Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Yeah, that’s known as suicide Azmo.

He will have horrible KDA at the end, but his antics might actually lead to a victory. It’s a bit complicated and an instant feeding report is not often the right answer.

I’ve seen that cheese both work nicely and fail miserably. It’s a gamble.

(For those who didn’t witness it: He bombs the fort and keep with Demonic invasion and all his spawns whenever he’s alive, when the enemy comes down to kill him he just ignores them and keeps hitting the structure, he can often destroy a lane by himself doing this)

That cheese was even easier to pull off when his laser had infinite duration. A few early game deaths are worth a full fort or keep especially on a 2 lane map.


I didn’t get an invite

If he played the most time vs AI, there will be no one who would report him.
But considering a KDA of 1.6 against AI is even more embarrassing

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I did not check his lifetime playtime with Azmo but i saw on his match history that he had spammed Azmo in qm the last 20 games so. Also his winrate was about 50 %

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So the draft starts, Hanamura. My opponents pick and all assassin + healer team. I think to myself. “Well, unless our last guy picks like, Azmodan, we should win this easily.”

Last pick Azmodan. ON HANAMURA! Even on the rare cases where my opponents screw up, my team finds a way to do something worse.

The Azmo never even used his demon to push lanes. And he was Lvl 80 on the hero! How can you not know what your hero’s worst map is?
(Honorable mention, Alextraza using “Cleansing flames” at the start of the fight when we were all full health…)

There’s no hope.

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Me and Harbinger played SL and had a team, full of cowards.
They didn’t fight when we had macro/level advantage and died 1 by 1.

Easy lose for them.


Then maybe you gave me the wrong username?


Oh it was. The illi first pick insta locked on us too. “Don’t worry I’m pro illidan”

Reminds me of a game I had recently where I managed to block every single last rites cast as Anduin. Twice the ult was interrupted in under a quarter second, but still lasted long enough to deny Malth. He probably wasn’t too happy about that one.


Yeah, but Ming’s orbs are slow AF. Imperius still has movement and CC, and as an assassin, you can’t spend the entire match just ‘running away’. Loads of tanks can do it, but only by merit of them being able to screw you over hard enough for their team to punish you. Imperius can just not be fought at all.

He needs to have control, damage, durability or sustain, but not everything at once, and certainly not more damage than anyone else in the entire game.

Make useful statistics ! or at least make me somehow see the players i encountered the last matches and what their statistics are.
nothing makes me more salty then skipping and not have looked up someone just for reasons, may it be he/she was extraordinary good in both terms :p.
damn i had this so much, there are not enough salt mines to dig.

You know, usually, I like this game. I can hop in QM, have a match, test out new builds or see how old ones match up to new buffs. It was great. But in my last dozen or two games, I’ve been whispered by toxic players after the match who just continued to harass me. I reported them, sure. As someone who jumps to Moba to Moba, I don’t understand this facet. This need to shout down someone that was either having a bad day, or having an off game. Trust me, no one needs to tell me I’m not doing good. No one has to look into my profile, or one of friends, and tell me I’ve won less than fifty percent of games. Lovely. I don’t care. I don’t play ranked. I don’t try to be a pro. I play to have fun.

This may come off as having thin skin, or whatever and I also don’t care about that. Keep your comments to yourself, unless you’re willing to be constructive and not a jerk about it. I don’t have time for jerks and it really makes it hard to convince my friends to play these games with me when its still filled with toxicity.


Oof, yeah that’s never fun. Hopefully one day the report system will be revamped into something with more accuracy than a blind man with a shotgun. Nothing you can do except report them and do what you can to bring your own positivity. Positivity can be contagious for many, and HotS could always use more optimists.

Good luck and (hopefully) better mannered teammates to you.

I’m not sure how you can bare to climb through the ranks again Dr. Logan. It must be horribly painful, that is sincerely meant.

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This is a game of high silver players:

But it felt like they were beyond bronze 5.

Next unbelieveable game in high silver. It can be described as “every minute an orc is dying”:

This player has Rehgar on level 50 (!!!) and he died 10 times, almost every minute once. It’s beyond me, if someone can have played a hero for so long, but he plays so poorly…


Assassins fight damage
Jaina me: 90k
Butch: 60k
Tass: 70k
Murk: 25k

aaannnnnddddd raynooorrrrrrrrrrrr… 15k

He kept complaining that the other team is killing him and targeting him and he has no escape…


He had the highest deaths and kept chasing…


Just want to thx the 3 bronze 1 trio team that joined my team last night. You guys got some serious feeding skills. I ping for danger but what did your Falstad ? Face check the bush and get deleted 3v1 And Varian goes Twin Blade vs a team full of burst dmg and blinds and we are left with no frontliner ofc. Thx you so much Varian. Your 13k and 3-10 score helped us a lot. Meanwhile Butcher on enemy team gets his quest done within 4 min.

And Ophea was as bad as his party. Keep going in and died 1v3 and gave Butcher even more meat. No skills at all just feeding.

Only me and Raynor managed to do something in TL but when we are out numbered whole game long then we just gave up in the end after the trio bronze team had feeded Butcher to 300+ meat.

And then Varain and Ophera has the balls to say gg wp at the end when we lost like they actually enjoyed this lol.

No wonder people dont like to solo que in qm when they get punished for trying to win with trolls and feeders.

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Game of the day: I played Rehgar and we had 3 autoattackers (Zul’jin, Tychus and AA-build Hanzo). And our Level 2 Zul’jin on Battle of Eternity complains about my heroic choice (it was bloodlust).

This guy also was the only one, who whined about my healing AS ZUL’JIN and this was a high silver game btw. But the funny part about it is that he said he was the solo laner (which isn’t true it was Hanzo) and because he had to do siege damage, so his hero damage is low, but Hanzo had more siege and hero damage at once. So in fact Zul’jin had least damage of all, but also died the most (except Garrosh)…

Tbh. I woudn’t mind them in QM, especially I see this in ranked way too often, it feels like ranked in high silver and gold is basically clown fiesta. The difference in player skill is just way too uneven as my current example shows.

Played with a toxic smurf. We were generally winning but he was raging at team (for once not me) anyways. Next game he’s on enemy team. I tell my team to focus him bc he’s tank and i wanted him to int. He inted.

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How to make me lose as TLV.

  • Get a random for my 4 men party
  • Watch him dying
  • Watch him leave a game
  • Profit!

Now do it were you have two players leave just like me and Harb had last night.

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