Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Damn 4 bad losses in a row. Admittedly one was a bad Rehgar game but the other 3 just had one player feeding out of their mind. Yesterday was almost all wins though so it evens out

Focus on yourself, not your teammates.

Look where you could improve and work on that, even if it will hurt your KDA. For instance, you don’t AA enough and don’t prioritize minion waves enough.

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Oh believe me I do that. If I don’t do AA enough than how I am usually have the highest siege/exp amount? Do you really think, if I focus more on minions than I already I do, I can outsoak the feed, yes?

Because you’re in Bronze. If you want to climb up, you have to play much better.

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I played with gold players, who were x times worse than me. Sorry but the arguement bronce is just dull. I can’t trust your analysis. And I was gold by myself already.

You don’t have to teach me what I already know, except you can prove it with evidence, my numbers are there.

Losing streaks can happen and you had nothing to do with them. Unfortunately at a certain point you have to accept responsibility for being tilted/not doing the thinngs you need to do to win. Bronze 1 is not that difficult to escape and im sure if you pull up your bootstraps you can get back to silver quite easily.

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And still this lose streaks proves one thing that a lot of frustrated players are frustrated for good reasons. In a game, where skill matters, that you have leagues with such inequality in strength, it’s just absurd.

I wish this game would have an MMR - Reset with every season, so everyone can start at bronze like in Hearthstone and if I end up in Bronze then I would accept that I am where I belong, but this current system is just unfair and this thread is proof enough for me that’s there is sth. wrong.

But yes I played myself out of bronze more than once, so yeah it’s a matter of time, when I am out of this league again.

Having 65%winrate across the board, having to play game after game with four other people who cant get above 41% just because the team average winrate needs to be equalized. Then loose the winrate and continue to play with people in the 44-46% winrates. Both of these groups of people are some of the worst i’ve ever seen in the game.
I guess thats what bronze silver is and just watching them in qm struggle with simple things, not landing abilities not dodging easy damage is just unreal.

Hitting skillshots or dodging I would put to advanced skills and I don’t expect it from my teammates anymore, but what I get angry about that people don’t know how to engage/retreat fights properly and they end up feeding the enemy. And then if the enemy has 4 level ahead it’s death sentence for you.

Another point is that people hesitate to go back and regenerate themselves, because they think it’s the healer’s job.

I had a player today, Bronze 5+24, used to be a little better. 48% winrate.
She was so determined to be forward as a tank that she kept dying to anything.
She didn’t seem to mind. Go out, press abilities, life runs out, respawn, repeat. She didn’t seem particularly intentional about feeding.

Had a Jaina, too, who was generally okay, but did the occasional overextension. It’s quite regular in these ranks, people do know the OBJ is important and they have to be heroic and try to stall it at all costs.

What I do about it, I prefer heroes that can keep going, pushing, and help such teammates. Be it a good tank that can setup blowups, or a hero that has nearly infinite push. Malfurion is kind of the same with restoring mana.


And to top it off in general enemy team i play against have around 60-64% winrate through the years, like i just did none of them had less than 63% so i guess my mmr is around the same, but for whatever reason guys with 41% 48% are in my team in that same game.
Hots was my first moba and i then played the others and while i’ve played it more, Hots is the ONLY game where i’ve ever met such absurdly unfair matchups.

Do you play solo? If so it’s usually harder. Many people have been complaining about the uneven match quality in SL this season. Maybe post some replays so the master players here (that’s not me) can give you some pointers.

Doubtful, you’re probably just having some bad luck. I once lost eight SL games in a row and they weren’t even played all on the same day!

If you really think it may be an issue on your part, you may want to watch a few of your replays. Though some games, like having an afk and a 13 death team mate are obviously write offs.

After 3 losses I usually either stop playing, or play any other game mode. Because you’ll get so angry at what the game threw at you that you won’t play as well.


Just got out of a game where our Muradin decided he didn’t want to play HOTS for 13 minutes straight so our time was wasted for no reason. He straight up trolled us by purposefully running away from the enemy team 99% of the time when I used Rehgar’s lightning shield, even when I specifically built shield talents to maximize its use and allowing him to stay in fights longer. He didn’t really tank at all and purposefully ignored enemies who were flanking our backline. Worst part is once we vocalized this in chat (with me admitting that Muradin was trolling us on purpose) he started going in everytime I shielded him but instead of aiming to get kills, he just started feeding.

I know it’s ARAM so it doesn’t matter at all for any sort of ranking but why are people like this? Why waste everyone’s time for no reason?

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Not hots related directly (except for the fact it is a large part of why I’ve barely played).

But **** 2021.
I want 2020 back.

I’m actually serious. Well. Aside from the little problem IRL when I deal with people I just talk as if it is the 13th month of 2020.

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Another game were my team just plain ignores me and expect me to heal them while they keep brawling. Just fell like healers have becomes bots to people in qm since no one cares to protect me nor help me. Lucky for us we even won vs that 5 man premades when they just ran around like headless chickens and were brawl kings and stats paddle queens whole game while ignoring objects half the time.

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Just in QM? I experience that in bronze - gold league. Healers are healbot, Tanks are sandbags and the rest are damage machines. If you don’t fulfill your role and get high numbers, you suck. :joy:

Thanks for the tip, phaseshifter.

Buff healers to actually be impactful

I am going to find my friends in real life, hunt them down, and give them very disappointed looks…

“2v5! Let’s go!”


This is not a salt post but i almost felt bad for the enemy team that they had to lose with a lvl 125 Zuljin with 1,4 kda.

He just went in and tried to 1v3 people half the game. Ended the game with 2-12 score. His match history was also full of lost games all the way down the past 2 days with only 2 wins 4 days ago.

Guess this is not the last time i will see those low kda people in qm as i have already seen a handfull of them already.