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Ok yes I suppose that’s also true, though KTZ can choose to wait out death timer instead.

Just got out of an ARAM game. One of the players on our team is silenced and auto-locks Butcher, already off to a questionable start. As predicted, our Butcher player starts feeding, becomes obviously angry and then afks for the rest of the game. We all reported him and hopefully he gets banned but it’s still a bit frustrating just to get someone who probably never had an intention of playing HOTS in the first place.

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That’s correct. You have to consider how long it takes to gain 12 globes again, before pressing the button.
The denser minion wants waves later on makes it easier to fulfill the quest.
I use it also as a demoralising tool. If the opponent manages to kill me in my safe distance, they see me again, just a few seconds later…

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4 out of 5, preferred role ranged assassin

this community, lol

Make other roles good (I’m a hypocrite bc broken bruisers = I QQ) and I’ll play them. Once you see my tank-healer idea you’ll see the “power” I need to play those roles


I feel trolled by teammates so hard.



Thank you for the lose, Jaina. Too stupid to attack the core with the Dragon at level 23, but used the dragon to brawl. WTF. I am tilted af. The worst thing about it that this player were actually decent, but he played with the dragon like a total moron.

some people are too dumb to understand getting the core down is what wins the game, not punching their greymane in the face

it is such a simple concept, i dont understand why it must be repeated every single day

i bet at least 30% of the hots population would rather keep punching a greymane with dk than a core that has only has a quarter health left and no shields

i can train a chimpanzee to be more efficient than 30% of players by giving it a banana every time it figures out it gets free food by finding a way to make the core explode


I guess I am damned to be silver-gold forever, because this are my teammates 95% of the time. All of them, except me has 5+ death. Enemys weren’t even good, but my teammates were just worse.


Time to hop to LoL. GL

Artanis complaining we don’t have DPS at objectives on BoE
Artanis went PoA…

I was gonna have a facedesk image here, but looks like all the image results i get for it are not that good… so, i guess…


I never hop to LoL, I would even prefer Dota 2 before LoL, but then again Dota 2 gameplay is way slower than Hots and I don’t enjoy it anymore.

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I’m seeing a fair share of every role. Although I’m showing RA/Flex.

I think RA is the most self sufficient role, and it’s most prominent in QM, which is going to be further emphasized as the only game mode for new players (upping level barrier from 50 to 100).

As RA you can poke and still have range to sidestep the enemy poke. If you happen to have other kind of teammates, all the better.

As a healer, you are survivable but don’t achieve much. Except, of course, you always have a team and you can support them.

As a tank, you can put a brick on B.
As a bruiser, you can do nothing or put a brick on B.
As a melee assassin, you can do nothing or feed hard.
Exaggerating, but shows the point, especially for new players.

Took me years to actually pick up playing other roles.

Also, as far as sparkles go, I think Mei is the only tank who actually looks cool.
Pun intended.

For me it’s actually bruiser or support, because it is the role that is least dependend on your team, because you usually play the solo laner role. But second binded to the hardest heroes in the game, so it’s just bruiser. RA feels rather liek the easiest role to do. Staying behind your frontline and do some pew pew. :joy:

I agree on this though. Mei is a really safe tank for beginners like Johanna, because both of them has an overfilled suvival kit and are basically unkillable in my opinion. If I die as Mei or Johanna I am 100% aware I failed.


But, but he get a dragon that he can send enemy team flying across the map with. He wants to kick the enemy team and ignore the core since that removes the fun of kicking the enemy team with a badass dragon :smiley:


Hmm, turns out “literally never played ranked before” means “should be in platinum league” according to the matchmaker. And we wonder why matches are so one sided and random.

Well, your tank was Arthas…

It should be one of those tips on the loading screen “Killing the enemy core is what wins games”, or something like that. I was in a 30 minute game recently and had to convince the other players it was okay to attack the core, yes really it will go down with four enemies dead and it being at 20%.


Careful with what you ask. :laughing:
The other day had an Imperius teammate who would try to walk up to the enemy core and die. Twice.
On Towers of Doom.
(Surely it was a tilt move, but anyway.)

I totally agree. One of yesterday’s ARAM we had 4 melee and a single Gul’dan. We have been a really good wall, so it was all good, but by 10 minutes we had many kills and overall some 100 points damage on one tower.
Unlike modern agile coaches say, leadership does work. I started casually pinging on towers, and lo and behold, people started attacking it and it led to a win.


I have growing respect for Hoku.
Artanis is damn hard.
Also, whenever I pick the correct talents (role, map), I lose. I do what the talent does, but then lacking too much else. I guess. (Going fine, 6:5. Just a bit awkward with that.)


Dear Li-Ming QM player.

Please do not abuse me as your tank the entire match when you took Full Orb build, with Disintegrate, Glass Cannon and Power Hunger at level 1.

You took this knowing you were against a KT (who went trait build and Pyro) and worse, Zeratal. This gave you no self peel you could have had with Wave of Force, no ability to survive every time the KT used his ULT on you as you had no spell armor (our team also had no healer), also Orb build is not the best build at killing the immortal on BOE.