Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!


I bought both the HotS and SC trio of masks, for work, from the official blizzard store…

And they’re feeling not symmetrical! And they’re not consistently unsymmetrical either! It frustrates me to no end!

To see a more happy more on this:

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I tried to buy them, along with a D.Va bag. I received a message that the masks would be shipped much later. I got the D.Va bag but never got the masks. But the website labeled everything as received, and charged me for them.

And there is no way to contact them to solve the issue. i will not be recommending the gear store to anyone. Ever.

Fanatics, or Blizzard?

They’ve got to have a contact option. Legally speaking I’m fairly sure.

True, but the only thing that is annoying about this match is our teammate Sylvanas. He blamed me, but he don’t even know how this map is played, because usually 4 man rotates mid and top and one takes solo and I was the tank though… But otherwise nice match.

For all others that’s the match:

Btw I was streaming that match, so if you are interested to check it out again. My username on twitch is yusukeseru. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: corrected, phaseshifter, thanks for the info.

This game was another lesson why I dislike to pick key roles for my team, because you won’t win, if your assassines or bruiser are bad, because they don’t know how to soak, doing timed camps and such. My recent games were with Nova, I won both, lost one, but one of them I was mvp and my team cried that I picked Nova at the beginning. :smiley:


Weird, it only shows me the homepage.

Silly me, I missed the most important word. In each … match!
Basically, you can lose 2.5 matches worth of points per match.
Of course most people optimise for high rank, but if you care a little more about winrate…
… if only I’d be Diamond :smiley:

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Oh, the true blessing of no chat. I didn’t see any of that :wink:
I was kind of blaming myself, I didn’t feel very good. Not particularly bad, just unimpactful. I don’t like when people die despite of Jugs, and I feel Li Li is a bit like Nazeebo, coming alive at 20. Too bad the plane crashed just upon landing there.

(I generally like chat on, but this season isn’t exactly great and decided to just focus on playing. Had a really nice match yesterday with leading the team by pings.)

Indeed it is and usually I mute my chat ingame either and only activate it for saying “gg” in the end as common phrase in sport games. And I disagree Lili is fine for impact, especially against AA heroes, so it was not your fault we lost, but our team were just bad together. The sylvanas player who blamed me was actually the worst of all. It’s a proof that, if you are tilted you will playing worse.


4 games in a raw were enemy team is a 4-5 premade team that i ofc lose 90% to cause matchmake logic were premade team has perfect team and my team has no brain or weak team comp.

Only one game vs a premade i won cause they were all dumb and just mindless teamfights but the rest were just hard stomps out of the map with zero chance of any comeback.

Cant grasp why Matchmaker think its fair to give me full melee team and Aba while enemy team has Anub and DW that just laugh us out of the map with the help of Tracer that could jump around getting kills and Guldan that just sits and waits to fear us all from existence.

Edit: Just won my game now as Maltheal after matchmaker decides to give me yet another 5 man premade after 30 sec extended que.

5 games in a raw vs premades just makes me think matchmaker dont even try to match solos and duo vs other similar teams. No just give them 5 premades in a raw and keep calling 5 mans rare in this game lol.


Still matched in games I can’t win.


WR down to 38%. Gold 2 here I come.
(I don’t know why but my queue times have been super long lately.)

It’ll come back :slight_smile:
I’ve seen a lot of people below where they’ve been before. Both regions. Not all, just many.
Possibly a lot of people returned for the holiday and pushed down the ranks (climbing back from decay or simply player distribution).
Regardless, I have a pattern in my season history where I randomly have a season a whole rank below the previous one. Like - G5, G4, S3, G2, G1.

I have long queue times when the MM seemingly tries to do something funny with me. Like 4+ of the same result in a row. It gets longer until I produce the opposite result.

It’s curious you only lose 150. When I lost a lot, I got extra penalties (-400 on 16th loss).

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But the BIG problem is that Decay doesn’t apply to Diamond and under. So you can be blat 1, stop playing for 4 years, then queue back for ranked play with Plat 1 players, and totally screw them over.

It depends if the game expected you to win the game or not. I just finally won a game, that was almost a loss due to our Azmodan suiciding because he wanted stacks. (Up to that point, the enemy had two keeps left and we hadn’t lost anything)

But I won over 200 points from it, which means the game expected me to lose that one too. I wish the game had another way to adjust for MMR, because things like a player having all his bets heroes banned or someone going afk will completely screw it over. But the game still expects you to win.

(But 400 points is a lot, I didn’t even think it was possible)


You get or lose that amount of points, if you take a long break between seasons and the system has problems to identify your rank. But I don’t know how long you should take a break to get that amount of points again, maybe 2 seasons?

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That’s one thing, in the US I played 27 days apart and lost a bit shy of 500 points each. But I didn’t play much there even before indeed. (You can check my exact games on HP. I upload everything for a year now.)

The other is, if you lose (or win, I guess) over 12 in a row, you get 50 per excess streak. 250 on 13th, 300 on 14th and so on. Not precisely (either 1+n*25% multiplier or at that point the MM is determined on creating results), but clearly about. I don’t know whether it caps. That streak was part upsetting and part hilarious, because aside from not picking my best heroes (after the 7th), I didn’t particularly do anything wrong. Except Yrel, that match was just sad.

Both you and frogsaron rejected the idea to trio so little sympathy. I hate playing as a solo player but at least I state the unpopular opinion hots was doomed because of it

What’s your ID?

15 losses

You had 15 losses in a row?
Mine # is 1952

LOL to people looking at their map in gold. They still dont look at it in diamond.

If you need someone to play with you in gold-ish, add me. Might also be able to point out some stuff to help you get out of gold. For me, rag worked absolute wonders but there’s a twist to it.

Mind sharing the replay of that game?