Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Games in diamond 3 were a joke back in my hard climb to Master, I went from Plat 3 to Master in roughly 40 ~ 50 games.

All of them were either throwing on the draft or do a very bad take in game.

Think i just found the biggest joke of a Sylvanas in this game. 880 games played and has 1.8 kda with her lol.

Game was already hard enough when enemy team has hard engage with Valeera/Mura/Xul and Aba with clone. And my team is ofc Mei that cant even use Avalance properly and makes me yet again have to self peel myself while she just stands 100 miles away from me doing nothing.

KTZ did what he could but Sylvanas just keep on feeding 16 times just to prove how great stats paddle queen she is.

What does 90k hero dmg help us when you leave us 4v5 80% of the time and force KTZ to be our only dmg healer vs enemy team that has self cleanse, stuns and a garrote spam happy Valeera.

Yea she ended the game having 110 sec silence time lol. What a proud one button rogue she must be. Just smashing that Garrote spell 24/7 and dont even know what the other two spells she has does.


I wonder if most of those games were on the old version of Sylvanas where she could permanently shut down buildings? It was a strategy in low tiers pre rework Syl’s who lacked mechanical skill, could just AFK push and maybe win at least 50% of those game just because of that trait.


Not exactly salt, but funny.

So I played my usual random hero QM. Got Arthas, lifetime 4:5 but he is my absolute lowest MMR hero at 1600. I am beyond useless.
Anyway, so far so good, that’s random for you. Also it’s better to tick the loss box with a craptastic hero than a disappointing tryhard.

The actual laugh came when I inspected people. Masters, Diamonds and Plats. Wish I got a better hero for this match. Also a better comp. Melee + Ming into Kael, Genji, Medivh, Brightwing.

The funny thing, it didn’t feel particularly hard. It was just a typical “Genji is very much OP” case study. Kael made it look even easier. Still the underdogs (us) were even until 18. Guess they let us play :smiley:

Considering what I could (not) do in this match, I wonder if Arthas even deserves the classification of a tank. I can’t even visualize what I could have done to protect my teammates.

Funny. Mine:

| timespan | KDA | winrate
| lifetime| 4.42 | 46.1%
| 2020S4 | 2.14 | 33.3%
| 2020S3 | 2.25 | 0%
| 2020S2 | 4.67 | 41.2%
| 2020S1 | 4.67 | 69.2%
| Preseason | 8.75 | 21.4%

Beh, how do tables work now :frowning:

I would try to play PvP Sylvanas but I’m usually relegated to PvE duty, where I get rotated and sent to respawn. Alternatively I duck it out and just freeze lanes forever, possibly rotate. And get caught in the process once the enemy figures it out. :smiley:


The same can happen to me. Some people on your team can only recall the old Sylvanas and think she’s just a PvE machine. Of course she’s till great at that, but she excels in team fights and does very good damage now. I’m not the best Syl player, but she’s absolutely deadly in the right hands.


I just played with one, 845 games, 1.67 KDA. Slightly better this season.
Played 337 matches in 2017S1. Serious devotion, that is.

Almost kicked her butt but I was on a mission to punish a troll on our side so yeah. Actually wanted to win but post-20 our comp didn’t work. Lost 219 points but justice served! Arguably to me as well :smiley:


No, I just put that in place of 15 chars :slight_smile:

Oh I fell out from Plat.

Sure, I’ll fish it out after work.

I usually get stuck PvE no matter what I play.à :frowning:

You know, that might be why everyone is playing horribly right now. Returning players who no longer have any idea what the heroes do. (I thought the game was supposed to match them with new players/ each other though)

He doesn’t.

Body block and die instead of them.
(Sometimes you both die though.#Arthaslife)

Edit: Ctrl+Z saves my life.

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In ranked it doesn’t try to do that at all. As you’re Gold/Plat, the only low level accounts you should get are the smurfs who have ranked up from Bronze/Silver/Gold 5. There is limited new player protection in QM, but it’s not always enforced because the queue times can be excessive.

I’ve seen it here on the forums (in complaint threads) and in my own games. I’ve had players return after a year or more. I remember one player not even knowing Tassadar had be reworked into an assassin and they had just jumped straight back into ranked without reading the patch notes.

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Could be. All i know is i have already played several games now were i get some 30 % winrate player on my team with 1.6 lifetime kda on that hero with the average of 2.3 kda on the account itself.

First a 1.5 kda ETC then 1.8 Kerri and now 1.8 Sylvanas after 880+ games.
That just means she have feeded 10 times in every game for 5 years.

Oh, right. The wonderful bonus of having MMR equal to rank. I hadn’t realized how horrible that was.

Sometimes I wonder if the game pairs returning players with us hoping it will give them a chance to win, and thus keep playing.


Thank you. :smiley:

There are two ways to get out of gold. :wink:

But if she still wins 54% (or 70%) of the matches, it might work.
I’m kind of the opposite. I watched myself in Yusuke’s stream and noticed what I knew deep inside, I’m too scared and play overly cautiously. Shows in today’s Butcher match as well, I’m so afraid of feeding that I stop playing at 16 so I never learn how to. Except with a small set of heroes.


Interesting fact: my First-To-Ten and Second-To-Ten winrates are 55% and 45% this season. At some point it was like 90-10, then 70-30. Maybe-maybe the game is a little less snowbally? I mean, 50% would be exact non-correlation.

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Butcher’s an exception. You should play conservatively until you have your quest.


Not everyone is lucky like that

Game 1: abathur goes for monstrosity on volskaya and throws game

Game 2: enemies lock zeratul abathur


Nevermind zeratul was awful


Is there ever a real scenario where monstrosity is actually a better pick than Ultimate Evo? It feels like even in GM games, monstrosity is either a throw, a winmore or just makes the game harder for your team.

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The time to kill in this game is out of control these days, on top of an extreme amount of mobility for characters that can erase you while running around like a butthole. Before we had heroes like Nova, she could erase a single player, but she was extremely vulnerable and her only defense was an easy to break to stealth and the old Bolt of the Storm talent on a long CD. Now I’m getting chased and erased by every other fricking hero, over terrain, over my walls, they don’t care, they run under 2 towers and a keep, erase you, teleport away. It is fricking frustrating, that is another thing, sure structures had ammo before, but at least they were frigging scary and you didn’t want to fight under them, now they don’t even snare you, I’ve seen so many people just ignore their existence and play this game like a team deathmatch game from Quake 3 Arena.

Oh, I think I know exactly which player that is. Low plat?

Game really wanted me to have a rough time today. In all the 10ish games I played today, the lowest adjustment I had was +10 MMR for enemy team favored. It went as high as me getting a 252 point win. Game made me work very hard for every single one. Came out down about 700 MMR.