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Late game , last objective. Sylvanas is the only assassin on the team. She leaves to get a merc camp.

She got the merc camp. They got our core.

I don’t know how many games I’ve lost now to “CENCORED”'s obsessing over camps.


Ouch. Meanwhile I’ve lost 3 games today because of the entire map being painted red.

We had the game in our hands but then Johanna and Zera decided to throw the game and give the win to a weak 5 man premade that was not even good.

If people just used thier brains insteed of just playing around and dieing in some cornor and let the enemy catch up and win.

Meaning? High death count?

Ok I think I’ve seen the worse misplay that’s ever been done in my games yet.

I picked Leoric, Tomb of the spider Queen. We had a tank healer and dps, our last pick Went Zagara.

The Zag had the most deaths but that’s not the important part. During a fight for the boss. I entomb two targets, put drain life on one, start auto attacking, then… Zagara uses devouring Maw.

It prevents all the damage they would have taken,
makes them come back into the fight without the silence on them
Cuts my drain, so I lose my healing
And since it’s been used for minimal damage, we don’t have it to stop them from stealing the boss anymore.

That Zag wasn’t just hindering our ability to win, she actually helped the enemy win lol.

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Meaning every camp on both sides of the map was red. All. Game.

Anyways, it seems I’m supposed to be really happy with that 1 win I got, because I’m not getting anymore. Most recent complaint: Pyroblast is the most anti-comback ult in existence. Normally 2 levels down is rough, but you can come back from it. But against pyro Kael, 2 levels down means he can start one-shotting heroes from very near full health.


Pyroblast is very counterable. Shields, protect, and other evasion abilities are gg. If I see kt then I go anduin to spite kt

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Yes, but that’s assuming KT is an early pick. The problem arises when the KT team is over a full level ahead and you don’t have a straight up hard protected on your team. If that happens, then inevitably he will kill someone because that level lead means you need so much hp to survive.

Overall it’s an ability that’s probably a little sub-par in general, but is an amazing winmore ult because of how fast it scales in value the further ahead Kael’s team is. And of course because you don’t have to pick ult until level 10, well there’s pyro’s usefulness. Of course if a Kael takes it on a team which is not leading, it can often be a bit of a liability unless you have a team with very good teamfighting but bad rundown for fleeing enemies.

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This is why Eye of Horus is a good trick to know.

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How did they the throw the game? Prefer to do camps or unneeded chases and not willing to end the game with a core rush? :joy:

Hang on, I’ve never seen this interaction. Is it true that when you pull someone just as the pyroblast was about to hit, it hits thin air and doesn’t promptly follow the player?

No idea on that but I take the protect ult for an easy dent every time he ults

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I’ll test it at some point. Thanks for the clarification!

They were just running around like kids on a playground after lvl 16. Johanna ended up getting Cooconed twice and mass ganked cause she keep on chasing the others and Zera thought he could 1vs5 the other team alone.

He even ended the game with same dmg as me as BW. 18k dmg at lvl 20. Even the enemy Auriel had more dmg then him.

Insteed of just defend the lanes that gets pushed. Both Zera and Johanna decided to turn off thier brain and make us lose a game we had in our hands for 19 lvls.

How a lvl 68 Zera can end the game with less dmg done then a healer is just crazy.

But kodus for Valla for making about 75k hero dmg and carried us on dmg when Zera fails to do any. But i fell sorry for her she qued up with a Johanna that cared less.


This is beyond my understanding, but my guess goes for he was overconfident after your lead and thought you couldn’t lose anymore and then he threw game. Overconfidence is most of the time the issue, when a leading team lose the game…

Was it QM or SL?

I guess you got him wrong. Tooton was talking about shield, so he meant Anduin’s 1st heroic, not his trait. You can’t save someone from Pyroblast by pulling him to you, because Pyro is following the player.

Late night qm

Iksir is a monster playing Ana. He hit a four man Sleep Dart on ToD. And many, many more excellent Sleep Darts


Iksir, the God himself.
Hebi likes it, too.


Well, there is such thing as a frame perfect tracer blink or frame perfect li-Ming teleport, both of which can dodge pyro. Not sure if there’s a frame perfect leap of faith though, I think it travels too slow and you would at minimum eat the splash.


We have a player flagged as main tank, and a player flagged as main healer. 2 players with 90% of their games as ranged assassin instant lock Stukov and Johanna. Other 2 players hover dps heroes, so I lock bruiser. One of them immediately switches over and locks TB Varian.

Johanna feeds all game, and Stukov heals roughly a third of their Rehgar while silencing for roughly 0 seconds across the whole game. In other words, exactly what you would expect from 2 players who literally never play anything but ranged dps.

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His Lucio play is jaw-droppingly inspiring. I love to watch Iksir play that hero.

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