Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

If it makes you feel better… I landed a 5 man Mosh Pit, my Orphea cast Eternal Feast and then…our Falstad gust the enemy team out of my Mosh, our team got wiped and the enemy ended. :cry:


This first clip fits your game perfectly Phase.

Watching this clip 4 years later still make me angry and sad that those people actually still exists today.


I hate tanking because I always assume my team mates will be clueless.
One guy was on voice. He was planning to go TB Varian. I tell him it’s a bad idea, the enemy have too much CC, they’ll lock you down and kill you over and over. He says" No Trust me, TB is a good choice here. Varian’s my best hero"


Also told my team our wave clear sucked. They thought it was fine. And those Varian deaths are minus the four times that I saved him. One of which I did not survive.

The good news is. The game doesn’t pretend that I can win those games anymore. It very well knows it’s throwing me in a crap shoot. I’ve reached the max positive adjustment.

Gold 2 here I come. My team mates will help me get there.
Why are none of my opponents doing what my team mates do in my games? Your guess is as good as mine. But it’s been consistent. And my history makes me look like a noob.

Every single one of those losses were in games I could do nothing about. People think I’m joking when I say probabilities don’t apply to me.


You’re having a bad run of luck Phase. I’m sending you all the good karma I might have. I’m sure most of the forum is too!


Last season was like that too :frowning:

But thanks.

“Deposit all your anger here” means all legitimate unfair games reports are dying here also. Instead of dozens topics explaining clearly what’s wrong, you got one topic where no one care what you wrote.

If you play a couple of games a day its likely that out of the 70 people you meet some of them will be jerks. This place is a good one to vent.

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Oh, I was actually wrong, you can go under 150 points.


Jerks troll in every game around here. At some point, you cannot blame each jerk for 70% unfair matches.

My experience has not been anywhere near as bad as phase/darak’s

That’s how I dropped to silver again, phaseshifter. So I know how you feel. Last game I had a Gul’dan, who died almost every minute… some games are just unwinnable, no matter waht you are trying to do…


I’ve once seen an early game KT dying twice per minute.

Yeah Murky looks like KT, already told so, no one cared.

Spamming azmo in those ranks is a good thing, just pick the AA at 4 and army ult and outmacro them

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Yeah, when the enemy out levels you. It doesn’t work.

And trying to hold the shrines with Azmo and another mage is kind of hard. I especially wouldn’t want him against a high CC team. Which is what the enemy had. As you can see from his deaths, it didn’t go well.

Your looking at it the wrong way
If they have a high CC team , means they are grouping up much, more dmg for you :stuck_out_tongue:
Just spam a lot from him and the whole game focus on winning lanes and you will get a win

(ofcourse dont look on how others play him)


Yea azmodans aren’t the worst double mage. Alsoi tend to see him being played better in lower ranks. Diamond azmodans insist on feeding for tower dives and do nothing.

Most of the times when I play it on those ranks I have top stats with everything even dmg and all I do is trying to pve as much as possible. Even if that means I need to aa heroes
People dont focus the demon warriors at all

This season and last season does it seem like everyone has shifted downwards in points as a playerbase? Even the gm/masters might be lower as in if us regular diamonds are plats, the gm/masters might be low masters even high diamond?

Dia 5 is never a good rank to be in. Most of the tines people climbed at their peak there. Game gets good around dia 3