Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

The only thing that comes to mind, if I read your words:


He is also playing a real good Brightwing. I’ve seen him Insta-kill Malthael on AP with a perfect combo of Polymorph, arcane flare and AA.



That’s not even possible.

I’ve maybe forgotten to mention that Malthael had Roundabout 70% HP when he got attacked by Brightwing :smirk:

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Brightwing can barely scratch a minon lmao.

He’s a verygood Lucio as well

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25% winrate. 0 stack convection KT ofc joins my team in qm and walks around like a headless chicken and have no clue were to go or what to do.

Best of it was he dont even know how to do the bomb/flamestrike combo on minion waves. He just walks around in the middle of the wave and use lose 50% of his hp before he finally use a flamestrike on them.

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Be thankful it wasn’t in SL.

At least he’s not one of those players who do ranked play with a hero they never touched.

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Like phaseshifter said at least it’s QM, so I wouldn’t mind too much, because I also use this mode for heroes I don’t mastered yet. For example you don’t want me as Alarak in your team, because I suck with him. :joy:


Right. So, returning for a medium streak after a week of absence.
First match…

I got a 33% Genji, 33% Johanna, 33% Li-Ming and 30% Sonya
against 55% Rag, 55% Greymane, 37% Garrosh, 60% Orphea and 50% Stukov.
My team had no focus, other than that it wasn’t that bad, really.

Now anyone tell me the MM is a simple fair one, and not a malicious, spit-in-your-face-as-welcome-back MM.

Also, 1:9 Li Li, it’s getting beyond hilarious. I don’t seem to have changed, of course if someone is willing to compare my performance, be my guest.

Okay, next match was funny. At the beginning I was upset by the impressive power difference of the heroes and my team is super passive. So I’m like, fine, let’s end this quick, I feed 4 times (other option: stay at core). Alrighty, my team looks fairly okay, after all, enough is enough, everybody shall be convinced that I’m noob extraordinaire. We proceed to have a 3 level lead by 20. Easy win. Textbook. “Why do I need a tantrum every time to take a win from the system?” Let’s just finish… my team suddenly starts throwing. Hm, apparently I do need to keep the tantrum on! I die unintentionally going 1v4 because it’s a camp. Must maintain noob image… and 30 seconds later the enemy core falls. What? Okay.

Feelings aside, it’s a comedy.

(Match 3: a group of plats and me against random silvers. We only scored 28:4.)

ppps: Day ended as 4:2, with some normal and easy matches. So, apart from the first match being the first, it was all fine.

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This kind of games frustrates me the most and why I hate to play healer or tank:



I´m still confused as to how one can achieve such numbers over a significant amount of games without being a deliberate troll …


You will be surpriced how low winrate some players has in this game.

I have played with players that has 1.4 lifetime kda on his account with multiple heroes that has all from 0.4 to 2.1 kda on his most played heroes. And when you see them play then you realise why they got that low kda. Then some of them might have a positiv winrate but thats mostly because better players boosted those low kda players to a win.

My last game was vs a 1.2 kda Zuljin who has over 1500 games played on him. That means he ends his game with 10+ deaths and 0-2 kills each game he had played for that long.

Other then him i have seen people who only has 30% winrate on LIming, ETC and other easy heroes that should be easy to have 50% winrate with.


This goes beyond my understanding… how can someone with 1500 games on a single hero has still such a low kda… My weakest heroes has at least around 2 - 3 kda… but most played… #feelsbadman. Looks like this player still don’t know how to position himself and maybe plays him like a tank or bruiser…

On the contrary my KDA on ETC isn’t around 50%, but lower :frowning: but I have still a KDA of 4+. :smiley:

Mostly because they are trolls or just that bad

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I guess that’s it, because I can’t imagine that if someone is playing seriously with decent amount of levels on his account can be that low. I mean my account is around 1700+ levels and I have managed to get a KDA of 5.0 after hard work up, so it’s at least possible to get at 3-4. And I wouldn’t see myself as pro, but if I can achieve that it’s totally possible for every other serious player too.

As in my previous posting you can see a match like this:

All of the players in my team had a KDA around 2-3, so it’s kinda self-explained that they are dying that much, because they have no idea how position or when to retreat. And one thing that makes me angry is that in comparison to my team, enemys died way less. How can a match be so uneven?

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Don’t solo camps as the tank. You missed a free crashing wave for it.

You constantly complain about your team mates, but you don’t even take the time to suggest Fenix to go soak his lanes. Instead, you do his job and your team is left without a tank. If you want to try hard, you need to shot call.

Wave clearing 75% of the time as Mal’Ganis is not efficient at all.


And that’s that.
Too many bots.
Too much annoying angry people.
I guess I’m just too old to care or want to struggle to find fun (not winning) but fun games.
Good luck with things.

I question myself that every unfair game i get. LIke getting a Chen now as solo frontline vs 2x bruiser team aka Rexxar and Hogger that can just run rampart on our squicy backline aka KTZ and me as Illidan that gets stunned/silenced everytime i do something. And on top of that they get Aba that can make every team fight 3 frontliners vs 1 cause of clone.

And btw Aba/Hogger comp is still busted.