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This isn’t true, it highly depends on comp or if smurfs are involved.

Well yes of course i know there was a smurf he was me

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Well I can do what you said in gold or bronze, it just depends on the players I play against. What am I trying to say? I see in both leagues incredible bad players as I saw good players, but it’s true that in bronze usually more players are worse.

I generally do, it’s just easy to dismiss it due to each match being more random than those differences. And weird trends.

People are a bit faster, and they waste less time talking and stuff.

I didn’t feel extremely out of place in Heccu’s matches, I guess a lot of your experience depends on the team. Recently QMs are extremely rainbow and I didn’t particularly note outstanding players. Master+4000 players feel as good as a random silver confident on his comfy hero, not joking.

It’s a bit too easy to see yourself as good as when carried, then use that experience to put losses entirely on the team, and consider hard wins to be your achievement. All of which is too - to an extent, and all together.

The way I see it - if you want to climb, you shall take self-succifient macro heroes and ensure that either you win by the 2nd minute, or stay in game and win later. Being good at tanking can extend it. Healing is certainly lagging behind my a mile.


Bronze is a completely different world. First, there are a lot more trolls there (That’s where most of them live) and a lot of players who generally don’t care because their accounts are in bronze. So you get a lot more random losses, sometimes random wins. But that’s a lot more variance than in other ranks. (I don’t want to imagine what would happen to me if I was there)

And don’t expect to have anyone look at their maps. Games take longer because teams don’t end until every single keep is destroyed etc.

But between gold and Plat, there’s often no difference. In Plat, ANYTHING seems possible. You can have great players, or players that seem to be Silver and are somehow there. A lot of my plat games had worse players than my Gold ones.

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In my experience - and habit - these don’t correlate.

The preference to finish off a keep instead of the core is simple. The core tends to be hard, and can be defended. By taking off a keep, it builds a win condition by adding push, and enables minions to join the fight. It’s also easier to retreat from there.

Of course there are funny scenarios, like losing 5v0 with dragon knight. But those are super rare. Also super annoying and super hilarious.

Not when you outnumber the enemy 5 to 2 … Also, late game objectives destroy the core in no time flat, no matter how many enemies are still up. The enemy can’t fight the objective and your team mates at the same time. But inexperienced players still go for a structure instead.


What would you classify Jaina’s damage type then? She surely isn’t poke, even full Q is a fairly high damage build.

Maybe full Frostbolt could be called ‘sustained damage’ build.

E+W is a big burst combo (especially if they are chilled before E and you root them with Numbing Blast), RoF + E + W is a gigantic burst combo that will kill many heroes especially if she has Northern Exposure.

She sure isn’t an AA hero even though she has Icefury Wand.


It’s sticky damage. It’s like Illidan or Chen: Their damage is bad, you just can’t disengage from it.

Except Jaina has no mobility, so she kinda falls apart in that department too.

Chen or Illidan can’t kill several heroes at once in 1-2 seconds no matter which combo they perform.

I don’t think they can be classified as anything close to Jaina’s damage type.
Closest damage potential of a Ring of Frost Jaina (full combo) would be Kel’thuzad, who is a burst mage.

That is assuming they can hit their chains or Ring.


Burst is defined by a high amount of damage dealt in a short amount of time.

This is the first time I see the term “Sticky damage”. But I would not recommend chasing people with Jaina.

I think it’s very obvious that Jaina is a burst hero.


I can’t even imagine why someone should think otherwise…

She don’t need it, because Jaina can kill heroes from 0-100, not everyone of course, but squishy assas for sure.

That’s it. I’m turning into a Kael’thas 1 trick. At least then I have a sliver of hope at turning around this 10 unwinnable games in a row streak.

Edit: immediately gets a game with someone who bans their teammates picks intentionally. Cool.

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140k healing (two times the amount enemy healed) and my assassins had 10 deaths total bc they insisted on rotating alone.

Luckily my tank and my valeera cooled my tilt by carrying. They then thanked me for the healing.

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High deaths can happen on either team right? So what do I have to do so it stops being my own team mates?

Seriously. Whatever it is I’ll do it.


Step one, have 4 friends.

For real, I’m starting to wonder if that’s the only solution.

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Every overwatch hero should be removed from the game and all of humanity should be brainwashed to forget that overwatch ever existed.



Solo que as Nova in the first time in forever in quick match. Expected ez kills. Instead match making expected me to solo lane vs TLV on battlefield. Yep better to play aram

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First curse we have all our forts. Ok no problem. I go push mid as azmodan. Suddenly my team pings me and our top keep is gone. Half of them died. Raynor had gone stacking quest and they had no way to clear boss…

Might have some blame for not checking the talent tree… or you know the map!

I want the record to show that i had gone to 2/3 of those objectives and my team never showd up so Actually im awesome and its all their fault.