Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Mages and healers facechecking bushes and thinking they are the frontline.

That is all.


Dear KTZ player in QM. Don’t spend the entire game blaming our Leoric player for “no peel” when you’re the only ranged hero on the team to get 12 deaths. Heck, nobody on the team died more than twice each, so maybe it’s a you thing, and not the Leoric’s lack of peelzzzz.

PS KTZ: The only “dive” the enemy had was Deathwing and yet somehow you were always killed by his Q. It couldn’t possibly be because you were out of position, could it?


Stop talking to me like that Okay ? Now, Minky, we need you on more interesting threads? Thanks for forgetting me. I don’t like playing KTZ.

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It mostly is. LIke i had a Valla who spam pinged me as Varian for not helping her at lvl 1. LIke what can i do to help her when i dont even have my ult yet and only have charge to slow Garrosh just so she can run away and then let me die insteed. Also if you die to DW Cata ult you are bad lol.


Darn I met that Valla, I know her ! She’s a beach with sea and sunlight over her.

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Was it intentional or just luck?
Did she reproduced it several times in that game?

I’d like to see a clip of it.


Definitly. Or a selfie.

Enemies go double mage

Our team goes double mage

I lock uther bc someone else shows a healer they immediately switch to zarya

We get no tank

So i have to play kamikazi uther. I was like “zarya i hate you for making my life harder”.


As Ragnaros would say, you’re on fiah tonight Altprime! :sunglasses:

I don’t like the KTZ either (I think the only mage I don’t like) I can honestly understand why people who play him get cranky. You really need a nice frontline to do that repetitive combo. This guy though, was just so mean to that Leoric player which isn’t on.


Definitely luck.

Sure give me a sec to grab a clip from the replay.

Yes I could have saved myself with HWS, but my brain broke when I saw the suit was chasing me.


There’s a high possibility that she knows how it works. She’s a D.Va main after all.

What causes the bug is the interaction between Self-Destruct and root. Here, she was about to Self-Destruct anyway without the root since she was low.

With her lvl 13 and 20, which I believe are the strongest, she finished both of you.

Being mesmerized by the moving bomb is pretty common :smiley:

Decided to give SL another shot. Guess what we get as last pick?


I’m just cursed.
Godamn, and when we had a chance to win the obj, my team got the Alterac camp cancelled by the MINIONS! TWICE!


Leave for over a year…glad to see nothing at all has changed lol.

Oh, so if she jumps out while the suit is rooted it happens. That sounds concerningly easy to proc.

I’m sure that player was confused and thought Nova had been reworked into a support! Seriously though, I laughed when I saw that, then I remembered why I’m taking a break from ranked.

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But it could have happened to the enemy team. Why don’t I see this happening to my opponents?

I don’t mind them having a support Nova.

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Guess the game is now full of clueless Thrall players now. This one ends the game with only 3k exp and never took a camp and were just dancing in spawn insteed of helping us defend our core.

4 Thrall player in qm now that just run around like a headless chicken. Ofc this free to play event is to blame. Nothing els.

All heroes are free.


I would like to see them free 4 ever, but I want that hero restriction back for at least level 10 or more. It was a mistake that the hots team made all heroes free without hero restriction…