Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

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In case this wasn’t clear to everyone else this occurred simultaneously with Hoku getting mad at the two people dead on our team (i was the whitemane) for taking a 2v5.

I think if she just hit the stun at 0:15 she could have done it
Also think if Harbinger had a normal game and not some weird have circles it would be ggez

How I love typical games to be thrown away by stupid mistakes. :frowning:



… but, you had a good day at last! 11:6.

The Sonya player was last pick. So we ended up solo assassin Li-Ming. (To this day, I’ve never won with those comps) Do you think having a bunch of melee heroes against a KT is ok?

Also, our Varian was on call, but didn’t think his job would call. Welcome to Phaseshifter’s games…



What is wrong with first clip. the ground is full of bugged areas Even Harb bugs out.

Lol did no see i message Harb :smiley: Welcome back friend. We need to play some games again. We still have our Zarya/Malth comp we need to try.

Actually the Sonya pick isn’t that bad. I have won some games with 3 bruisers. I hope Sonya took Leap to dive in, but I also wonder why your damage as D.Va is a bit low compared to Sonya. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would say I have a great day today. I had 5 mvp’s with Gazlowe. :smiley:

I was in the 4 man, she was hitting Ragnaros. Also, spreading bombs is a lot easier when most of the enemies are melee.

Did Sonya picked Leap and jumped on KT?

No… But is she had, Diablo would have just peeled her, and then she’d be dead.

Hey, at least we won that match. I was pretty tired from work, so by our last match, I was running on fumes. I demand a retry!

Edit: And just remember, I wasn’t the one who used Expulsion Zone on a Deathwing.

Sure it depends on the momentum, when you do it. For example, if the enemy team is engaging.

I saw the replay

As ana Vs an Illidan

  • W build is okay
  • Dart at 4 is great for peel but stop running away. Stay near zarya, he went aa build but you ran away
  • Also eye of horus is a good ult for stalling and healing the more dive friendly allies. If you getting dived on press W or E to stand up and reposition
  • Also autoattack more and Q bushes

1 yes my build was awful. I regretted not taking dart at 4

2 not going to defend my play that game it was equally bad. Apart from that time i baited illadin into towers for a net neutral. This applies to 4 as well

3 i was trying to explain to harb that horus is too niche for me. I never pick it so my aim with it is bad. Its one of the reasons i only play ana if i can get a good nano target. Did not happen that game bc our mage switched to something else. I was also expecting him to get hunt.

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If you are around in 5 or 6 hours, we can try again. Servers are down for a while, so I am going to try to get some sleep so I won’t be so punchy when I play.

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Don’t worry I also said some things to harb, mainly that he needs to take it more serious :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are good at Ana and sleep darts, eye of horus is not even hard because it fires instantly

So i was playing Yrel and the other team had a Garrosh and a Brightwing hugging him like a leech.

I did not play.

I hope my hair will grow back.


I caught the PhaseShifter curse. I want rid of it.

Finally got a win, 2k MMR drop later. Their team had 2 weak links to our 1. They had a stack Artanis and a stack Raynor right into the open arms of our lili+cassia. Game was at level 13 before Artanis had 100 PoA stacks.