Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

This is why I simply refuse to play low macro heroes anymore. I just wont do it.

If I can’t take camps or clear lanes alone, I wont play that hero.
I’m done begging and pleading teammates to help with them. And if they wont help, they wont do it on their own either.

Team’s gonna make me heal? You can be sure as heck I’m taking Rehgar.


I can’t understand people with no situational awareness whatsoever.

Sylvanas, mentally: “Sylvanas is a camp hero, I’ll take camps whenever they’re up”

Also Sylvanas: Leaves the teamfight to go take a camp, depleting all her mana in the process, requiring her to hearth. Team promptly wipes, camp dies in the middle of the lane, having tickled a single wave

Later Sylvanas: Claims to have played perfectly and was not at fault for the loss, citing the scoreboard

:upside_down_face: :gun:


The funny thing for me reading this is that I play Anduin because of his robust power in solo lanes. Does he kill camps or minions fast? Well not particularly. But his self heal is so bonkers that he can legitimately go toe to toe with the entire bruiser roster.

I prefer being able to clear than just lasting in the solo lane, Because merc camps can get value while you’re elsewhere with your team, and sometimes, no one else will save a fort/keep, so if you can’t clear the wave, you lose a structure.

But Rehgar does both. If you take lightning talent at 1, you can solo lane fine, and you deal a decent amount of damage. Your mount can’t be interrupted so it’s nice to avoid ganks.

-112 MMR. Never thought I’d see the day. Game was worried that maybe, just maybe I might win a game and that was just unacceptable.

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Record breaking Raynor manages lowest in game hero damage, lowest in game siege damage, and pulls off 5 deaths by level 8 (enemies level 10). And to make it worse, it was a stack Raynor with a staggering 3 stacks.


“Jaina has damage”

“Jaina has burst”

No, she doesn’t. On both accounts. Her passive is -33% damage against any target not hit within the last 4 seconds, and her W deals ~400 damage in an AoE on a FIFTEEN second cooldown, with her E being a melee range ability on a hero with no mobility. She is absolute garbage.

Today I learned I’m not a master. I’m too bad for master.
I lost my master by Decay. I decided to start SL in my main.
And I lost a lot of games. And some of games I lost because of me.
I lost some games because of my TLV.

I’m nothing. You can congrats me. I can’t play SL alone because I suck. I ask people to play together with me because I want them to carry my useless :peach:

I don’t want to play hots anymore and ruin people’s games. Just forget it.


Can’t tell if this is serious or not…

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Now we get to the truth, maybe Sadius just got boosted to the top! :joy: Or he paid some wintrader to be master?!

What? He fell out of master bc of rank decay not losses?? He then went on a 6 game losing streak bc he tried to play support heroes in high diamond. He’s just being dramatic. Ive played with him before he’s easily mid-low diamond at his worst.

I would like to see a ranks decay for all ranks, not only master tbh.

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That’s certainly an idea. I would also quit ranked and stay in qm though. Games below gold aren’t worth playing.

I’ve been winning almost nonstop for quite a while now but I can’t help feeling I’m being more impatient in how I play. And that translates to tunnel visioning and all that kind of things that make you facepalm once you die. Most of my rants have been along the lines of “just KILL them”. Can’t be bothered to sit around and watch everyone poke anymore.

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Below gold? Sorry, but gold and plat aren’t really much different and I played in those leagues, but I don’t know about high plat or dia though.

And you were quickly beaten back down to silver weren’t you? If gold was really easy youd have climbed out of it.

Not really, but my team and I just struggling in coordinated play, because most of them are just casuals and good at microing few heroes, but their overall game sense is rather bronze or silver. Only my cousin is around dia and he can’t carry us, because teams gets stronger, if you queue up with stacks.

Personally I even played with high elo players and they usually say I am doing good.

I have the phaseshifter-syndrome. :joy:

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I play with my best friends all the time who are bronze/silver/gold. I go out of my way to compliment their play in game. In no world do any of them belong above plat for the foreseeable future. playing well in silver/gold games gives you very little indication on how you will play in plat/diamond. Every three ranks theres a significant skill jump. Plat 3, diamond 5, and diamond 2- are all very different games.

Plat 3 is high plat, I don’t know this place tbh, only low plat. If it’s different, I believe you, but I see almost no difference between bronze - low plat.

I occasionally play in silver/bronze on my friend’s accounta and i have an eu account in mid gold. Theres a big difference. In bronze/silver i could 1v5 with rehgar. On gold account i have to be much more careful.