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As Froggy said, some people are just trolls. I had an in game friend who had almost all heroes at 100, but the majority were far under 50% win rate. He tried, but he just wasn’t good. It’s not a shame, we can’t be good at everything.

There is too the quintessential casual player who just goofs off and feeds, and finds that fun. :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


Mhm, my Nazeebo over 53 matches is 28.6% and I am definitely trying. All that practice paid out, 100% winrate this season! :laughing: (1:0)

Runner ups for the fail spot are 0:8 Cassia, 1:8 Sonya, 2:10 Zarya and 6:12 Raynor. Fun fact: I even got compliments for two of my Raynor games.

I suppose it’s when the hero doesn’t click with you technically, but you like it.
I find Raynor to be too binary, I usually take him for PvE and then the enemy forces PvP and my tickling isn’t enough.
My Nazeebo is just a phenomenon: soaking and stacking is a definite loss, also anything but Q build has a 0% winrate. Even my Vile Infection winrate is 33%, but Fury of the Storm has 53%. So I have to play him backwards. PvP till 20 then PvE. (Double stacking is certainly a no-no, people usually catch rotations and my teams usually stick to a lane, so I don’t have minions to kill in their lane, plus I really should be doing camps.)

That’s 129% total :+1:

It isn’t, that’s true, but if my team doesn’t do it, I do. I called one time that they should do camps, they ignore it and then I never tried it again…

This sounds extreme, ofc, but what is your KDA with this heroes overall? If you had some games where you failed hard, I wouldn’t worry to much about it, only if you have played over 100 games and still have this high amount of death, then you definitely do sth. wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is an example of high level accounts where the players aren’t skilled. I hadn’t watched the load screen, I checked account levels later, I thought they had to be new…

The first objective we managed to cap, but I was zoning for our Diablo as Murky… Then our Valla goes AFK/AI and I ask someone to ping it. No answer. I explain how to do, the KT tries but only succeeds in getting the “help” prompt. How can these people be almost 2000 levels and can’t ping an AI?

Meanwhile the Diablo, KT and Zeratal feed more deaths than the AI for less kills and damage than a Murky and the AI Valla.


Aba+ everything is busted.


If an assassin is not allowed to 3-shot burst an enemy squishy in under 1 second, then a bruiser shouldn’t, either.

Looking at you, Imperius.

If Imperius gets all stacks on the target, especially, if it is a ranged assassine, then the assassine failed and deserved to be dead though. :joy: Eat two spammy orbs by Ming and you are dead.

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You can’t “bully” people for being dumb in this game so you get what the devs wanted to happen. In other mobas there is personal accountability for your lane and gameplay

I did 98k dmg and my ktz did 28k and low siege
We lost ofcourse

Who where you playing as?

You know, they say that there are 4 chances for a potato on your team, and 5 chances for a potato on the enemy team.

checks winrate Yup, story checks out. Nice smooth 55% winrate. Too bad the game keeps giving me -220 for each loss and +180 for each win.

I don’t get this.

The guy who picked Stitches was Lvl 25 Diablo, lvl 9 Stitches. On Dragon shire, he decides to pick Stitches…

Then I picked Malthael as 2nd pick, the enemy picked Hogger, (Our banner didn’t ban anything on the first ban) One guy shows Artanis. I tell him "I don’t think solo assassin Fenix will work, we need another ranged DPS not two bruisers. He switches to Dehaka and picks…

Also, you should have seen our Morales soloing the mid lane. SO MUCH VALUE. But we actually had a chance to win. I killed the Hogger late game in bot lane. The enemy had their bot fort at 20% health. What’s the right call here? LETS’ GET A MERC CAMP TOP LANE.

So all the enemy team got was a win. We got a merc camp. We sure showed them.


New personal record, 7:29 to lose. Worst. Illidan. Ever. The Artanis was also really awful.

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Me and Harb ques up to play a game.
MM: Lets see how they react when i add a 1.6 kda Azmo with 1900 games on his hand on thier team. I bet it will be fun warching them lose.

12 min later game ends and Azmo ends with 0-8 score and me and Harb could not do a thing to win the game with him dragging us down and forcing us to play 4v5 whole game.

On a serious note im surpriced how this Azmo has not been banned yet for feeding in all his 1900 games played as him. 1900 games and only 1.6 kda just says a lot about him that he just like to feed and properly also a troll.

But hey. There are properly more of those low kda players hiding out there just to que up and ruin your next game with his mindless feeding.

This wont be the last time MM gives me a low kda feeder since i already has many of those already and worst of it they are not even returning players who had his last game 3 years ago. NO they are all active players that ruin games for fun every single game they que up to.

No way someone with 1900+ games would run around with 1.6 kda after so many games unless he is trolling his team to a lose in all those games. Then he must be the luckiest troll in the world a ban has not hit him yet.


I still don’t get how I’m supposed to stop holy word as Malthael, but yeah definitely is not Garrosh or Valeera fault but mine.

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Join up with shadowmere, phaseshifter and I (ask the other two) and we’d have 5

Just had an awful match. Brightwing (me), Deathwing, Valeera, Aba and Stiches vs ETC, Malt, Kael, Valla and Ana.

Yes it was a bad match up.

But it was made worse by poor understanding of Brightwing. If I’m teleporting to you for a save, please don’t just run away when I’ve been stunned, I can save us both… but I cannot blink heal to hero out of range.

I died 7 times, almost all from making saves. The match was closer than it should have been, we could have won with just a little extra though.

Same tip goes for Kara… don’t leave him hanging when he’s 1 range from a blink and a speed buff.


Ouch, on the same team.
Hope it wasn’t a draft.

Accept my invite!

You had me at Stitches. I just assume a loss when I see him picked.

Don’t risk your life for a ball and chain.


What is his overall win rate like? I’ve seen those terrible Azmodan players, they can still win QM games if they are successful enough to push structures while they feed. Don’t get me wrong, they annoy me, but with that kind of player there is more than just KDA to consider.