Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

But mom, I want to keep my 90% winrate on TLV!!1111


I feel you. I got matched with the same trio team twice in a row. They fed so hard, the Thrall had 14 deaths and the Murky player never double soaked, or even soaked. His total end game deaths were the highest I’ve seen on a Murky player 10 times, so 40!


Normally, I am quite opposed to blaming results on balance, but with Mei + Artanis vs. Muradin + Gazlowe as our frontlines… just this once, that was definitely a problem of hero power.


Isn’t MM suppose to MM with people with similar game abilities. Obviously it doesn’t…

I had an allied Azmo who purposely didn’t try to stack their baseline quest. He would cast his Q to hit enemy buildings.

They knew about it. They were Diamond 5 when I checked after.


My guess is they got boosts above Diamond in a party, and their decay dropped them to Diamond 5. X.X


Was in a probius game and there was this valla who spam pinged me after a teamfight despite

  1. I had more hero damage than her and
  2. She wasnt participating in the fight either. She was too busy pushing one lane alone.

I told her “Valla go help the team, youre not the split pusher I am” and what was her response? She kept following me everywhere on the map and doing the same things I do. Everywhere I go. Like that was some kind of way to spite me or I have no idea. When really its much like having pinged a Valla AI.

I’m not sure in what sense you mean that as all those heroes are fairly competitive. The only subpar hero is artanis but he can be extremely deadly in the right hands.

Daily reminder to myself that playing Hots after midnight gives you players that would question yourself how they even managed to keep thier account unbanned.

Gets matched with a Illidan that keep on fighting 1v4 whole game and ended his game with 3-14 score.

Then i checked my replay to check what people said since i got chat turned of and ofc he was cursing in cyrill letters whole game in all caps.

So insteed of defending his lanes and pick camps like all others did he just randomly hunted someone when he saw them on the map and ended on dieing few sec after cause all the others were near the one he hunted.


I’ve had a match yesterday, where Tyrande had the highest Hero-Damage of our Team

That sounds quite useful. I’d start taking camps and bosses.
Once as Li Li I had my AI pet Tassadar, it was amazing. Team didn’t have a healer but we won the map. Not sure about winning the match.


Best in team hero damage as malfurion, 25% more healing than enemy Ana, fewest deaths in team. I don’t know what more I can do for you Kaelthas.

How am I supposed to win this SL match?


Alright, well that’s even worse.

Lmao its exactly what I did actually. Well at least the closest thing. I was on hanamura so I stole enemy samurai camps for quite some time while enemy team kept chasing the 3 others around the map. It was the dumbest game.

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I need to stop saying anything here, because clearly someone at blizzard is watching what I say to make sure my next 5 games will all be losses hand crafted to prove me wrong.

And that’s 7 losses in a row. Alright I’ll see you all in a couple weeks then. At least my MMR is relatively low so it shouldn’t be too hard to get back into the game.

That never feels good :frowning:
If it’s any consolation, my record is 16!

Last time I complained here, the next many matches were super easy.
Sometimes I feel the matrix confirmed when I play this game, it’s like some Eastern religion training, learn not to want, just take.
In any event, the correlation between trying and succeeding is fairly low, if not even slightly negative. I often end up tilted, do something silly and then win anyway. It’s a practical habit now, coming here, swearing a bit and spouting a bit of conteo here and there, feed twice at the start, and then it’s gonna be a winstreak, that match included. Then I edit my post. I’m dead serious, works like a charm.

The play until 2 losses strategy is probably the best, because it’s both fairly healthy and makes all conspiration theories (game analysing your habits) work for you. It gives you 4 matches baseline each day which is fairly good for practice but not unhealthy yet. You never get too angry. Downside, you only finish after a loss.

On another note, you may need to change something to unjinx yourself. My level 101, 53% winrate Li Li was starting this season 1:8, it was beyond awkward. Did a streak in QM, 8:4 with Li Li and 7:5 with Thrall. If a hero really doesn’t work, just park it, though. Unless it’s intentional MMR bleed.

How I hate those Mei players who play her like a ranged assassin! He got highest damage, while I had struggles to stay alive against Taunt-Varian, Stitches, Gul’dan and Junkrat.
Of course did he become MVP.
Oh, I’ve nearly forgotten to mention. I’ve played Kel’thuzad

You mean they play her Blizzard, but never use the combo with E? As a Mei player I see too many passive Mei player and it’s always easy to dodge her initations…

I mean someone who doesn’t understand the basics of playing a tank. Like

Anchoring: Position in a bush to secure the team against ganks

Peeling: securing the back line against opponent ranged assassins and divers

Or just stay near the team and let the bruiser do the side laning