Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Maybe for you! :slight_smile: i peak around diamond 3-4 so games are great for me.

Also nah my rank has remained the same. Same for my master friends.

You havent reached your peak yet! Git gud

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I find Azmodan to be a sub par hero.

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Cheese is the best way to get to plat

Double lava wave
Split pushing greymane
Camp stealer artanis

That only worked for me up to gold. Then more people actually look at their maps :slight_smile:

My experience is that I can get very far by just playing player politics. You’ll win more games by sucking but properly mediating your teammates than by being good but not finding some way to try to rally the team. It won’t always work, but it’s the most valuable skill for winrate so far as I’ve found.

Anyways, I wish you good luck Phase, hopefully eventually the game will stop hating you.


I’ve turned chat off, so I don’t see what people write anymore. Less distracting.

But thanks.

This will be the second time I’ve uninstalled Heroes in the last two weeks. I really just cannot tolerate it anymore. I truly loved this game. I’ve played it since Alpha. QM is nothing but smurfs and disconnects and jerks that would rather scream and yell and swear at players about how they’re trash than try to help them improve. Ranked isn’t any different, really.

This game just isn’t fun anymore.

I truly do not believe, for one second, that the reporting system is taken seriously in any way. Whatever repercussions there are for leavers and jerks are clearly not serious enough to discourage that behavior because it seems to be worse than ever. I understand the team has been gutted because Capitalism and Bobby boy Kotick has to line his pockets first and foremost, so I can’t put too much blame on the team. I know they do their best and it’s not their fault that they’re in the position they’re in.
I think I’m most angry at Blizzard/Activision as a whole and the choices they have made and the obvious lying about paying attention to the community and listening to feedback. No, you don’t. At least not the people who aren’t sponsored or whatever. It’s just sad to see a company that made excellent games become a sellout. Frankly, a corporate tramp. Everything is about the almighty dollar no matter how poor the content is or how they treat their community.

Their games just aren’t fun anymore.
Bro, I’m straight-up not having a good time.

Azmo might feel sub par, because his kit isn’t full mage like, but rather mage/solo laner like. He is one of those heroes, who still feels like a specialist, but I like him, especially in my ranks, where people don’t do camps or soaking anyway… I love his trait, which get heavily boosted at 13, when the commander buffs winnions.

But it does; it just needs time, because it’s an automated system and the reports only counts, when the accused gets a lot of reports. If he only gets one or two, surely he won’t be reported, but that’s how it should be, because it’s an automated system, which can be abused…

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Fathoms me how stupid people are…

2 - Why group fight when they’re 2 levels up and they’re 10!
3 - Why group fight when they’re 3 levels up!
4 - When group fight when its not needed?
5 - Lunara chasing a Khaz with 20% health and he has like 10% but he specced into healing… Khaz turned around and punched lunara to death easy
6 - Fighting when there’s no tank

I swear to effing jebus im done with people not thinking tactically or logically and just want kills…

Highest death counter: 14
Lowest death counter: 5, me


Stalked and harassed again :upside_down_face:

Gonna have to change emails and other things. This forum isn’t safe, I’m leaving this place for good now. Bye.


There are always extremes in experience when you’re dealing with people and random chance. I’ve had many months were I won’t get someone who goes AFK or deliberately throws a game by say; walking into towers every time they respawn.

On the other side, you can get weeks where your games are dominated by such people. Ultimately yes, your games come down to your individual skill, but it’s more nuanced than that as it’s a team game. Even GM’s have lost games where they were significantly more skilled than the enemy, because they couldn’t carry four people who were actively sabotaging their efforts to win.

There are still dozens of topics where people complain about specific problems. This thread was a great idea from Darak, a central place where people can go and commiserate about miserable matches and know they aren’t alone.

I just saw this, I’m being selfish, but please don’t leave Darak. May I suggest something? When the forums switched over here, my now deceased partner was very concerned about the kind of harassment you described and suggested I post on an alt account. This is what I’ve done, I never play the account, just use it as a forum posting account.


Don’t play QM. Just don’t.

But that’s the thing. You have to hope people ignore you for him to be good.

You have to fight when you see the enemy. You have to fight no matter what.

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Because the amount of games most people, even the hardcore, play is small enough that variance can be really odd in either direction.

Do note, this is over the course of weeks/months. For hardcore players, I imagine variance is canceled out in under a year. But that year is a shifting target, always.



So, here is hoping this is why you didn’t respond to my question! :slight_smile:

I always feel a mix of distress and eustress when playing with a forum member. Shame we lost :frowning: especially as your story continues. Also, 1:6 with Li Li on my end. Think I should park her for a while.
At least I’m not the only one sitting a whole rank below last season. :stuck_out_tongue:
I found new life in the game by playing random heroes in QM, though.


Hi Aphandra, I can be a bit scattered at times. I must have missed your question, my apologies.

Technically not a question, I sent a request in-game. Just for the odd chat really and maybe-maybe the odd match. You might remember my stance on those :slight_smile: (being in a party brings me bad luck - unless I’m the DJ)

But I remember you saying you generally reject those, so I didn’t mind.
No need to apologise, I tried to be cryptic.

ps.: Found the best way to destroy rank casually. I didn’t play SL for 3.5 weeks and I lost 500 points in each. Unintentional, but apparently it can be abused. Either way actually, just winning is a bit less guaranteed.

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I’d like the other direction now please.

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If only variance was that easy to influence. :frowning:

Only would/does work in Diamond/(Grand)Master due to ranked decay only impacting there.