Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

No worries he won’t play ana until he gets to gm

Doesn’t change the fact gazno was and is busted and they did absolutely NOTHING to fix the real problem. Robo goblin Needs a buff. Stun ult needs a nerf. Literally that’s all gazno needs to be balanced

Started out as salt. QM history is 4 losses, I get Varian as tank in a no-healer but Aba match (vs Zarya).
First ~5 minutes Aba never hats me. I get annoyed. Anyway, I circle his body a bit.
Then the match starts rolling, we turn our slight disadvantage and win.

So far, not much to see. Now the part that got me to post.
Enemy Ming: 478 Ming (2485 games), 260 Kael, 186 Cassia, 146 Li Li, 129 Chromie, 62 Kerrigan, 23… 7580 games (228 without QM), 50.1%
Enemy Murky: 324 Kel’thuzad, 203 Kael, 185 Ming, 160 Murky, 118 Aba, 107 Zera, 97 Tracer, 65 Alarak, 64 Varian, 62 Auriel, 51 Anduin, 42 Valla, 41 Kerrigan, 38 Jaina… 13676 games (1332 without QM), 50.2%
Crazy, serious stuff. Partially posting because it kinda answers a few topics discussed the past weeks.

I miss the days when there was marginally more to this game than “dodge the endless circles on the ground.”

Medivh should be completely removed from QM Random Hero rotation - unless maybe you have him at level 8-10 or favorited.
He isn’t just objectively underpowered (36% global winrate, 35% wins with teammate and 65% wins against), but without a massive rework eliminating the Portal and the Q quest, he is always going to be a liability to anyone but a Medivh main. There are many mains, don’t get me wrong.

Sucks to be a massive liability.
But hey, hero specific MMR is a bad idea. I’m so awesome, it’s just Medivh that needs massive buffs. I should be able to perform with him, right? Glad I didn’t have chat on, I must have been declared things. Rightfully so.

Oh, and while being absolutely horrible, I got a reward tooltip from the game. Besides telling me that other players are also horrible with Medivh, I wouldn’t be surprised if the game said, “hey, you were bad but you have potential, please, pretty please, play this hero, nobody does, it’s so sad”.


Medivh is fine in QM, it´s more being automatically matched against Abathur that hurts.

I guess after all i can be happy about my 45% winrate with him in solo queue QM ?! :thinking:


Probably so :slight_smile: That’s nice.

I got tilted again after the SL match. Impossible to fill as we had neither a tank nor a healer for last pick.
So I picked a 0 xp hero. Let’s see if MM is making me win and lose, or do I cause a loss. I win either way.

Hm. Apparently Mephisto ult goes on 120 CD if interrupted.

Result: Yes, a resounding victory. Those familiar with my posts know it was to be expected. Read whatever you want into it.

pps: 1:8 with Li Li :smiley: and we were favored. Rather weird. I don’t know what to say, because being 1:7 would sound deterministic, but it’s still my 3rd best lifetime at 53% and regular 55% seasons. Apparently checking winrates is moot. Our 8:5 Diablo didn’t know when to stop, and 8:4 Dehaka didn’t manage to do anything either. And they were S1, as opposed to bottom silver me and opponents.

ppps: Apparently I played against another 5 stack. Somewhat explains it.

You’re describing ARAM. Not every game mode :slight_smile:

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On my 2nd rotation, Varian was covering the bot soak, but mid xp would have been lost. Why should I not soak it? There was nothing else for me to do. I can’t solo camps with Johanna.

When I rotated top though, I underestimated how quickly Li-Ming would respawn.
Afterwards, we were losing top fort, but my team wanted to fight over a turret instead. I will never pick a merc camp over losing a fort.

Afterwards I contested the obj, while my team were fighting mid over our merc camp. Neither team had their tank in that fight but we were missing Varian while they had Thrall there and both BW and Li-Ming were running out of mana. So we would lose the objective if it was either a stalemate, or if the enemy wins (which is likely). When I pinged them retreat, it was for them to heal and then come to obj. Unfortunately they came straight to the fight with the health they had, and no mana on BW.

Our Varian didn’t show again despite pings. I might have been ok since I used B.Shield to secure a kill on Falstad earlier. But I didn’t expect my team would keep fighting in earthquake with two turrets on us. With the enemy also holding a healing beacon, there’s no way we were winning this.

When we went bot for the next obj. Thrall was top so we knew the enemy was split. We could easily take at least the gate and the fountain, likely the fort (we did actually get the gate without Tracer being there. I called for the push. As tank, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect the team to follow me. Unfortunately, BW was typing at that point. (I have chat turned off so I can’t see it)

I admit I didn’t notice our Tracer going mid. Because we were 5 vs 4 and I never expected he would leave to go there since it made no sense. I died trying to save Varian, (using B.Shield cd.)

When I got the protector, based on the way the game had been going, there was no way I could trust that my team would join me. The Varian was top, BW was mid, and ming was far bot. Plus at some point the BW stopped moving for a while, possibly typing. My assessment is that we would lose the game if we didn’t get a keep with that obj. And it was me and Tracer in there, so I was pretty sure we’d survive. The Tracer only died by re-engaging.

