Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Our MMR is comparable. Hit me up if you want to play.
I’m happy to do anything for competent teammates.
Well, not anything. No TLV on my end.

That Kharazim hurts my soul. I just… I need a moment.

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Really annoying how blizzard is letting this game go downhill. Am i the only one who finds it intolerable that the new ARAM tactic is poking structures until you win? There’s no defense for it, since there’s no core shield. All you have to do is keep throwing your body at a fort and keep, then core until you win.

Welcome to all heroes free rotation, it’s a war zone out there in QM if you queue solo.

This bit of salt is actually about a winning game. I was playing Varian in an Abathur comp, with Andiun, KT, Abathur, Valla vs Sonya, Tyrael, Illidan, Orphea, Brightwing.

Of course I went Taunt, at one objective I used Taunt to peel Illidan off Valla only to be abused by my KT for not peeling for Andiun. I mean, I have to peel three heroes who can get into the back line as the only front-line, give me a break please.

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I’ve bought the 30th anniversary collection (essentials-edition) not for the Tracer Hoverbike but for the Blizzard Arcade Title (Rock’n’Roll Racer, The lost vikings and Blackthorne) and made the mistake to start HotS to see my acquisition. In the game I went into a fast quick match :roll_eyes:
and found myself in a match on Volskaya against a partial premade team with Diablo, TLV, Qhira, Nazeebo and Li Ming breaking havoc on my team (Azmodan, Nova, Mei, myself on Orphea and another one I can’t even remember) of totally clueless players.
I left the match for good after the first two lost objectives, TLV and Nazeebo had the top Fort destroyed and 15 deaths on our side through perfect ganks and team play versus none coordination at all on our side.

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Yeah, games where your team starts fighting itself, you just have to wait out the loss.

But if you’re good at being assassin, why not play them?

Not gonna happen.

I learned not to pick late game heroes :frowning:


Sometimes i fell helpless when i see that aswell and then you watch how your teammates who has cc too just stand and watch that player get dived and then run away again when he die.


Because then I would probably die because our healer has roughly a third the output of their healer. At least that’s what kept happening to me which caused me to pick up healing in the first place. Also, I’m not very good at AA heroes. Great at mages, but not AA heroes.

Then just work on your positioning and try to play safer, sure you will do less damage, but raw damage isn’t important in my experience, it’s all about focus damage.

I know, it’s basically more a matter of just complaining that if I play healer, there’s little I can do about potato dps. If I play dps, there’s little I can do about potato tank or healer. Ultimately, the problem is that whatever role I play, a potato is a potato and carrying a pair of potatoes is a very rare feat.

Also, if I really wanted to carry potatoes and progress, I would just play Uther every single game. He does literally everything.

Same goes to potato hps or potato tanking and so on. Every role is kinda important and if one player sucks, you tend to lose.

Yes that’s what I’m saying.

I take it I’m being too wordy and the message is getting lost.

I wasn’t feeling helpless, but of course it was just not possible for me to peel all 3 enemies. At least the KT could use his E to self peel and BW her poly, but neither did naturally. It was just unfair abuse from the KT to abuse me that way, especially as we won and I didn’t go meme twin blades like other QM Varian players would have.


When I play healer, I have to watch my team ignore soak and merc camps, and walking too far away for me to heal them.

When I’m tank, my assassins hit a random target instead of who I use CC on, and generally suicide.

When I’m solo laner, my 4 man loses a 4 vs3.

And if I’m an assassin, I’ll have to solo lane because my bruiser is mid, and my tank is usually taking merc camps randomly.

There’s no way to win.


All of these… too accurate. Though this one:

I just run over and quickly fry the mercs so the tank gets back in the lane, hopefully before too much exp is lost.

Also, for this:

I have legitimately started camps or run out into solo lane as a healer in an attempt to force my team’s hand and make them come join me. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I spend a lot of the early game hearthing.


Oh the joys of being a healer. Isn’t it dredful you have to resort to well, manipulation to get people to soak or take camps as a healer? :cry:


It surely is that’s why I dislike playing healer in solo queue and just play heroes with wave and camp clear and when I tank I pick Johanna or Mei, because they are not only safe defender, but also have decent wave clear.



My team: Zera, Malganis (me), valla, lili, fenix
Their team: DW, deck, zul, KT, mura

Our zera was to last pick a hero, we told him to either go double tank or a bruiser, he even had diablo and dehaka and sonya prepicked on rotation…

Nope he picked Zera. He was flexing because he got the highest kills but the lowest damage because Fenix and Valla doing all the damage but Zera kept finishing them off… mind you we don’t have that many kills.

I couldn’t really do anything front like, cause I was the only front line while DW, mura and deck kept CC’ing me and KT and zul just bursted me

My team was doing well as a team, except zera that kept crying he’s carrying the team, when infact he could have picked a bruiser or tank to ease the back line…

2nd ranked… someone picked nova…and you guess it… we lost


Everything started very well, we had a team fight. Tanks in front, DPS and healers behind, perfect.
Enemy tank (Mura) took too much damage and retreated, good job.
Our team chased that 10% HP Mura. Wait …
They literally passed and ignored all 4 other enemies while chasing the Mura. Please stop …
Enemy Zuljin freely dealt damage on those 4 idiots until their health was too low and couldn’t fall back anymore.
Me: “So what? Gonna report me for not feeding together with you idiots?”

Btw, that Mura survived. Ez clap.

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A lot of the time, I can’t go help the tank who decided to take a camp. When my team makes a boss call, I can’t leave to go to my tank who prefers a merc camp, because having them get caught by the enemy team is worse.

I don’t understand why people pick heroes who are horrible at taking camps, then spend 2 minutes capturing one. Especially if you’re tank. It’s not your job.

And if I have to heal, I only pick Rehgar.