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An orphea having 14k damage in a 16 minute game and 16 deaths

Artanis is hard? Maybe only his E in combo with Q, but otherwise he is just an autoattacking hero like Raynor… I wouldn’t call that hard. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry but I have to disagree with you in this point.
An Artanis player needs to keep in mind the shields at any time or else he is very quickly dead. Safe engages with his Q is difficult to time correctly and when and how to use his E Ability (in combination with his Q). He might have a low skill floor but he has a quite high skill ceiling.


… but but but! It’s the best build to zone out the opponents from attacking our immortal, being on the defensive side.

I just don’t feel impactful on him, and I lost pretty much all 1v1, including the one against Xul at 5%, me engaging at 100%. I hopefully won’t show up in next week’s Funny Moments.

I actually find it easier to do godswaps than standard offensive ones.
Maybe I’m overthinking standard ones, and of course there are easy cases, like peeling for my teammate.

Emphasis on safe engages.
Overall I got caught out a little too many times, trying to do something on the lanes, or simply peeling for my teammates but most certainly dying in the process.
Also, using Q is kind of a self-stun in terms of mobility, whenever trying to retreat. Same with W and E. In this sense, Thrall is much better at kiting back.
Occasionally people say this about heroes, some of them are very much all-in.

Overall, my feelings are proven:


It’s really sad finishing top XP/Siege as Nova when you have a KT and Sonya or your team. This was probably one of the most irritating games I’ve played for a long time. I know all heroes are free, but I never had to be taught as KT that I had great wave clear.

It’s quite depressing finishing top hero damage most kills/assists and top /siege and exp on Nova and still lose. :cry:

I couldn’t even beg her to defend, she always went on the attack and got killed by stun circles twice!


In my opinion he’s not exactly “hard” as much as “takes a bit to wrap your head around”. His shield mechanic (plus terrible disengage) means you cannot just play him in the same was as you would any other bruiser, but once you get a good feel for the hero he’s relatively straightforward.

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If you want any advice, let me know. It would help if you had a replay, or at least a recap of the talents you chose for a specific map or comp. Artanis isn’t necessarily hard, but he does have strict limitations, and you need to know those and how to play within them. At lower MMRs, say mid-Gold and below, those limitations aren’t as restrictive as people in that bracket rarely know the proper way to deal with him. Once you get to Plat and higher, people understand his kit and how to punish him, so he does feel much more challenging to play effectively.

Anything I can do to help, let me know! I always enjoy seeing people thrive with my favorite hero. :slight_smile:


How would you play against an TB Varian? Since he is Artanis’ counterpick, if he knows how to play.

You outstat him in the early game, so if he wants to duel right out of the gate, kill him and take one of his towers down. In the later game, he wins. If he takes Shattering Throw, you never trade into him. Take Suppression Pulse to give you the time to punch him down a bit and walk away. If he went TB, he will likely be wanting to brawl in the 4 man, or he will be looking to take camps. You are actually faster at camps and clearing than he is if you take AO, so do that and avoid 1v1s with him. You also push a lot harder, so keep rotating and push structures whenever you can, especially during an objective.

Don’t be afraid to call for help, and most TB Varians are pretty easy to bait into a gank. If you don’t know how to reverse swap, practice that as it is the best way to get him out of position to be CC’d and killed.


1-23 in aram over two days. People not playing for the team, tanks not peeling, vs multiple chromies or whatever.


Hoku serious Artanis guide when?

Is there ANY mods around ? Why topics are NOT moderated EVERY time ? Trolls are just switching topics, getting out of what OP posted ? The same guys/trolls, always, without ANY moderators writing anything : are we in old USSR ? Or is it still USA ?

I am pretty sure if I wrote one, it would be 57 pages long. lol


Still not Xenterex’s posts length :grin:


Thanks. Personal advice would be lost right now, as I just finished my streak.
Your comment about Reverse Sweep was cool, I shall practice it before next streak. Found a nice video explaining it. Try Mode is great for it.

A curiosity that might help others, too - What’s your view about the level 1 talents? They feel like Artanis is (semi-) multiclass.

The block really improved my survivability, taking it as Artanis solo front against DVa. However, it didn’t make me a tank, simply made me stay in fight, while people still left the lane empty, so I went. Lost both, albeit the Dragon Shire was more of a tragicomedy.

The PvE (Amateur Opponent) worked, although I felt losing, so maybe it worked late game better. (Score: 4:2.)

