Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Wasn’t excessive either.
I didn’t mind, I just remember having a laugh. Not about her damage, that was just a check after seeing two 50% heroes running from a 10% enemy, with one of them dying.

I wasn’t sure but now that I checked, yes, we won it. Chicken Sonya is the best Sonya. (I’m ballsy and my winrate is, well, single digit?)


Gazlowve cant even hold a lane on his own vs Tyreal. Medivh keep going in with portals and lose his stacks. Tyhcus keep dieing somewere on the map or chase Johanna. Tass dont even takes camps and I as Varian has to defend lanes while they do that. Just another clown in qm on a weekend.

And qm is ofc infected with Aba players now since all heroes are now free to play.


I don’t like chicken players either, but tbh. sometimes it’s better to be a chicken and control the map than just brawling, it’s just depends on the situation since hots is very dynamic.

Her 11k damage is indeed low, but if you check the enemy Yrel she also has low hero damage, but similar high siege damage.

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That also depends. If she leaves the teamfight with 60% left then she is.
If she depush lanes while you all die bot lane instead of playing safe then thats on you.

I see so many bad players in this game that would start ping spamming the one player that are defending top while his team all dies bot and then blames him for not feeding with them.


Artanis on bofe goes for reactive parry :man_facepalming: 🤦 :woman_facepalming:

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Everyone knows those Immortals hit like trucks!


I was like, “they have an edge on team fights, we win the race”. Then someone called reactive parry as a joke, and then:



Ironically going reactive parry saved him in that last team fight.

All that matters is that you won. :slight_smile:


I might’ve been the one to tell him to go rp :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Trolling my tmmmates always puts me in a better mood.

I just can’t believe he listened to you. You should not underestimate people’s trust in strangers.

At least I’ll know to do the opposite of everything you say.

A duo in my team picked a fight with the two others. So much salt. I just sat there and healed best i could.

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I’m here to be salty about a win. Why a win you ask? Because it wasn’t healer. I’m not a bad healer, and I know I’m not a bad healer. But as soon as I come across another good healer and take the reigns on DPS, suddenly our team gets kills. Maybe I should be forcing other people into healing while I play mage, but honestly I want to keep healing. So please teammates, do the damage so that I don’t have to.

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Just had a game that perfectly demonstrates my point. It was already a bit questionable when we had 2 mages and no AA hero but then both of our mages combined had only 75% the hero damage of enemy Mephisto alone, plus a cool 7 deaths each.

Look guys, we have a very good tank, and I have significantly more healing than a brightwing, despite them being 2 levels ahead. I am casting leap of faith on you while you are being hooked. There is nothing more we can do for you guys. Just stop dying and actually do damage please.


Same here, I was healing for many years, but turned flex with RA preference, and…
… I wanted to write I feel impactful and all …
… but I couldn’t get out of Silver 3 this season …
… still my winrate with some heroes is amazing.

It could be an evolution, as a healer you are essentially tagging along, and you are either impactful because you are an efficient battery or because you predict stuff and save the day over and over.

At some point, you can evolve into a leader from there, pinging and stuff.

And then, now that you have the understanding, evolve into a gun. Or a shield. Or both.

It’s kinda normal, if your team doesn’t do damage, there is nothing to heal, also if your team is snacking on damage (without exploding), there is a lot of padding potential.

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I had a quick match yesterday. I played Orphea (level 44). My team had a hero level of 8 on average (no they weren’t Smurfs, they just had no clue how to play their hero).
The enemy team had an average hero level of 44!

Blizzard why???

I’m out of HotS playing something else as long as this obnoxious all Heroes free to play “event” is finally over.

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almost lost several vs ai (elite) matches yesterday thx to afks…
those type of afks who stay in base for several minutes without getting kicked from the game so that i could ping them and at least have some half decent ai doing something
and if some player wasnt afk they tried to sabotage me

This match was so obnoxious I still don’t understand why I got MVP, I’m being yeeted everywhere every few seconds.


also this:

So weird. The day cometh when I have to admit that SL is the joke mode and QM is for serious gaming.

I don’t know if it’s simply due to the lack of actual drafting and expectations, but it appears that QM is more fun, and way more balanced even when there are bronzes and masters in the same match, as opposed to SL, which is a literal clown fiesta even when no serious parties are involved.


So now im not allowed to soak lanes as Illidan cause if i do i get spam pinged by some random Qhira that think its more important to keep feeding to a team we had no chance winning againts anyway.

Spam pinged for defending lanes, spam pinged for trying to take a camp and spam pinged when i finally gets killed while she just hides in backline and cant even hit a single E or D and use her ult on 100% hp heroes.

Best game this day could offer apart from the 3-10 feeder Ming i had the game before were she would keep teleporting into melee and keep face checkng diablo into a wall stun and then die.

Better just find something els to play when people are this dumb now.