Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Had time earlier to hop on for a ranked game. Had someone on team show Maiev and another showed Auriel, so I showed Tass.

For the first several rounds the other two showed nothing so the three of us locked in. Get to our final round of selection and the last two pick Li-Ming and Raynor.

Then the Li-Ming starts complaining about not understanding why they should have changed their pick.

It just makes me sad that people don’t seem interested in winning the game. Teams with four assassins and a healer can beat a standard comp team but it requires team work and coordination. Not just troll picking in draft and antagonizing your team.


Today I had a team who kept diving straight into Orphea. 11 deaths for 2 of them, 8 for another and 3 for myself+the Genji.

Next game, we had a Nova+Murky vs ChoGal, Murky tried to out macro, rest derped around and kept dying to Greymane.

Did you tried being the healer for your team then to protect your baddies from dying? :smiley:

Teammates who just fight mid for 10+ minutes and refuse to do anything except poke enemy heroes:


Sir we serve salt here. That belongs on the meme page.

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Aw my bad. I was salty coz I got two consecutive games full of mid brawlers.

I did, and it’s worse. We lose faster since no one soaks or clears waves or takes merc camps. I have to just watch my forts die to minions :frowning:

After another match of tanking for dimwits (Raynor, you have one of the longest attack ranges in the game, there is no reason to be in front of your tank…), I finally broke the curse of “that quest” and won a tough Cursed Hollow match. Playing Anub with a dive comp (Illidan/Malthael) is fun!


But he’s a tank, he wears armour and a helmet. He has more protection than Diablo tho?


There are times I wish I could dope slap people across the internet. That Raynor really deserved it. >.<


Now you see why the game should cater to solos over teams?

I clearly know this experience, but then I would ping on the lanes or command people to get there, if they ignore it, I would go myself as healer. But at least in silver you can get away without a healer, if you’re team knows their heroes, so yeah probably solo laner like Sonya works best.

I confirm it works well enough.
When it doesn’t, it’s a lost cause anyway.

Sometimes folks have different ideas on how to play heroes, i.e. I’m not sure you’d expect me to go Tassadar and then go freeze offlane (most usually bottom) to charge my beam (but it’s fine 80% of the time, because the tank, healer and the other ranged can mid, roam, whatever they fancy).

Maybe showing a playstyle preference could be nice and sort expectations. Some other game allows it (picking a lane) I recall from stories.


Dear random person healing me, I am playing Artanis, I am fine. This hero is designed to take poke damage for days, and I actually prefer to sit somewhere between 50 and 75% HP, just due to how his trait works. I take less damage when I am not at full HP.

Save your mana for someone who actually needs it, or for the next emergency, because if you have to back out of a team fight due to being oom one more time from spamming me, this game is over.

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It also dont have a brain :rofl:

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Always, when I read this I think about the Artanis’ meme:

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Man we had lost no structure, the enemy was down to keeps on Volskaya. We win the objective and push bot. Our Varian decides to go top, carrying our healing beacon. So we’re 4 vs 5 and we can’t get bot keep, and Varian can’t destroy the top lane by himself so we don’t get that either. We get nothing out of a late game objective.

The enemy go to gank Varian so we all go top to help him, Cassia dies with Varian still holding on to the healing beacon, then Varian dies, the enemy get the beacon. Only our tank survives.

They start pushing, destroy a fort. Our Garrosh moves in (alone) from our keep wall to throw their Muradin (He had thrown him 10 times this game, and did not notice he always jumped away) by that point they had destroyed the keep’s gate, so they kill him too. Varian respawns, solos their team, they kill him again, then they destroy our core.

Everything I did that whole game was pointless. One person just throws a perfect game away…

Another SL loss.


And now you see why the game should be balanced for solo players. You’d have been able to carry the game

I’m not being rude, I just don’t always pick up in writing if someone is being sarcastic or joking, without an emoji anyways. How do you think this game should be balanced, for solo players or for full teams?


Indeed, maybe the enemy Muradin feels the same way about their win.
Ideally, you should have won (maybe) and the Varian lost.
At least partially.
I think I’ve read about something like that… and it was totally opposed.

As it is, the only accurate response to stuff like this:
:hugs: I feel for you :green_heart: and wish you get some luck in return! :red_gift_envelope: