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Another solo tank Varian who goes twin blade vs a Garrosh and Butcher. Maybe i should just afk rest of the game everytime i see him as solo tank as they all think it will work.

Just played literally the single most frustrating game of HotS I have ever played.

My team:
Zul’jin (me)

Enemy team:

Just from the comps, this should be a complete steamroll for our team. Not all that exciting, but whatever, I’ll take it to break my current loss streak.

I should have known better than to be optimistic like that.

If HotS had its own IQ scale, these clowns would have averaged no higher than 60-70, and that’s being very generous.

It started out pretty well, with me getting all but one (Cain) of my stacks of Headhunter in about 5 minutes. Then it started sliding downhill, and fast. I never got my last stack, and I personally captured the only 2 objectives my team claimed.

Our Butcher ended the game with 105 stacks of meat. Against TLV. With Qhira and Arthas to help lock down kills and Zul’jin to help finish them off. Hell, forget TLV, we could have smashed any one of their players with a solid gank.
“How on earth,” you might ask, “could a Butcher fail to finish stacking by minute 5 in such favorable circumstances, let alone the end of a 20 minute game?”
Simple. By being about as sharp as a beach ball.
He refused to gank, and spent almost a quarter of the game (I mean that literally) trying to take camps solo at less than 100 stacks. Every minute he wasn’t taking camps, he was either solo-laning top against one of the Vikings (but not trying to even zone him) or rotating late to a teamfight and then diving in once the rest of us were dead or running away. The idiot even died twice to the Bruiser camp on our side of the map (I honestly have no idea how, but he did it twice). By the time the game was over, he had 2.25 assists and 5 deaths.

The rest of my teammates were no better. I watched Arthas, Qhira, and Anduin chase the entire enemy team under their forts or into merc+minion waves at half health solidly 6 times. I asked them to quit playing so aggressive, and to zone for me at the objective, but apparently their avocado-sized brains could not understand what that meant. By the end of the game they all had 5 deaths, all from chasing the enemy team too far 3v5.

The only communication I ever got from any of my teammates was Butcher ping spamming mercs all over the map and yelling into voice chat in some foreign language and Arthas saying (get this) “just unlucky, i guess.”

No, you utter moron.
No, you stupid screw-hammerer.
No, you lobotomized-potato wannabe.
Luck has absolutely nothing to do with you knuckle-draggers running in and suiciding again and again and again instead of helping me cap the fricking objective.
In fact, if you were any brighter than a burned-out lightbulb, we would have been the lucky ones by virtue of the team comps. The comps enormously favored us, and yet you still managed to throw harder than an Olympic shot-putter juiced up on steroids and a 6 pack of Monster Energy.

I’m done for the week at least. If I have to play with any more of these pinheads, I’m afraid I’ll start losing brain cells of my own.


battlecry of the ignorant :sob:

2 games in a row with sub lvl 10 accounts in my QM match’s, sadly the high lvl accnt imperious enjoyed inting and had 11 deaths to our accnt lvl 5 TB varians 6…

its QM, so cant be salty, just like… its one of those situations that actually calls for the word “awesome”

not mine but still


Why would you tilt me like that? Genji’s that take dragonclaw :rage: This thing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.

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i think the point was he scouted alarak in the bush and lucio just walked right in and died to him, or it could be the dragon claw thing…im so tilted atm that i could be upside down.

why i put myself through the weekends…

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I love it when you want to try a new hero just for fun, so you grab that level 5 Illidan you have and the QM MM gives the enemy team lili cassia joh qhira and ktz and you just can’t do anything all game (:

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Heh, I had the exact opposite problem the other night in QM. I was tanking, and the other four of my team were all fragile mages and a Valla. The enemy team had an Illidan, and all I could do was watch helplessly as my team kept scattering and letting him run them down one by one.

Can we trade next time? You can have my 4 fleeing squishies, and I will take your fearless murderers.


I will definitely trade! I want an easy game here and there tbh :sunglasses:

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Dunno about you but that guy has been really kicking it with the dragon claw from what I have seen.

It works when people are bad basically.

First you only get it after you waste your W, which is your main protection tool against damage. Because of this you don’t have it up all the time, while with the other 2 level 4 talents you have them all the time.

Second, if people are decent, they stop attacking you when you deflect, so you won’t charge dragon claw that fast and you wasted your W.

Third reason why never pick dragon claw, strike at the heart just synergizes much better with resets, E build and all that. It’s a big burst you have up whenever you have your E up.

And another thing, you will usually see Genjis destroying people in QM with that talent, but they almost never or never do ranked. Strike at the heart not only brings more to Genji’s playstyle, but it also makes your team better overall. Muradin found a stun? You immediatly E in to proc strike + Q and go back. It’s a pretty good burst damage for the whole game and for all situations.


There’s this person who I would not name, spams Unranked all day in EU and ban Cho, Gall and Lost Vikings everytime, such a waste of time and I can’t believe they’re even still active till now, I just a had a match against them where they did that. We won anyways because I soaked hard with Murky. I still don’t believe he hasn’t been banned yet. So far played 1 game with them (they were terrible), 2 games against them.

I mean I won, but its unbelievable how someone has to go through with this person every single time in Unranked.


Gotta love the hots playerbase.

The Sgt. Hammer that goes right for core on certain maps. I don’t care if we beat Elite AI in 6 minutes, I needed to do healing to complete a quest. And then brags about being MVP on top of it, ran into two these today, and something tells me they won’t be the last.

Edit: I’m talking about the sneak around forts tactic and not do anything useful for team tactic.

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Something I really hate is people complaining and blaming others every time they die. Many of those deaths are the player`s fault yet some people blame not only support but everyone else.

But, but that Lunara 23h??

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They had a bot, they threw the game, this is a loss in my book.


had a morales go afk at the gates (when one was destroyed he simply moved to another gate) all game and left us 4v5 all game, thank you very much blizz for giving me the same guy 2 games in a row when he should be banned

Unranked on Braxis, I was Sylvanas, we had Artanis. I went bot with tank and healer, beacuse enemy Rexxar was on top.

Artanis: Sylv go top.

I had to to top, beacuse Artanis didn’t even bother, but it ended pretty bad…

Artanis: Noob Sylv, reported.

I literally can’t play Sylvanas anymore, despite I like her a lot, because every time I pick someone in my team wants from me to afk push one lane…


Stand your ground and ignore them?