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Worst blizzcon for HoTs

Starcrat II gets mengsk but no new annoucments for HoTs aince Deafwing was annouced before. Would of been nice to see a new cinematic, but budget cuts hurt. So all we get are camera shaking in game lol

I’m so bad at this game and bad with every hero and my match history is basically all loses so I just uninstalled.

I just had a game where our Garrosh got killed a few seconds within the team fight. After we told him to play safe and be careful with his position, he just rages quit on us. He was either AFK laning, intentional dying and refusing to join the team fight. I hate toxic players.

I just had a game where I willing to fill the tank role as Garrosh. Then my teammate picked 3 range assassins and a range healer. Somehow they think it is fine having a tank as a single frontline. So in the team fight, I just get burst down in a few seconds. Then my teammate blamed me for feeding. How in the world am I able to soak all the damage? Why don’t they pick a tank if they are SO~~~ GOOD AT IT? I hate people who can’t draft.

I actually feel sorry for the enemy team. As a worrier main, I feel sorry for the Gassosh player who gets blamed for dying when he is the only frontline player. I feel sorry for the range players that they have a rage quitter.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

i love hammer


That’s frustrating. I hate when people go either all melee or all ranged. You need a mix. If damage dealers go all ranged, I think Uther is a good pick, it allows them to all be ranged damage dealers and it bulks up the frontline. And you don’t miss out on a healer either.

Yeah all ranged doesn’t work if the frontline is only one player. If that’s the case, you can’t get mad if he has 10 deaths if he’s keeping you alive. And if they’re all ranged they have no business dying when they could just retreat and attack from behind walls or from a distance. If they die, its probably their fault. I have more sympathy for melee players with a lot of deaths because they have to go into the fire a lot more whereas ranged damage can retreat easier.


A.I., especially Elite A.I. hasn’t been improved ever since Patch 43 when they retouched the A.I. out of nowhere and made it easier and sent it spiraling down the drain. Since then my VAI matches are boring since the A.I. are brain-dead easy to deal with. Additionally, Tracer’s A.I. is still broken to this day (she still sometimes stands still in the middle of a fight doing nothing). Also the A.I. still doesn’t know how to deal against Hammer, and still can’t process what to do when there’s a Junkrat mine on their way.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The list goes on.

But the funny part is every time a new Hero comes out of course they receive A.I., but nothing else happens other than that. Do they even pay the coders anymore?

Facepalming while my team does everything wrong and none of them cant get a single kill. I love free hero days. Just brings the worst out of this game.

I’m a returning player and I wanted to play Gul’Dan, even though i’m more of a tank/bruiser player. I know i didn’t do too good, missing some horrifies and being too far out, but then our mal’ganis player just drops the classic: “You are the worst mage player ever. Stop playing”. He said stuff like this for the entire game. I had to mute him eventually. And after the game, he messages me saying i’m a piece of s*%: and all. I blocked him. Did he really think that by making me feel even worse for my mistakes i would play better? Lol

He was losing and needed a scapegoat to bash on, thats all.


Yeah pretty much. It’s only quick match after all. It’s crazy how angry people can get in this mode

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Guess its because some people want to win regardless of game mode.

True, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of ruining everyone else’s game

This community sucks now
half dead, and half alive

True. Other players should not be treated like that because they get a bad loser on the team.

Cinderella, funnily enough i just met someone super friendly, i added him and we played some games together. But in those games, we found even more angry players. It’s baffling lol

I agree, Frogsaron

Came back to hots after a long break just to discover the player base is worse than ever.

Varian doing twin blades when he is the only tank. Going in all the time 1 v 5 and dying more than 15 times in the game. Butcher ending the game with 0 meat. People afk all the time. People being toxic all the time for no reason. People just talking more than playing.

Yeah, game is definitely dead. Glad to see that me quitting the game was a good call.

Had a bad run of SL games over the weekend, yeah I know my fault for playing weekends. A special shout out to the 4 premade, who demanded in draft not only that I should tank but what tank I should pick.

I followed orders and took Muradin. The draft was not helped by the rest of the team taking all ranged heroes. The highest Rank (Diamond 2) grouped with his gold friends, refused to assist me get the Ninja camp on Hanamura Temple, saying the camp was “worthless” and that the “turrets are the most important camp on the map"! He then called me a noob for suggesting that the first objective is weak and we should be defending our lanes.

When I said this, I was told I was toxic and they called me words and names I can’t use here without being banned. They then run to the payload while we had no camp pushing and the enemy Zagara pushed our towers and keep (good thing we had that turret), the KTZ kept getting dived by Greymane and got 10 blight in a 15 minute game.

The really disappointing thing is the only thing that surprises me was that game managed to be stalled for 15 minutes. Our team never tried to get our Ninja camp, it was constantly taken by the enemy team. The KTZ obsessed with the turrets, well he would get them and die and give them to the enemy. The most frustrating ranked game I’ve had this season.

As soon as I take Johanna apparently that gives license for my team to take four ranged, it’s quite infuriating. This happened four drafts in a row.


Our first forum coming out. Im so proud <3

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It is so much fun being a tank main, and being told that I am so terrible, I should never tank again. Yeah, I am just going to waltz through their Mal’ganis/stim-droned Varian to dive their Morales. As Blaze. When that same stim-droned Varian would looooooove to get on my back line while I am diving.



I only win with tracer i guess, what is this crap match making

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