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It’s not quite as awful as you make it, but it can seem so some games. I agree with you about one thing, the towers. They should add back the slow the towers shots previously applied to heroes. It would at least be a slight deterrent to those Genji’s, Zeratal’s and Illidan’s .

Not that i can think of.

Maybe on large maps like cursed hallow if he has someone he wants to keep hatted? But even then id guess that it breaks even at best.

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Apparently there are multiple.
You can see one in my match history.

Just thinking. What if Sylvanas is best played aggressively? Even in that match where she died 9 times, she kept going and scored 9 kills as well, and although she made early match harder & longer (…) for them, eventually she helped score the win.

I keep going through phases when I’m super brave and win a lot, usually after playing some D3, and super careful because whatever. That’s the motivation behind the question / thought.

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Looking at the matchup, what would you expect from this match?
The blue team was favored in-game, too.

It’s funny how the meta shifts. Not so recently it was totally cool to go PvE on BoE and win the objective. Now, the last 10-20 matches it’s all about teamfight. It’s currently not worth picking Valla or Raynor. The mere fact that HP estimates his MMR 700 below my overall, which is 2-3 entire ranks worth, is telling.

In all fairness their race was actually better than yours. Lunara, artanis, ming > raynor tass medivh

In higher ranks we tend to race more because its alot safer to risk a fight over half a shield than it is to risk a fight at the start.


I always would go pve on BoE, because immortal race is more important than brawl. Sure sometimes enemys have a better brawl team and they will force you to brawl by just defending their immortal, but then you can pressure them with the bruiser camp. It is much harder to win through pvp than pve on BoE, it is my personal experience.


I see, thanks both.
Was a weird match, really, I don’t know whether I’m getting Ray into inappropriate teams, or I just fail hard. Likely a bit of both. The race wasn’t bad, they would actually teamfight until my team would be forced to fall back and then I could only tickle them. Our team didn’t have durability, nor threat (their backline was very safe).

Funny because my first match or two with Ray was utter dominance. Ever since that this is how it goes. Maybe he is 5th pick only material in the sense that he requires a very durable team to give a window for his tickle to add up.

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Raynor wants either for his team to have very good lockdown, or his team to have a strong frontline to give him space, or the enemy team to have a strong frontline to punish. He also does well with a healer who can keep him topped off, since his low maximum health can be a bit of a problem.

Nah. Last patch he was second best marksman. (Tychus was an anomaly in that his winrate was high). Now that cassia was nerfed, Raynor moves at least one spot up. He was my pick if cassia was somehow banned

I think there’s a reason for Tychus having a very high winrate. IMO the current top 3 for autoattackers is Tychus then Cassia then Raynor.

Wanna know why I hate being healer?
THIS is why

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Exactly my thoughts, phaseshifter! :joy:

My games, when I was healer today:

Both matches lost…

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Double healer Mura and Artanis against a Butcher. That was going to be a tough game.

2 games with angry feeders on my team, got myself MVP despite us losing. MMR screen: “WhY AReN’t yoU winNInG? -220”

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Bleh, another stupid quick match.
No healer, myself Mal’ganis… Enemies with a lot of sustain or push.
16k siege, 21k hero damage by level 23.
Yeah, it was that fun, too.

I’d like to think there is an explanation that goes beyond me aging 5-10 years every year and looking forward to be literally brainless in 3-4 years well before what’s considered midlife.

Well, and curfew. I guess literal zero sport options for 11 months is a bit taxing on brain activity. We’re so hell bent on not dying to this that we die to that as a consequence. A literal suicide. Mass killing.

ps.: Hm. I just noticed. After playing with average Diamonds 2 days ago with Arthas, the HP MMR of my teammates in this match suggests something similar. On one hand I’m glad the game puts me there, on the other my QM MMR is at best Gold, so it’s a bit of a leap. Either way, this is a practical response to “do you like to play with better players”. Yes, but I’m useless failure. So apparently no.

No healer tank games in QM are just depressing.

It’s like playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets.

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I wish Blizz would maintain and publish separate winrate statistics for the inappropriate QM teams. And then consider it for balancing.
(I guess this is why people keep asking for items - or just more talents. In DotA I could buy a bunch of items to boost my health, regen and avoidance. And food, although that’s for everyone and there are globes. Also the pace is different but anyway.)

These kind of things can easily prevent players from enjoying new heroes, roles and such. Although I’m seeing MG isn’t exactly the top spot, as far as I’m concerned, he is unplayable crap.

I wonder if the game would be better if it would autobalance heroes per player. If I’m bad with MG, I get extra numbers.

Guess I’m salty because the game throws tanks at me and I lose with all of them. ETC, MG, Arthas.

Anyway, in a way I’m glad it happened, because it made me dodge a draft and then the next one I took Tychus (first in some 5 years) and got a free win by the team. Extremely one sided at that. Anyway, I take it.

SL continues to be brutal this season. Too many people rage typing instead of playing. Weirdly enough, though, the good matches are fantastic. I just wish there were more of those.


Ok, well now I’m even more annoyed. Game obviously was tired of making me lose, so instead it put me on the winning team… by pitting me against a Dva who just stood in the middle of team fights, presumably shouting angrily at his teammates while he died. By 10 (they were still 8) he was just full AFK. Didn’t show up on the minimap again.

Yesterday I got DVa to play and I was almost mad, too.
We had a funny comp but most importantly Medivh. In order to stun them, I took Bunny Hop. Also, hippety hop, why not. Missiles didn’t feel useful. Also 2nd match ever so anyway.

We managed to always cast our ults together. So I would hop over some Stopped enemies, then promptly lose the mech. But then our Chromie saved the day over and over, only to die whenever we respawned.

Scored a win in 28 minutes, despite the opponents performing better.