I was there at every obj, every defense, I peeled when I could, and used every shield glare to prevent a kill from Raynor or Falstad. How did my team not have a tank?

I used 4 as kill secure, missed two, and used 4 for peel/disengage. I think that’s acceptable. Especially not having played Johanna in a while.

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I dropped to bronze 1 again. I guess I am the worst hots player ever existed. I am unable to carry my team, doesn’t matter what I do. The only thing I can increase is my KDA, but my winrate drops and drops. Maybe my true rank is actually bronze 5. :joy:

Matches like this are common for me. Looks like I am really bad and I don’t know how to solve my issues, so it’s only natrual that I am hard stucked noob player.

And now you know why individual impact should be valued

Well I remember enough players said, if you are good you can climb and it’s got proved by “good players”. So the logical conclusion from this that I am not a good player. Maybe I need to get good as Fan to be a good player, because he can climb and I cannot.


And my losing streaks goes on and goes on and don’t stops. Reached Bronze 2, soon I reach my goal going to Bronze 5 trying to carrying my teammates.

Another lose and my team are again just worse than enemys. Just see for yourself:


Playing diablo, initiating group fight by straight up triple stun killing Jaina, their butcher is in base on his way, we should be 5vs3 but SONYA LEAVES TO CLEAR MINION WAVE instead of jump stunning everybody, Li ming laserbeams for 2 seconds then leaves because she is scared of butcher and the rest of the team follows her, leaving ME the tank as the only target and i get hard focussed and dies. Team flames me “why you engage why you engage”

Tanking is lower ranks is f***ing torture

I have been relatively lucky yesterday, made it back up to 41:41 in SL.
In general I noticed a lot of people falling a little from where they were.

A generic thought is, why can’t you work together with lower rank people, can’t you support them, stuff like that. I was filling a lot this season and that may have cost me some wins, as there are quite a few fledgling mages, usually Jaina (new player reward), who don’t really deliver. All the while Li Li doesn’t seem to work either, which quite the anti-stereotype (last I checked she was best around Gold/Plat and falling off in both directions). In other news, my Tass is still 70%. Maybe you have a similar carry? Prepick and pick more aggressively.

Your match history with Gazlowe is rather sad. Either you’re in the same boat about playing the map as I am, or something has gone wrong with your playstyle. I’d take a break from the hero.

I feel for you though. It hurts. Maybe take a few days off? Or just do what you normally don’t. I’m getting tired of the random hero quick match thing, but it was fine for a short while. Does DVa has the line, “I play to win”?

Anyway, had 2 really silly teams as tank today, kinda explaining why Varians often end up Twin Blades instead of tanking. I had some good moments with Taunt, but my team was always everywhere, so maybe picking a solo build able to soak and take camps quickly would have been better. (No healer, our Medivh against their Abathur.)

The third, and so far last was a really nice Qhira match. Started out coughing, but then we started working and kept them in line. Was satisfying. I had more success with Unrelenting Strikes as the entire last two seasons combined. Melke would be proud. :smiley:

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I always play everything a bit undecided, essentially for the same reason.
One step forward, one step back. Only engaging if I have a way out.

My favorite moment from this week, I was retreating as a tank, my team having died around me, and Jaina a bit back, clearing up minions casually. I prepare to use my E (Varian, like Diablo Q) to charge a minion, just to see it die before I’m in range. I die 2 seconds later.

Sure, but if you check the links in detailed you would see that is not my problem. I got exp for my team, did the damage… so if you say I should stay away from Gazlowe is like saying: stay away from soaking, doing camps and such… because your teammates can’t use your effort to your advantage… is that it?

This. Lunara with her PvE poison talent and Artanis with AO will win that race every time vs. just a Raynor (the other two, Medivh and Tass, deal negligible damage vs the immortal).

That’s my theme nowadays, yes.
But with a twist.
I do the same thing on Tass. But it also brings TF opportunities.
I don’t know what’s wrong, maybe nothing at all.

Around our rank people generally expect / need the bruiser as a secondary tank, partially because tanks are usually bad, and people don’t know their limits so they need extra help - peel or lockdown.

I have had my phases with Qhira, being good, being okay, being bad. After some break it appears I’m okay again. I think that playing a hero a lot might change the playstyle, which then needs to be pruned.
Heck, we could be simply too tryharding, seeing that just tryharding isn’t enough.
That’s a kind of tilt.
E.g. when we lost together, maybe too much focus was spent on arguing and it could have worked, turned around.

It’s possible that you just have bad luck.
Still, if you can influence it, there is the saying, stupidity is repeating the same thing hoping for a different result.

I’m just trying to give you a menu, maybe something seems right.

By the way, I’ve seen the match result.
I like to think that it’s all my team’s fault, but sometimes they need a little more support to come alive.

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Gazlow and his heroic has also great TF opportunities, that’s not the problem, but my teammates usually are afk/trolls or extremely worse than the enemy ones, because they die too much and usually you see it in their profile as well, when you see their low kda, which is usually around 2-3 or below.

I have another theory about it, the matchmaking does already check for more than just winrate or rank, but it looks also on your stats like KDA and that’s why I usually get more bad players than good ones to even the match out, because my KDA with 5.0 is way higher than from the usual players on this rank.