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I don’t think my soul could take this forever :frowning:


Weren’t you the one that said the enemy is more likely to get bad players so players like me who get angry there’s not more individual impact in the game are bad and wrong to want solo impact?

No. I did not in fact say that.

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So you would want more solo impact in hots?

Depends how they do it.

Look, if there was a magical way to have perfect matcmaking based on how good/bad everyone is, and good players always won, and bad players always lost their games. Every MoBA would be using it.

Matchmaking doesn’t have to work as hard when individual impact is higher in a game. There’s a chance two good players end up on opposite sides but I’d think the majority of the time there’s just garbage players and then the one good player carrying

The only way individual impact would be high, is if players are matched properly.

If you match me with and against 9 bronze players. My individual impact would likely be very high. It doesn’t mean everything is fine with the system though.

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Well it’s all about chances since the matchmaking is working and relying only on rank points and it grabs players according to their ranks and put them in a match. The only criteria is that the team rank should be equal. Is that bad?

I would say no, but what is the problem then? This matchmaking can be abused by smurfs, trolls or stacked teams. And the result of this: a lot of player in leagues where they dont belong.

So what would solve this issue? Ranks should decay and encouraging better players with bonus points for small winstreaks like 3 or 5 games in a row.

Rank decay won’t help. Gm/master players who decay to d5 will still wreck face. If I decayed to gold I’d be better but unable to carry so oh well. The current matchmaker and/or playerbase is so bad I’d be stuck no matter what elo I’m in

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Real GMs/Master would wreck worse players, but what about fake GM/Masters? I heard there are players, who plays only a little and since the system doesn’t know how to rate them, they stay in master.

But you have to look on this the other way around, if you’re in gold, other players would also drop deeper in ranks and games would be more challenging, because the good players would rise again, while the bad ones would drop.

I mean check the current topic: “Plat player sucks”. Why do people have bad experience in such a high league?

With the fact I can’t carry high bronze because no solo impact (you’ll get players citing top gm players as a counter example) I say I’m better than the bronze players but I’d be stuck. It’s a lose-lose

I disagree. I would say you can carry them, because I can carry them too, but we both can’t carry feeder, at least that’s for me. If my team don’t feed and know at least some basics I carry them easily, we will stomp the game.

But can you carry a team, when you see your team is dying 5+ times, while you’re the only one who died 1-2.

And this is why I say LoL got the formula right despite the poo poo I get from hardcore hots players. Can you carry those feeders? No.

As a former Dota2/HoN player I would say it doesn’t make sense, because this games punish your team even more, because every death gives more gold to the enemy. More gold → faster items → easier win. It’s a snowball effect. You can’t carry bad players in those games either, except you’re extraordinary good like in Hots. In addition people have to actually learn to farm in LoL or Dota 2 to get ‘their farm’ or levels, while in Hots the good player can farm for his team…

I mean maybe for you it feels harder to carry LoL but in general the public feels differently🤷‍♂️ And unlike Mr. Spock on the forum you’ll see that in this case emotion won out over logic if in the end it was proven that it was harder to carry LoL logically but feels easier to carry by emotion

I actually don’t know how hard LoL is, I just assumed it would be the similar to Dota 2, maybe even a bit easier, because in fact Dota 2 learning curve is hard compared to Hots despite it’s a single map. You can last hits your own minions or towers/keeps to deny exp for the enemy, you lose gold when you dies, enemys gains gold… this is really punishing for bad/new players tbh. :stuck_out_tongue:

But last hitting in Hots is not a thing, it’s far easier and still people struggle to get exp in this game… it’s surprises me everytime. Maybe the playerbase in Hots is just worse than LoL’s community in general, because they are more casual.

You only learn (or derank) if you fail.
Apparently not collecting XP is not that big of an issue.
Particularly if you have some upside (say, teamfight) and since it’s team XP, as long as someone in your team covers it, you’re good.
Then again I’m kind of the opposite. As I’m most of the time relegated to experience collection and map duty, which I fully enjoy, my fighting abilities are a little below my rank.

Personal XP would certainly focus this, and even the dummiest player would start wondering, why are they always behind. I mean, you can complain about your teammates not helping, but being together splits the XP. Camps, objectives (not everyone, split XP again, split soak being better), minions…

I just thought today, talking Heroes Profile numbers, I have a bunch of heroes around 2600 MMR and very many stuck at 1800. My seasonal overview consist of several 70-80% winrate heroes and an array of forgettable experiences. So it’s really hard to look ahead a match and tell that I’m good or bad. It might apply to a lot of players who don’t play 10+ matches every day to learn and master virtually every hero.

Enemy team: 4 stack premade team 1 random. Imp,Sonya, Auriel, Guldan, Valeera.

My team: 2 stack 3 randoms. Aba, DW, Illidan, Thrall (me) and LILI.

Lost first two objects on Braxit Holdout casue enemy team could just walk our lanes over with zero effort and if we tried to get into a fight ofc Miss i can only spam Garrote Valeera jumps in and deletes us together with Imp.

Was surprised we even managed to get back into that game at lvl 13 casue we managed to get a 3x kill on them and took boss.

But it just got worse later on at lvl 20 when Imp ofc got his lvl 20 talent that just deletes people with zero skill.

Ended the game with 108k hero dmg. meanwhile DW still sits at 32k dmg lol together with enemy Auriel.

First time i get matched with a DW that cant even make dmg and ofc we lose becasue of him and his afk dmg.


This is a sensible idea in theory. However, if you applied this to a mode that is already struggling to attract enough players, I believe it would just drive even more players away, making matchmaking problems worse with an even more shallow player pool.

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Might be, but there is no other choice to fix this mode, at least I don’t know other and phaseshifter don’t know either, but still you see him complain almost every day about his teammates.