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I guess today is my unlucky day. 3 games in a row I get absolutely bad players, it’s not even funny.

Match 1:

Match 2:

Match 3:

I won the first game, because I played Gazlowe and enemys did a mistake so I catched them with Gravitation bomb, otherwise I would lost it too. The other two games were straight loses, becauses people can’t play their heroes, don’t play the map, but brawl for days and feed. If you compare the amount of death from my team compared to the enemy on average my team died way more… outragous.


I don’t think there would be any way to implement that even if they wanted to. There’s no way the game could detect that a player caused a loss, short of having been afk the whole game. (Though the Varian did afk about 2 mins)

All heroes free to play.


But I get this matches even before all heroes went f2p…

My team Taunt Varian (me) Valla, Butcher, Zera and Li-Ming.
Enemy team Garrosh, Artanis, DW, Raynor and Nova.

Butcher ends the game with below 50 meat and has no clue how to roam lanes and get his stacks when no enemies are nearby to gank. Zera ends the game with only 12k dmg and randomly Void Prison his team to death. Valla dies 4 times to DW ult and Li-Ming had zero kills until lvl 20.

Cant wait for this free to play event is gone so games might have a chance to be normal again.

The classic vegan butcher I see. :joy:


Is this still a thing? Does anyone know when this mess ends?

According to the Tweet that announced it, 20 March.

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Another three weeks playing something else until I can play reasonable games again.


They had a tank and two bruisers. WIth Artanis blinding, I wouldn’t expect the Butcher to be able to do anything that game.

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He took laser ult.

Ok, but even then that was too tanky a team in comparison to yours. DW isn’t affected by his stuns or Lamb, and Garrosh can throw anyone else to safety, which would basically be only Raynor, since Butcher can’t reveal Nova with anything but his Q (And there’S no way he’s killing Garrosh). And he’s actually a great gank target for her.

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I hate when 2 to 3 of my team players is silenced and they just stay in base or start suiciding. Is always the same people and they have multiple reports already, why they dont get banned ?


They will eventually.

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Maybe they were on thier main account and now troll on a smurf. That is common to see amoung toxic players that dont care. People dont get silenced or banned before a lot of unique accounts has reported them for it.


This game took all my effort not to say anything to the offensive player. Just a QM, for my games at least, all free heroes has produced the worst Uther and Morales players. When it’s not on purpose that’s acceptable, this was different.

The Morales on my team was not healing me at all as Mal’ganis and had 1k healing done for eight minutes into the game. I asked if the player could heal me and the reply was “so my healing is no good, none for you!”

His friend (the only person Lt. Morales healed) and the Morales spent the entire game blaming me for everything and calling me names I can’t print here.

Personally I’m amazed I died so little and me and the other two players not getting heals got the game to 24 minutes. But I think I bit my tongue off, so terrible behaviour.

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but they are all level 1500 ++

I have seen this so many times lol. Friends that defend each other and blame the solo que for being bad while they are bad themself.

Was DW in a game with a 4 man premade last year and they had a clueless jaina that did not know what objects was. She rarely came to the alters when they spawned and really low dmg so i knew this had to be a new player and it ofc was. She was only account lvl 10 or something.

Ofc we lost that game but when i asked the BW to tell his Jaina how this game works then she just told me i was bad myself too when i started playing and should not point fingers at her friend.

To be true. I did not play qm before i knew on a basis lvl of how this game worked and how my hero worked so yes BW i was bad but i did something to get better over time and did not expect a premade of friends to carry me.

Then they are just toxic trolls then. But dont worry. When enough reports are given to them they will get banned for it.

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I’m used to that kind of bad behaviour, but this was 3 solo players with the 2 bad apples. The Morales didn’t even heal the other two solo players either and tried to get them to report me! It didn’t work they reported the 2 solo players.

You just got to wonder what they get out of deliberately trolling like that. Maybe it’s best I don’t understand it.

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Ah yes, losing a game to the old “moving Dva suit” bug. You know, the one where she continues being able to give commands to her suit after getting out? Hard to win a teamfight when an exploding Dva suit is intelligently chasing you.

You must be gm because I’ve never seen that