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Indeed hitting one or two targets is safe and possible, but I am not sure, if the value without the quest completion is still good enough, but I might look at it again. I just pick the other talent, because I generally love cdr talents without requirements.

Well I tend to pick Blessed hammer against melee teams, but otherwise I am not sure about it and the other Q talent… I am not uncomfortable with Johanna, but somehow I never tried it, because I thought Holy Fury is another way to improve your wave clear to be faster and it’s constant aoe dmg while the Q upgrade is a huge damage burst on a relative moderate cooldown.

You’re probably right, but I still like Laws of Hope to be less dependend and also the extra passive healing is a nice bonus to me.

That short?

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All of this is 100% correct, and in addition, here are a few other points to consider:

  1. Blessed Momentum is a talent best for a comp that is designed to go in hard and fast, secure a kill or two, and then disengage. In a long fight, all it will accomplish is to drain your mana, making is so that you will never end or win a fight. You are essentially removing Johanna’s main strength, which is endurance. If you are going for a hit and run style of tanking, draft Anub. He is much better at it.
  2. Hold Your Ground is not just for the Unstoppable, it also gives you additional EHP through a larger shield, more frequently. I have always been of the mindset that it is better to mitigate damage before it happens, than heal it up after. Especially since Laws of Hope is a HoT, meaning you can still die to damage if you use it too late, or they have enough burst.
  3. Q talents, Subdue and Roar, really are the best, since as a tank, you are about controlling the enemy, the assassins are the ones who should worry about damage. Completing the quest is amazing, but not the main reason you take this talent. I never bother fishing for a quest completion, but use it to lock down two enemies for my back line to destroy, or as a solid peel when they try to dive my team.

How often does the extra shield amount actually help?

Quite a lot than you think 60% shows a large difference in keeping your trait more active and allowing you both to reposition and play more aggressively.

Pretty much any time you are facing heavy burst, as it is also important to note that her Unstoppable lasts only as long as her shield, so a fatter shield can also mean more Unstoppable uptime. Paired with Fanaticism at 16, you can do some amazing things with her.

Still sick of this.

I don’t think it will ever stop.


Varian sees he has a Rexxar on his team. Time to go Smash build vs a team who has Diablo on a map with tons of walls to use. GG WP Varains in a nutshell. Just go smash build and leave us with no real tank on the team and on top he loved to dive headless into a 3v1 and get killed with no one near him to follow up. Im glad we dont get anymore multi-class heroes cause its looks like some people cant even figure out how to pick the best spec his team needs instead of boosting his own ego and pick the spec that suit him best and not the team.

Then i went in and checked replay since i got chat turned off and what a surprice. Varian were just complaining we could not get a single kill on KTZ and Li-Ming with the team with had.

Maybe we would stood a chance he went tank insteed of going dmg lol. Its not like we had no dmg to take them out. I had taken Lighting ult so i could quickly shoot them down after a taunt.

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It sure won’t get better until full free hero rotation is over, good luck Phase, good luck to us all!

Hums “Nearer my god to thee” while sipping a whisky while the Titanic slowly sinks.


Me: zoning out uther, stitches, and kerrigan as dva.

Kt: cannot believe youd look at my dmg stats. Who cares if you’re beating me in dmg i need peeling!

For some reason, my team mates have been picking Stitches a lot in my games.

Really? I don’t hate Stitches, but I usually only pick him as a niche pick, or if there has been a tank heavy ban phase. That was the last time I took him in SL, five tanks were banned and I was last pick and had to fill.

Funny, on the old Stitches I used him mostly to climb from Silver to Plat. There are so many positioning mistakes to punish he was quite useful for climbing back in the ye olde days.

It won’t, I experience exactly the same games. People dying almost on purpose, if there is a reward attached to death. :joy:


“Double healer bad i afk”


Was the Sonya even a human player or a disconnected bot? Just wondering from the kill/assist participation and stats.

That would be easier to stomach if it was a disconnector. Otherwise it borders on trolling.


If you want examples of a hard crush, look at my match history today with Kael’thas. Got a fair share of short matches at the beginning, but a few later on, too. Had fun overall, anyway.

A slight reflection on my Artanis session. Today I started in feed mode on Kael, too, so I guess something made me a bit aggressive. The ARAMs, the lack of play, being sick, anything. The good news, this time I had my past self to relate and say something to myself. Two more losses, then a beautiful winstreak.

On a related note, met a Sonya who had some 55% winrate on her and was such a chicken. Had like 3k hero damage by 10, and was retreating from a 2v1, leaving allies to die in sad ways. Still, maybe she was right? Less ballsy, more succeedy?

This and another match gave me inspiration to open a topic, but not sure. About scaling. AA / number heroes tend to scale when you are ahead / behind, mages (and most healers) are held back by cooldowns but AA tends to get confident (or scared) and scale way more than 3%.


Day 3. The Convection Kaels keep infesting the allied team. Whenever enemy has a Kael they have mana addict. The Convection quests fail repeatedly, not finishing even at 23 minutes. Send help. Over.


No it was a person. You’d think it was a hero with a stacking quest, because it took a while before she left mid lane. Had to solo a lane as Tracer :frowning:
And this is Storm league.

There were two fights that I’m sure we would have won if our Stukov hadn’t shoved a low health target to safety. (Thereby rooting and killing himself instead)


I feel so alone with playing D build.

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Before I comment on this low damage, I would like to know what was his siege/xp? I tend usually have low damage (but not that low), because I soak a lot or do camps. And for me it’s the biggest mistake, but its rather common that players only check hero damage and ignore anything else, but this is so wrong in my opinion tbh.