and wanted to do twinblades regardless of the outcome. The impression I got from the three stack was they wanted to do whatever they wanted, regardless of bad it made the match.


Why DPS heroes players never depushed lanes and always looking for Dmg heroes, maygbe blizzard should remove the minions and all PVE content to turned it into battlerite ? I am so tired of these DPS players .

Always targetting heroes … total tunnel vision mind F

Buff tower health, slow minion walking speed, and somehow make macro the same importance as in LoL (it’s less important or at least feels less as it takes longer to push)

One of these days we will be matched on the same team. I know I have gone up against you in QM, you were playing a mean Diablo against my Anub, so it would be fun to not have to try and keep you off my back line for a change. :smiley:


Becasue they all need a cheap exuse for having higher dmg done while doing nothing.
Also defending lanes are too boring for them. More fun to just brawl themself to a lose while merc camps takes down thier keep.

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I mean to be fair, a bad Winblades is better than a bad Taunt. At least with winblades all they have to do to contribute is attack move and press w on cooldown.

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On a serious note, aren’t they conditioned to that?
I mean, the majority of us are trained monkeys vying for compliance, and if all a new player hears their damage is low, and never complimented for anything else, that’s what they’ll do.

20 years ago we played together and taught each other, at least that’s my rose tinted glasses. Now all you do is queue in a random game and try to adapt to whatever comments you see. I do forums because I’m old. Young folks do Reddit at best. No deep reading comprehension and what not.

Being actually smart is a rare gift.


I would be more than happy to agree with you if the enemy team didn’t have Tracer/Muradin and if we already had a tank otherwise. All those factors combined however and I feel like it was just a poor choice made for no reason.

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lol! Well how true, I can’t delude myself into believing I’m young. Reddit though can just be a scary place for all ages. I know, at least it’s not 4Chan, but that’s not a great endorsement.


Ques up as Mei and gets an Aba player with 700+ games on him that died twice to Stitches behind his own fort lol. Then borrow back to spawn and hides there whole game.

Meanwhile the Illidan he qued up with feeds 24/7 5v1 4v1 whole game and dies behind keeps while both the keep and towers has full hp and half kills our BW that had to retreat again after she Z on him. Same for me. Illidan/Aba comps are so big of a gamble these days in qm.

Either you get people like them who just yolo everything while his Aba friend hides in spawn or you get a Illidan/Aba comp that actually has a brain. Was not the case this time.

Illidan ends the game with 15+ deaths cause he just yolo around 4v1 most of the game.