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You do not understand the true pain of frontline not picking up globes until you have played Kael’thas, taken mana addict, gotten stuck in the middle lane, and had a whopping 1 stack by 5 minutes.

Kael’thas: “I still need globes guys”
Thrall: “well then go get some”


You’ll be better served by rotating lanes and helping out with merc camps.

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Yes, I try to do that when possible. But it’s a bit of a pain when I have to solo siege camps while everybody is trying to get a 2 man on top lane, 2 man bot lane, and leaving me to defend 1v3 mid lane. Makes me wish I could have levels 4 and 1 swapped for Kael’thas so I could know when my team is about to make me do that.

Oh I wouldn’t start them myself, just ping and help with them.

But you’re lucky. I usually can’t get my team mates to leave mid lane.

I mean yes that’s the alternative, having to rotate between top and bot.

But yeah, some games I get a setup where I have mana addict in time to cover me from enemy ults, sometimes it’s only barley finishing by 16. Depends a lot on my teammates really.

Free hero rotation Abathur week in Quick Match is going to end me. Anyone who says Abathur is a “brain dead” hero who can be mastered by anyone half conscious, only need to pop into a QM game this week to have that opinion harshly corrected.

The gap between a skilled Abathur player and someone just “trying him out” is immense and usually results in a painful loss.


Oh is that what a lot of people say? I’ve always felt like Abathur was super broken but only balanced because almost nobody could play him right. The ultimate carry hero.


I agree with the latter part of your post, but many times on the forums people have asserted Abathur has become a low skill cap hero that most people can get value from. Not everyone of course, it’s just been a prevailing sentiment I’ve seen on the forums over the past couple of years.


Kel’thuzad is clearing his throat


It doesn’t seem to matter which game mode I play. Somehow, my team mates are always suicidal. But none of my enemies are killing themselves…

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Ok, so I had a teammate who spent around 90% of the match disconnected. That’s pretty bad, except that they were in a party with someone who reported their voice chat never had even the slightest hiccup; the disconnects were 100% on Blizzard’s end. WTF blizzard?

Ouchie :slight_smile:
Similar here by the end.

Just coming off 3 ARAMs, first 2 were easy, the 3rd there was a… problem. We didn’t have a tank nor a healer. I could have been Arthas, but I’m horrible. The enemies were good, too, as well as the comp.
Anyway, poor Qhira on our side was feeding like no tomorrow, ended up with 13-15 deaths. Not intentionally, just “what can I do, let’s dive, do stuff, and respawn”.

Also methinks Zarya is a fair bit UP.

(Curiously, the first ARAM doesn’t have a replay file.)

Blizzard internet too bad.

People are quick to assume its always on Blizzad end when they dc.
They never check how much packet lose thier own internet had when they dced.

I have played in this game for 5 years now and only dced from a game maybe a handfull times in that periode. Also playing Hots on a 2012 toaster computer does not help much either.


The older ARAM maps doesn’t save a replay file iIrc.

Qued up as Stukov i know i get bad games with much of the time and the game did not disapoint me.

Gets a 1-10 Sonya on the team that need 3 people to help her with camps and cant even hit a single spear and has no map vision/game reaction at all.
Not before half the team was dead she decides to wake up and go to boss that were already captured by eemy team.

And our Li-ming took orb build with lvl 13 teleport talent. Still end up with 3-8 score. She even allowed Alarak to casually walk up and kill her with 160 sadim combo.

The game did not disapoint me yet this time.

And my healing virus i could just stop casting on people since half of them were not allowed to spread to others but himself.

Now i know how Decard mains fell.


It’s actually the other way around. Right now, the only map that doesn’t save a replay is the one with the Volskaya conveyor belts, which was the most recent map of those in the current ARAM rotation. The original maps, such as Silver City, do save replays.


At least he only needs 12. Kael needs 20.

KTZ’s quest is repeatable, because if he dies he has to do it again, while KT has to fulfill it once. A big difference.


No one was showing anything originally, then I showed Tracer. 10 seconds later.


The even funniest thing is, I switched to ETC, and we STILL ended up with 3 assassins. Also, landing a 5 man Mosh right next to my team still didn’t get us a kill.
(Oh, and when you have the highest deaths on the team, playing Alarak doesn’t work. He also isn’t a good solo laner)