The PvP was fair, but… it’s the most popular (the only one that shows up as “in build”), but apart from a trading session with Murky or DVa, I don’t see how I would stack it under normal circumstances, being in the off lane.

This is by far the best of his level 1 talents, always take it when you are learning him, as it will get value on every map in every comp. The real secret to AO isn’t so much his camp taking, soloing bosses, or racing objectives, although it is outstanding for all that, it is the fact that AO works on buildings. It means he can push harder than almost any other hero, and if they ignore you in lane, you will destroy their fort/keep very quickly. Whenever you have a chance to hit valuable real estate, do it.

AO also works on any sort of summons, including Zagara nonsense, Gazlowe turrets, Pufferfish, Pylons, and if an enemy Abby is silly enough to go Monstro, you can absolutely shred the thing.

Reactive Parry isn’t that good, especially into a D Va, as it works on a charge system. This means that it only reduces the damage of the next AA, it doesn’t reduce all AAs for a fixed length of time like Johanna’s. A fast attack hero like Tracer, Lucio, D Va, or Tychus will just eat the block stacks with small hits, so you do not get much from it.

I will sometimes take it if I am going to be in the front line of team fights a lot against a hero like Hammer, Stukov, or Butcher, where each hit smacks you for a ton, so blocking even one of those is helpful.

PoA to me is a “screw it, I am going to brawl 24/7 and have fun” talent. It isn’t very good in the off-lane unless you are up against a D Va who wants to face tank you, a Chen (tons of stacks while he is drinking), a bad Murky (rare), or TLV. If you are going to be in the 4 man as a main tank because QM be like that, it can work.



Total balanced matchmaking. I feel so sorry for my teammates, because were completely crushed by the enemy team, not just stomped.


To be fair you did so many wrong things in that match on your side, take this how you like but it would also nice if people focus on themselves while at it.

During the first core push (16:32 time stamp on the replay) in which damage dealt 2 assassins and a stagedive ETC dived on jaina and died due lack of peel in which you followed “we would have won if we attacked the core”, yes for valla but actually no for the jaina, if your DPS is not being protected by the tank aka your job certainly things would have gone better in the first core attack and probably apply more pressure but instead you simply went and just attacked the core with damage that barely out matches anyone on your team.

Also your build is seriously questionable:

  1. Blessed momentum is very small value there’s sometimes just not much of a reason to pick it when Subdue gives you a strong peel, yes it requires 2 targets but its common to proc this frequently in a fight when combined with W, you don’t even have to finish the quest in the first place.

  2. Laws of Hope is ok but Hold Your Ground gives something similar on an already strong trait more shields, against ETC, Tyrande and Slowing Sand/(possibly) Temporal Loop Chromie it asks for it.

  3. Holy Fury is a wasted talent, the damage doesn’t even out perform the others and Roar gives you just a better damage, combine this with Subdue and you will see how strong it is.

Otherwise, you seems to be too much in the back IDK a lot you should really go more in, 130% HP Jojo with a strong trait allows you to do a lot.

That’s all, hopefully you find this helpful at least.


You’re right and still we would have won, if Jaina just ignored them and go core, because at this level the dragon can basically solo core. At least I did this many times with success.

Thanks for your talent advice, but

Blessed momentum - You might be right about this, but since subdue is a bit difficult to fulfill the quest, I tend to pick B.m., because it’s not only good for fight, but also increases my wave clear more to the 4 talent.

Laws of Hope - Is a must pick for me, because I play solo queue and I like to be less dependend from healer and then he can use his ressources for the other teammates. In more coordinated games i could replace it indeed.

Holy Fury - You might be right, but again I didn’t pick subdue, because I feared I wouldn’t complete the quest in this match and I thought that holy fury might be just an additional damage source without much thinking.

I know that, but sometimes but based on my entry you should have realised I was tilted and that’s why I played more defensively than I should. Nevertheless thanks for your tips.

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Subdue quest isn’t even important, its just THERE, you DON’T have to finish it as hitting 2 targets is very possible, safe and common, getting it is a nice power spike though, but not mandatory.

It is very common to hit two targets with jojo, only you have to do is pull then Q, its a very forgiving talent and damage, while holu fury simple get out performed, even if you get that sweet 5 hit you gotta be hugging them for couple of seconds to outperform Roar, fury is a joke, if you are uncomfortable with them blessed hammer works too, just don’t pick holy fury lol.

Hold Your Grounds is more solo Q talent tbh, your trait is very strong and this talent amplifies it better in engages.

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